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one lord, one faith, one baptism (Eph 4)


New Member
Hi my name is Joel and I wanted to share something with you that some might like and some might not but its the truth!

In the late 90's I was searching heavily for truth in the scriptures because I did not agree with all of the denominations of this world. Finally, in 1999 I stumbled across scriptures that warned this world of what is to come and the importance of obedience to Jesus Christ and I was shocked!

This whole world is under the impression that we are all going to hold hands and go to heaven and Jesus says in Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I (Jesus Christ is Speaking here!) profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye who work iniquity.(iniquity means evil!)
According to the scriptures (especially in the new testament) this whole world is in serious trouble and only a few will find truth and be obedient to what Jesus is telling them to do.
There is one lord, one faith and one baptism, one mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus. According to scripture, he shed his blood for many for the remission of sins and the only way that a sinner can be saved is by receive the blood of Jesus and the only place that the blood is applied is in water baptism but please understand that it is one lord, one faith and one baptism in that order and none other. Jesus says in john 3:1 through 8 that except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of god! To understand water baptism and the operation of god read
colossians 2:8 through 15
More scripture to read:
Acts 2:36 through 41
Mark 16:15 through 18
Matt 28:19 through 20
Luke 24:46 through 49
please email me with any questions you might have, there is so much more!
[email protected]


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God Bless !


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Hi joel,

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HI Joel5 and welcome.

Your quote " This whole world is under the impression that we are all going to hold hands and go to heaven and Jesus says in Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I (Jesus Christ is Speaking here!) profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye who work iniquity.(iniquity means evil!)
According to the scriptures (especially in the new testament) this whole world is in serious trouble and only a few will find truth and be obedient to what Jesus is telling them to do."

I'm not aware of anyone preaching "we are all going to hold hands and go to heaven", Joel, perhaps you could give some quotes on that.
As to the words of Jesus during his earthly ministry to His own people, Israel, He certainly narrowed down those who would "see" the kingdom; and by far the greater number were those Israelites who rejected Him and His message.

While many principles and truths were presented during His ministry that can be applied in every age, from Adam on, such as: repentence from evil, faith, hope, love, fear the Lord, etc, I do not interpret Matt.7:21-23 as applicable for today.

Why? Because our Teacher is the Apostle Paul. His letters set forth the doctrines for us believers, the church/body of Christ. This administration of grace we are in, is the time when the church/body is being completed. As we read in Eph.1 thru 3, our future is in the heavenlies, as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, to enjoy the spiritual blessings there, and to witness the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies.



Hi again Joel. This is to discuss your second paragraph.
Quote: "there is one lord,one faith,one baptism, one mediator between and the Man Christ Jesus. According to scripture, he shed his blood for many for the remission of sins and the only way that a sinner can be saved is by receive the blood of Jesus and the only place that the blood is applied is in water baptism but please understand that it is one lord, one faith and one baptism in that order and none other. Jesus says in john 3:1 through 8 that except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of god! To understand water baptism and the operation of god read
colossians 2:8 through 15
More scripture to read:
Acts 2:36 through 41
Mark 16:15 through 18
Matt 28:19 through 20
Luke 24:46 through 49
please email me with any questions you might have, there is so much more!
[email protected]"

I disagree that "baptism" in this verse (Eph. 4:5) means "water baptism". The word "baptism" is neutral and means to "dip or immerse" for identification.

John the baptizer cried "repent and be baptized" for the kingdom of the heavens was at hand. Their hearts were being ready for the kingdom.

Going back to Romans 6:3, Paul asks, "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his."

This can only be united by the Spirit in Christ's death, burial and resurrection.

Look at 1 Cor. 12:13: "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body---Jews or Greeks, slaves or free---and all were made to drink of one Spirit."

It is through the Spirit (dwelling in us upon our receiving Christ) that we are united into one body, even the body of Christ.

In Col. 2:8-15 Paul is setting forth our being united (or immersed) into Christ through the Spirit. For we weren't literally circumcised with him. Circumcision, or the cutting away of flesh, is figurative of His death. While baptism identifies us with His burial and resurrection. Thus, "in Christ" we died, were buried and resurrected.

