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Online Misogynists


Depends Upon My Mood..
Online misogynist are alive and well .All kinds of haters are but this is the topic.Do not be fooled.I have seen it everyday .I'm not complaining in the sense I cant "back" off.Just that it is there and I choose to "fight it". With my smart *** ,hand on my hip "non quiet" voice..


Jehovah our God is One
A good article about online misogynists can be found here. Contains profane language.

"West is right; it’s time to stop thinking of trolls as idiots who are just seeking attention, and see them for what they are: Misogynists with a political agenda. These are men that absolutely do not want to live in a society where women are treated equally, and they are obsessed with silencing the women online whose writings they rightfully fear are going to help push society in a more feminist direction. They want to harass feminists into silence. If we keep this understanding front and center and discard useless theories about “attention-seeking” or “lulz”, we can begin to have a more productive conversation about what the hell to do about the problem."


there is a way to peacefully protest...stop using known misogynist websites. ie, facebook, imo, is misogynist run website. I Deleted them.

If every women who uses fb did that, their share price would drop by half.


Depends Upon My Mood..
there is a way to peacefully protest...stop using known misogynist websites. ie, facebook, imo, is misogynist run website. I Deleted them.

If every women who uses fb did that, their share price would drop by half.

How do you think they are misogynist..I post family pictures to my friends and family there..If you can show me I'm funding "misogyny" there I will rethink it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
from the article linked to in the op said:
...it’s important to understand that misogynists believe they are in the right. Indeed, they are incredibly dogged and self-righteous, as Mason found out when he first decided to explore online misogyny—they get really mad when you do this, by the way, because part of their self-righteous worldview includes a belief that they should be able to push their agenda without being examined or questioned too closely.

Has anyone ever run across an online misogynist who didn't think he or she should be immune from being examined?


Jehovah our God is One
How do you think they are misogynist..I post family pictures to my friends and family there..If you can show me I'm funding "misogyny" there I will rethink it.

I came to that conclusion due to the way they sensor things on fb.

Mother breastfeeding a new baby - censored

Women in short dress with protruding cleavage - your welcome.,

Think about it. Why would they be against one and not the other? One is sexual, the other is non sexual.
Misogyny is not only in 'hating' women, its also in the sexual misuse and abuse of women.

Breasts are ok on facebook if they are displayed in a sexual context....anything more natural then that, like a baby suckling at a breast, is not permitted....its quickly deleted and a warning given to the poster,.

Why do they continue to permit pages which promote the rape or abuse of women, but reject pages which uphold the sanctity of a womans body?


A good article about online misogynists can be found here. Contains profane language.

"West is right; it’s time to stop thinking of trolls as idiots who are just seeking attention, and see them for what they are: Misogynists with a political agenda. These are men that absolutely do not want to live in a society where women are treated equally, and they are obsessed with silencing the women online whose writings they rightfully fear are going to help push society in a more feminist direction. They want to harass feminists into silence. If we keep this understanding front and center and discard useless theories about “attention-seeking” or “lulz”, we can begin to have a more productive conversation about what the hell to do about the problem."


Hell yes to this part:

"The online troll population has these kinds of characters in it, but the dominant class is men who don’t get the level of sexual attention they feel entitled to from women, and therefore have concocted elaborate, dogged theories about how women are broken, because they cannot ever allow that women have a right not to like them personally."

For me, personally, the strategy of being oblivious to sexist trolling has been pretty effective, especially sprinkled with the occasional witty retort. For example, I had issues in film school, being one of two females in a class entirely comprised of boys (yeah, not men). One guy used to try to troll me constantly with comments about how I should go cook something. I laughed at him and pointed out that, while there are ways to get under my skin with sexist nonsense, that kind of comment is not one of them. One day, I made a helpful suggestion- something innocuous about his framing or focus. He said "Shave your legs, woman, then talk to me". I replied "I can shave my legs, but you're never going to get any taller" (he was about 5'4" and I'm 5'9") and shot him a saucy wink. He literally spluttered, got enraged and had nothing to say. The guys were all "Whoah! Burn! Hua hua hua hua!" as you do. No more hassles from that one.

Anyway, I suppose my approach is pretend to be oblivious until you see how to inflict maximum suffering, then fire away. Incidentally, that's how you ended up with a picture of my boobs, Sunstone. Have you seen that "women who dress slutty are asking for it and I treat them like whores, so they're falling all over me" guy around here since? Cuz I haven't. I forget his name though, so I might be mistaken. :)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Have you seen that "women who dress slutty are asking for it and I treat them like whores, so they're falling all over me" guy around here since? Cuz I haven't. I forget his name though, so I might be mistaken. :)

He must be a very forgettable person because I can't recall his name either. :p


Well-Known Member
I have another one..these are TRUE internet stories ..I have 1,000 this was one of the top ones..And by the way by a FEMALE misogynist.

