Why only One God?
Well it simplifies things. You would only dedicate yourself to worshipping one divine person. And maybe you wouldn't even need to maintain an altar and give offerings, since God has it all. Just ask, be open to receive and say thanks.
I tried that with the Tao, but I got few results. Maybe I have a conflict with Chinese culture.
I don't understand.
"The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao". Read the Tao-Te-Ching by Lao Tzu. God is incomprehensible; that is, even if you manage to establish a good relationship with the Supreme Source of Everything, you won't be able to understand all of it as a simple human or even if you are a minor god. That's why those who affirm the Tao is impersonal are not saying the whole truth.
Life or energy seems connected and possessing an origin.
That would be the ultimate Source; the Tao or Brahman, etc.
It has to be just very complicated Solitaire.”
There is only one ocean but the drops think of themselves as separate from the ocean.
I don't like that way of thinking because it removes real love. Love occurs between two or more people. If I love a girlfriend for example, just because she is another manifestation of myself... I'm just loving myself, not a girlfriend; not another person! I think that philosophy is just a cheap way of inspiring empathy in people. So no Sir, I am a drop and you're a separate drop from me, the Source is separated from us drops and it's fine for me. I find playing cosmic solitaire as pathetic.
Except for the eternal damnation part, I like the following very much, the 5 differences: Dvaita Vedanta - Wikipedia
What is the most prevalent thing in all of existence ? The one thing that stands out in any and every known and unknown realm (reality) ?
Yin and Yang man! It's EVERYWHERE! Male-female, hot-cold, light-dark, decent people-politicians, etc.
"male" and "female" are PRINCIPLES......SPIRITUAL principles
Yes, that's close to what I was going to comment about yin-yang.