It is true that water baptism by immersion is a figure of His death, burial and resurrection. But salvation today is by grace and through faith, through the action of the Holy Spirit. Paul said in 1 Cor. 1:17 "Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel.."

The other verses referenced: those in the Gospels and Acts are concerned with believing Israelites whose hope is the Messianic kingdom. And upon believing (through the Spirit) public baptism (probably in the Jordan River)followed as a sign of their belief.

This is not a requirement today.



New Member
I didnt say anything about preaching that we are all holding hands and going to heaven. I said many are under the impression that we are all holding hands and going to heaven. Take a look around this world and tell me that its not true.

As far as jesus teaching(matt 7) and you not thinking that it doesnt apply to today. Nothing has changed from when jesus established the new covenent (the cross) to now. acts 2:36 on clearly states what we must all do and its still the case today, nothing has changed.

I hope I dont come off as rude but I think this is a very serious issue and people need to take another look at what Jesus is saying to us. Rev 12 clearly states that this devil has this whole world deceived and many of us dont know it. We have blinders on.


Well-Known Member
joel5 said:
I didnt say anything about preaching that we are all holding hands and going to heaven. I said many are under the impression that we are all holding hands and going to heaven. Take a look around this world and tell me that its not true.

As far as jesus teaching(matt 7) and you not thinking that it doesnt apply to today. Nothing has changed from when jesus established the new covenent (the cross) to now. acts 2:36 on clearly states what we must all do and its still the case today, nothing has changed.

I hope I dont come off as rude but I think this is a very serious issue and people need to take another look at what Jesus is saying to us. Rev 12 clearly states that this devil has this whole world deceived and many of us dont know it. We have blinders on.
do these blinders have names?


Veteran Member
Welcome to the forum. :) We may have differing views but you will find a largely tolerant crowd here and I hope you enjoy yourself.


Joel's quote:
"I didnt say anything about preaching that we are all holding hands and going to heaven. I said many are under the impression that we are all holding hands and going to heaven. Take a look around this world and tell me that its not true."

"As far as jesus teaching(matt 7) and you not thinking that it doesnt apply to today. Nothing has changed from when jesus established the new covenent (the cross) to now. acts 2:36 on clearly states what we must all do and its still the case today, nothing has changed."

"I hope I dont come off as rude but I think this is a very serious issue and people need to take another look at what Jesus is saying to us. Rev 12 clearly states that this devil has this whole world deceived and many of us dont know it. We have blinders on."

Oh Joel, I hope I'm not discouraging you. Welcome on this forum. But, since this is a Biblical discussion forum, I will give forth my views, based upon the Scriptures.

I don't see you as being rude. You presented certain interpretations, and I will give mine.
Lets discuss your comments:
As I "look around this world" I am not left with the impression that "we" (do you mean the evangelical churches, or just "Christian Churches" in general?) are all holding hands and going to heaven. Maybe you hear things on short wave radio, or international newspapers that give you that impression.

Joel, I'm not sure what you are referring to in Matt.7. One thing for sure is, we are told in John 1:11 "that he came into his own, but his own received him not." And his own were Israel, his own people. He came preaching "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near" Matt. 4:17. This was the earthly kingdom, the hope of Israel, to be established by the Messiah. Matt. 7 is a continuation of "the sermon on the mount", teaching the multitudes how they should live, what their heart attitudes should be, etc., to see, or enter, the kingdom which was being offered.

Certainly, there are many principles that have been true for mankind since Adam.
An important one is "Love you neighbor as yourself and you have fulfilled the law"

As for Jesus establishing the new covenant, it wasn't until the Last Supper, the night before he was crucified, that he presented the bread (his body) and the cup (his blood) to the 11 disciples. Obviously, this sacrament was established after Christ's ascension, and it continues today.

I under stand that,we, the Church/Body of Christ, which was a secret revealed to Paul, are included in the blessings of the New Covenant, even though our future will be in the heavenlies with spiritual bodies fit for the celestials. There we will enjoy the spiritual blessings God has prepared for us because of His great love and kindness through Christ Jesus.

It is my opinion that for the called of Israel, the new covenant has not taken place yet. It will occur when Jesus as Messiah returns to the earth in power and great glory, to defeat the enemies of Israel and establish his kingdom.

All for now, Bick