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One million dollars to someone who can prove God's existence


New Member
angellous_evangellous said:
If you insist on using this approach, you should simply kill yourself instead of others. You can come back and let us know.
I allready have.... Im serious. I didn't commit suicide or anything like that but I did fall 37 feet and died a few times on the way to the Hospital. I know there is a God. I have seen him.

I have also felt the hand of God at other times in my life, however that doesn't prove a thing to you or anyone else...just to me.

So I guess untill you die or feel the hand of God for yourself you can continue to wonder.:(


Fowvay said:
I allready have.... Im serious. I didn't commit suicide or anything like that but I did fall 37 feet and died a few times on the way to the Hospital. I know there is a God. I have seen him.

I have also felt the hand of God at other times in my life, however that doesn't prove a thing to you or anyone else...just to me.

So I guess untill you die or feel the hand of God for yourself you can continue to wonder.:(
Yes, for all of us the final definative answer will be at death. May God have mercy on us all.:eek:


Uber all member
Fowvay said:
I allready have.... Im serious. I didn't commit suicide or anything like that but I did fall 37 feet and died a few times on the way to the Hospital. I know there is a God. I have seen him.

Hehehe, all I saw was a fog covered T intersection and I was the only one there!!!!!


so you are saying energy is god. meaning that he not a figure to worship there is no jugement. energy is everything so i am god this desk ios god the air is god then what is a black hole what is nuclear fusion? all that link did was prove that there is no god only energy


High Priestess
I thought this was cute by some guy named Edwin:
Mathmatical proof:
Let x=y
x=x+y but x=y so
so if there are no Gods, there is one God.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Fowvay said:
I can prove with out a shadow of a doubt that thier is a God...heck I can even prove there is a devil. However I have to kill you so that you can see them for your self.

Tom aka Fowvay

How do you KNOW that for sure ?:)


dude the equation just mad no sence if you know that x=1 then i think it would be alittle differnt do that over with x = 1. then how do you know that there is a god and a devil i would have to kill you. are you dead...no have you ever talk to someone who is dead.....no

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Krunk said:
dude the equation just mad no sence if you know that x=1 then i think it would be alittle differnt do that over with x = 1.
Somehow I don't think it was meant to be taken that way...


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Krunk said:
dude the equation just mad no sence if you know that x=1 then i think it would be alittle differnt do that over with x = 1. then how do you know that there is a god and a devil i would have to kill you. are you dead...no have you ever talk to someone who is dead.....no
As it happens, I believe I have.:)


about the equation sorry it works out but it is only numbers ans simple math. about talking to the dead. if i may ask how did this happen? you died? or you spoke to the dead


High Priestess
Krunk said:
about the equation sorry it works out but it is only numbers ans simple math. about talking to the dead. if i may ask how did this happen? you died? or you spoke to the dead
You assume it is simple math. What if x=God, y=man? Then is becomes philosophy, not math.

ker krypter

i can prove there's a god and my god is the creator
i never knew religion till after i knew god
you dont know when you think told it cant be done
million dollar me it will be done buy somone


Mathmatical proof:
Let x=y
x=x+y but x=y so
so if there are no Gods, there is one God.
sorry, off topic, but i like math, and i have to note that this doesn't actually work. My calculus teacher from a few years ago showed us something similar, but showed how it doesn't work...
to get from this to x=x+y you have to divide by (x-y), but if x=y than x-y=0...so you are dividing by zero, which is mathamatically impossible.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Dayv said:
sorry, off topic, but i like math, and i have to note that this doesn't actually work. My calculus teacher from a few years ago showed us something similar, but showed how it doesn't work...
to get from this to x=x+y you have to divide by (x-y), but if x=y than x-y=0...so you are dividing by zero, which is mathamatically impossible.
That's a good one - I've seen people look really frightened when I've done that calculation infront of them.

No one can PROVE that there's a G-D, Just as no one can PROVE that there isn't one. Maybe there ought to be a similar prize for whoever proves there is no G-d.:woohoo:


Religious Zionist
one could argue that the existence of the Jewish people today, and a state of Israel, is proof of His existance...

but i doubt that would be good enough for the money...man i could pay off alot of debt w/ a million dollars...


High Priestess
As anyone seen this? I just found it. I'm not sure what to make of it. I did not try to decode it myself, maybe someone else wants to try. If nuthin' else, you outta get a chuckle.

pi = 3.1415 … 851212152089199197154191651119147851859113931851205420852114922518195…

Yes, this may appear to be a random assortment of numbers, but if you examine these numbers carefully enough, God's word becomes clear. If we take each number to correspond to its placement in the alphabet, then the message becomes:


This makes no sense, so it can't be right. Plus, there are zeros that have no letter in the alphabet. So instead of doing that, we must take a zero to mean either 10 or 20. You'll notice that either a 1 or a 2 precede all zeroes.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Also, we will take 12 to be "l", not "ab" and so on. Decrypting the message this way reveals God's words:

Hello this is God speaking here I am I created the universe
This is absolutely incredible. If you still doubt, then verify it for yourself.
And here is proof of evil:biglaugh:


The cake is a lie
And where did they get that string of digits? It's not in the first million digits of pi.