This is Pascal's Wager. It makes the unjustified assumption that there is only the Christian God or no God at all. But what if the universe was made by a rational God? Not the irrational and often evil Christian one? Don't you think that he might get a bit irate at people calling him a liar? Even if the Christian God exists you are calling him a liar. He might have a friendlier attitude towards people that did not believe in him ,but never called him a liar.
All said as a man's humans consciousness. Living as the human man.
Now say as you should that you don't actually speak on behalf of a God that you claim you idolise....what would be said?
Is the true question.
Even just our original father's mother's human memories tell us as their baby human adults. That you cannot question their existence.
Yet you do.
You the baby human claim you know what it's like not having them in your life. Whilst you live now on their behalf. Using their body types. One or the other yet two fully owned biological humans created your life.
The baby.
You know you know you are conceived biology. You pretend you didn't die.
Hence you then have to question why don't you believe you die when biology does?
The advice consciousness uses heavenly pre recorded memories of once living humans including your first ever parents.
Where all ideas a heavenly God came from. As just a human always no matter what you say.
So when two fully owned bio life humans owned sperm naturally not without it and ovaries naturally not without it. Within two fully owned bodies.
How would a man's consciousness relate father's memories. As never had he been mother's human woman's ovary first.
Is how you behave first as any human thinker. Before using indoctrinations as human only studies. Just humans stated.
The term I think says masses of all types pre existed my known human aware stated being. One human.
Yet each advice is consciously stated as exactly advised as it's form. By a human thinking seeing determining I'm looking to talk about it first. Is not a theory.
It hence does not own a thesis by a human.
Reason for teaching. The huge sun mass huge space body a planet earth and it's heavens is not any history a small controlled reaction.
Yet the history a human man's reason to science theory. Was machine direct to another small body. Machine. Yet it's history is direct bodily mass.
No reaction as a history even exists. As the scientist just a human and just a man wants to put the reaction into a future. Where it's reacted at the future time moment he chose. His action.
Seeing he built machines to transmit to pyramids owning machines. All themes were only ever man's sciences his machines.
Only by the machine being present.
So it's not natural history whatsoever.
Is how a human man messed with his owned natural mind. Is why the teaching is about humans consciousness and it's lost first reasoning.
Theism said earth as a planet in space was it's owned entity deity. It's bases as the planet is man's sciences beginnings to practice science.
Taken off of gods stone ark the earth. He breaks it's fused laws he said. Ark hence is his human only scientific practices.
The reactive moment history he themes the moment begining a reaction is the evil moment. Evolution does not support his theory.
He knows he lives in position change and cooling evolution.
So he knows he's not owner in history position a natural mass reactions beginning.
In themes past heavens reactive beginnings is an evil volcanic mass. No heavens in that theme. No anything about life.
In themes above reactive changes to evolution heavens is a form above of evil sun dust mass in a void vacuum. Position the sun owns producing light.
So man said sun mass shifted it's time body light to earth. Yet our heavens above is only alight.
Evil above.
So heavens mass began from mass evil evolved and evolution itself was changed at mass gained as evil above. As if heavens above had returned to its evil mass beginnings of no heavens first.
We only survive within the evolution heavens it's owned natural event
The human warning no man is God.
As a human I know I can tell stories not a theory.
My study said eternal being is past terms spiritual. Was never owned in created creation. As I'm allowed. it's not a thesis. Nor is it evil by intention the words I use the explanations position.
So as I'm a human I understand whatever communication it used I don't own nor use. As I'm not it's body type.
Science says I want the origin body type before any change. That advice says exactly the same advice as my own.
He'll argue. No I want it. He wants it for machines not for life.
So we need to ask him what are you talking about as a humans only thesis?
He says he wants a reaction in his chosen future where I cause it. Yet he says a machine.
A machine is only from reactive history itself of man's choosing.
Ended sealed cooled. Told to his thinkers mind.
He says life only exists as every type is sealed cooled.
No reaction.
His theist brother therefore states there is no God type as a theory.
As science is only a human man's indoctrinated reasoning. And science of God was mans historic reasoning to sciences practices today. As science human chosen.
So I can say I believe just the eternal body exists as Eternal without quantifying any status about a secret. I know I don't own it have it nor speak as if I'm speaking for it.
I can say I believe bio life came out of it and was released from it. Without my study owning hurt nor harm to anything naturally existing now.
Science a human practice however cannot make the same claim.
Instead bullying tactics are used claiming I must reveal my source of advice.
There isn't any. What science will not accept as the bully himself history...humans behaviours. As his claim is only a man and a human as a theist speaks on behalf of science.
Being his reality as he invented all of its human used inferred terms as practices. As a human man thinker using words and drawn design position one first...not reality.
So he says my story isn't true....nor was his story ever true first. Science.
I hence give human reasons about particular experiences that support origin creation was caused. And came from a body release. And origin body still exists not as creation.
Creation was the owner a changed released portion only.
His machines purposes only uses the presence of creation...taken from its mass.
He says he will use a machine to force change origin. As if none of it exists yet. In mind it's his reaction only that doesn't exist yet. In science it's created creations origins as his machines only history.
Claims Im illogical for believing in a creator when he proves he's being illogical as the scientist.
I am told what his science humans terms were about O as G O D theism explanations he theoried as a man only.
O the circle he says in mind is a flat plane no numbers. Just a circle.
So it's type doesnt even exist first it's just a thought concept and it's energy held by pressures..
As mass isn't a circle says his science mind it's just what I know...mass is held circular pressures.
Science theoried GOD O falsely. As human advice said by man's science terms it hadn't even existed.