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One god or twenty gods. Does it matter


Be your own guru
So where did Microbes come from?
If you are through with Kitab-i-Aqdas, kindly read: RNA - Wikipedia, RNA - Wikipedia.
He is not a part of his creation [ the universe ] and "heaven" is not part of this physical universe.
He is neither male or female, and has mighty power.
I would say that a diety who has created our universe and maintains it
[ is responsible for all natural laws ] is able to defy those natural laws.
In fact, He is able to extinguish the whole of physical reality
in the "blink of an eye" ! :oops:
All that but no proof. :)
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Well-Known Member
How do you know another god has nothing to say or nothing to offer?

Because I have not heard of it. Maybe they have something to say to some, but clearly not anything important/reasoanble and good for all.

How do you know it’s not Ganesha, Lakshmi or Saraswati who help me? ...

Even if they would help you, why would you keep them as your god?

... Polytheists don’t pray to the item or idol. We pray through it...


...Do you talk to the phone, or talk through it to the person on the other end? The item or idol is simply a representation or idea of how people think of their gods. Hindus have strange images of the gods for the simple reason that a picture is worth a thousand words. Images remind us of the attributes and powers of the god(s).

Interesting idea, makes it maybe little more reasonable.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Because I have not heard of it. Maybe they have something to say to some, but clearly not anything important/reasoanble and good for all.

No one says they do. They don’t force themselves on anyone or demand to be worshipped. They don’t interfere in the affairs of humans without being asked.

Even if they would help you, why would you keep them as your god?

Why wouldn’t I?

Why not? It’s not a requirement however, but an aid. Do you look at pictures of loved ones to remind you of them?


unknown member
One god or twenty gods. Does it matter
One God, twenty gods, or zero gods, it matters not. Besides, what difference does it make?
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
If I help you, do you think I am your God? If not, why would you do so in some other case?

No, you might be prompted by the gods to help. But you’re not divine unless you have some supernatural or supermundane abilities and/or exist on multiple planes. Moreover, no one is under any obligation to explain why they believe in any God(s). I’m getting the feeling you’re simply trolling and mocking polytheists.


Well-Known Member
No, you might be prompted by the gods to help. But you’re not divine unless you have some supernatural or supermundane abilities and/or exist on multiple planes. Moreover, no one is under any obligation to explain why they believe in any God(s). I’m getting the feeling you’re simply trolling and mocking polytheists.

Sorry, I didn't mean to mock anyone. I just wanted to know, what are the requirements to be called a god. I wouldn't keep someone god just because of getting help, and appearing supernatural.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Sorry, I didn't mean to mock anyone. I just wanted to know, what are the requirements to be called a god. I wouldn't keep someone god just because of getting help, and appearing supernatural.

What is (a) God to you?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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The creator of this world and life.

That’s exactly what we have.

O Arjun, I am seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings.

Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle, O Arjuna. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science of the self, and among logicians I am the conclusive truth.

I am all-devouring death, and I am the generating principle of all that is yet to be.

I am the generating seed of all living beings, O Arjun. No creature moving or non-moving can exist without me.

Whatever you see as beautiful, glorious, or powerful, know it to spring from but a spark of my splendor.

What need is there for all this detailed knowledge, O Arjun? Simply know that by one fraction of my being, I pervade and support this entire creation.


Well-Known Member
Like the God of the Bible? Why do you believe what you do, if I’m correct in presuming you believe the Bible?

I believe Bible God is the Creator because He shows love, truth, knowledge, wisdom, righteousness in the Bible that I think only true Creator would show. Bible has the best explanation why this planet is as it is. And Bible also knows how things went in the past and how they go in the future. Example of future knowledge is how Jews were to be scattered and now they are gathered back to their country.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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I believe Bible God is the Creator because He shows love, truth, knowledge, wisdom, righteousness in the Bible that I think only true Creator would show. Bible has the best explanation why this planet is as it is. And Bible also knows how things went in the past and how they go in the future. Example of future knowledge is how Jews were to be scattered and now they are gathered back to their country.

So does Hinduism and the God of Hinduism. I think you should read chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita to see why I and millions of other Hindus believe our view of God leaves yours in the dust.

No form of God in Hindu belief has ever killed a human, brought plagues and pestilence on humanity, shown jealousy, incited war, instructed his followers on how to destroy a city, never destroyed a city himself, never demanded sacrifices, never judged or judges, punishes, or rejects anyone. We have histories and prophecies too.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
One god or twenty gods. Does it really matter which god a person picks?
If so, why?
Monotheism, approached honestly, has all of the intellectual problems associated with justifying polytheism, but also has the added intellectual problems associated with justifying the idea that there's some mechanism to limit the number of gods to one.

That's the difference, IMO.