Woman..my husband is angry at me because I wont swallow.I love him and want to make him happy and I do give oral ..just I have problem doing that because I was raped at 17 and I was forced to do that.I try and I try but I cant.And he gets angry and hits the wall and says hes going to leave me..he threatens to be with other women and watches porn all the time instead of being with me..how can I get over this ..

Misogynist (a WOMAN)..Sorry you were raped.But how is that your husbands fault?YOU are his WIFE and its YOUR obligation to make sure he is sexually SATISFIED! He cant get that anywhere else than you ..Why would you deny him????Its not HIS fault you were raped why should HE have to pay for it?If you want to be the wife he deserves and God commands you to be then you need to stop being so selfish as to punish your husband for someones else's sin!
Damn I have Dworkin quote to go with this, but I'm afraid people will think I'm really obsessed.


Perhaps not hatred, but at the very least double-standard treatment based on the superficial quality of someone's genitals. In some people's books, that might as well be full-on hatred given the double-standard is nearly always in favor of humans with penises and screws over humans with vaginas. Whether there is active, willful hatred is practically irrelevant: the end effect is to engage in systematic cultural discrimination that treads half the human population underfoot. :shrug:

At any rate, it's personally beyond my comprehension why people make judgements on the basis of genitals. I really don't get it. It has almost no significance whatsoever with a few notable exceptions, such as medical problems and copulation. So naturally I don't get why someone would want to keep someone down because they have one sexual anatomy instead of another. I just... I don't understand how that makes any sense.

Among the many shortcomings of humanity is the tendency to make a very big deal out of very small and superficial differences.

What about a drunk person on the internet? Is that a double whammy?

That's the story of my life.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That was a great article. It needs to be pointed out that, yes some trolls are just looking for a rise, but many times it is what people actually think and believe (And what's up with using the name of a great author/poet to describe them?), and the internet gives them a place to spew their venom and avoid face-to-face confrontation and public shamming over it. But the article is probably true in that it should be confronted, rather than ignored which can reaffirm a number of the misogynist's views including one that wasn't brought up and that is how they assume other guys are like them.
And then if it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, there is no point in saying it might be an owl. I thought that was another great point the article made.
Misogyny is truly a despicable word. Makes no utter sense. If a person believes a woman should be at home cooking and obeying her husband this somehow implies the hatred of females.
I adhere to this viewpoint simply because of my lack of romance and sexuality. What else would I do with a woman? :shrug: beats me but as far as I am concerned I only have this singular usage.

Very few misogynist are what the word implies. Most are just "gender conservative". I love women, I love them so much I do not think a woman in a committed relationship should even leave the house. As Surat Rahman states, the good wife shall be in her tent to await her rabb :yes:.

I think I should shut up before I feminist attack me :D
Maybe not hatred, but it is degrading women to a lower status than men. Women should not be expected to stay at home. If she wants to that is ok, but it should not be expected. And if she wants to go out and work and the dad stay at home, there is nothing wrong with that either. "Gender conservative" implies that women should stay at home, have no career, little-to-no education, and should not be regarded as equals to men. It is not a problem if that is how you feel, but it is a major problem when it becomes expected of others.
As for what to do with a woman, there is treating her as a regular human being that is equal to a man is a good start.


Active Member
and should not be regarded as equals to men.
As for what to do with a woman, there is treating her as a regular human being that is equal to a man is a good start. [/COLOR]
Hardly anyone treats women equally to men. It's all good in theory, but in practice it hardly ever happens. And why should it? Men and women are not the same thing. That's not to say either of them is inferior to the other. But they are not the same thing.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Hardly anyone treats women equally to women. It's all good in theory, but in practice it hardly ever happens. And why should it? Men and women are not the same thing. That's not to say either of them is inferior to the other. But they are not the same thing.

In what ways -- politically, socially, intellectually, morally, etc., etc. -- would you treat men and women unequally?


Active Member
In what ways -- politically, socially, intellectually, morally, etc., etc. -- would you treat men and women unequally?
Well for starters if the tube is full and there's a middle aged woman standing there, I get off so that she can sit down, I don't do it for men. If a guy does something I don't really like, I swear at them. I don't swear at women. If some idiot pushes me from behind when we're standing in a queue, I push back if it's a man, but not if it's a woman. I'm much more likely to hold doors open for girls, in fact, I only do it for girls, that's if I do it at all. I speak to women differently than I speak to men 99% of the time like all guys. The idea that you treat the two genders the same just doesn't happen, it never happens. Not in the workplace, not at home, and not in public.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Well for starters if the tube is full and there's a middle aged woman standing there, I get off so that she can sit down, I don't do it for men. If a guy does something I don't really like, I swear at them. I don't swear at women. If some idiot pushes me from behind when we're standing in a queue, I push back if it's a man, but not if it's a woman. I'm much more likely to hold doors open for girls, in fact, I only do it for girls, that's if I do it at all. I speak to women differently than I speak to men 99% of the time like all guys. The idea that you treat the two genders the same just doesn't happen, it never happens. Not in the workplace, not at home, and not in public.

Seems you are mainly or exclusively thinking of differences in etiquette.