Nothing I said is contrary to that.before the overthrow of the southern kingdom of Judah, Ezekiel gave this prophecy to Zedekiah the king: “Remove the turban, and lift off the crown. This will not be the same. Put on high even what is low, and bring low even the high one. A ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it. As for this also, it will certainly become no one’s until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him.”
So according to this prophecy, the Messiah would be the next ruler on the Davidic throne.
The big picture I see is there are three Messianic advents. The first from the House of Judah (Son, born to be future King), the second from the House of Ephraim (Holy Ghost, Adam made King but transgresses and dies) and the third from the House of Joseph (Father, Adam redeemed by Son via union regains throne in victory). All three of these Messianic advents are descendents of David. But, the Kingdom would not be established in victory until the third advent of the 3, the birthright "to whom it belongs". Thus, this is why we find things being delayed so long in order to allow for the judgment against the northern kingdom to expire.
Yes, the judgment against Judah was considerably shorter than the northern kingdom. Theirs was only 280 years. Thus, by the time Jesus came they were out from under their period of judgment. However, because they rejected Jesus, that became the time that Aholibah (Judah) was handed the cup of her sister Aholah (Samaria). This is why the Jews have remained dispersed for all these years as well. They were given the same cup.Judah was destroyed by the Babylonians in 607bce, shortly after Ezekiels prophecy as stated above...they were taken captive at that time by Nebuchadnezzar...they were later collected together again and restored to Jerusalem when it was rebuilt at the order of King Cyrus.
Jesus was born to be king but he never actually took the throne in his lifetime. He said himself in Acts 1:7 that the time had not yet come for it to be established. The time for the one who has the right would not be opened up until the judgment against the northern kingdom had expired.From Nebuchadnezzar's time onward, the Davidic line of kings had been stopped. Jerusalem never did have their own kingly rule, Zedekiah was the last king and the one that would be next would be the Messiah as Ezekiel said "it will become no one's until he comes who has the legal right and I must give it to him"
I am aware of those passages and I am of course interested in them. But, that doesn't change the fact that these other passages I have drawn attention to here are to be ignored. You seem to be trying to ignore them.You should be interested in when the gentiles began to rule because the books of Daniel and Revelation give us the exact length of time that the gentiles would rule....the end of those times would be the starting point of when the Messiah was given the throne.