Originally Posted by GHK
What natural law? You're still looking at this from a christian perspective.
By natural law i mean laws that people from all different backgrounds have conclude that will help a society strive. Which it seems most major religions follow these basic principles, yet a majority of the followers do not care them out.
But the difference is that you are not everybody. It's great that you believe that, but not all monotheistic religions do, and most certainly believe more than just to love eachother. It's very well to say 'And san miguel says: Let there be peace, and there was peace, and he saw the peace and saw that it was good' but everybody would have to believe otherwise it doesn't work and some people get stood on in society and others would thrive. Have you ever read H.G. Wells' 'The Time Traveller'?
I have never read "the time traveler", but what i meant about peace was if everyone who is apart of the four or five major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, hinduism...) followed their religion obediently (which this population makes up the majority of the earth's population) shouldn't there be peace one earth or something really close to it. The little arguments about what land is holy and how people should pray or follow God would be of little concern because all of these religions seem to promote to hold one's tongue and just be kind. yet no one really does that. it seems that everyone just pickers and argues like a bunch of kindergardeners.
But you're assuming that contacting other people to spread the word of God will successfully convert anybody, even the said converter.
I meant God Him/Herself would contact people who are worthy. But now a days these number of holy people seems to be sliming more and more each day since people like to put their own interpretations on holy writings in order to fit their own lifestyle, which clearly does not make sense.
Quote:I very much doubt that anybody believes that. Some people are not afraid to die in the name of their God. People, as animals, have a carnal, primative instinct: Survival. It is much easier to say 'Ah yeah well God said don't kill eachother so therefore I should die instead of the other guy', but when the situation is real it's a little different. I bet that if somebody pointed a loaded gun at your head and you also had a loaded gun you would shoot them first eh?
You're also assuming that pacifism is the most important thing. If we look from a biblical perspective (Sorry, I haven't read the Qur'an or any other monotheists holy book) the 'Ten Commandments' list 'Honor thy mother and thy father' before 'Thou shalt not kill'. Pacifism is the 6th most important thing, and that's going purely off a few verses. If we're also going on Exodus 20, it is at the top of the list that 'Thou shalt have no other gods before Me'.
Do you see where i'm going with this?
I kind of see what you're trying to say. But the part about obeying one God seems to me that God wanted people to not only dignfy Himself once and for all as the Creator, but to unite a tribe of people because if people followed more than one religion or God people will start to picker about, which god should be prayed to, who is more powerful or which god created who. It seems more that God wanted to unite a group of people first before laying the laws down. Which is why honor your mother and father is above all the pascifist ideas because God is the Father of humans so one should treat their earthly father the same. So it's kinda another law about worshipping God but in an indirect manner. /i have an idea for a new thread though from our convo, thank you.