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Open-Air-Prison: False Advertising or Fair Assessment?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
we're stupid

When people are smart and educated, they are actually excellent targets for propaganda because they think they are immune. They believe "I'm too smart to fall for it." But, as I tried to explain in the OP. It's the heart and their passions which are being exploited, not their minds. Their minds have been dismissed, replaced, or overruled by the passions of their heart.

If it's not true, all you need to do is answer the questions in the OP. If the mind is still being used, these should be easy questions to answer.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's a sort of perfect storm of irrational, faulty, solely emotional reasoning, among the anti-israel critics.
Rational, critical thought has atrophied, or in the worst cases has been assassinated
Their target, the uninformed, passionate, ( compassionate ) intenet audience is addicted to a rapid rushed immediate access to whatever their heart desires to see, read, and hear. ... ... It's absolutely true, fool's rush in. That includes a rush to judgement. Fools rush to judgement.

Evidently you're not going to answer the question. I understand. It's a bitter pill to swallow.
I'm a fool so why would you take it seriously if I did? How can I trust you are even remotely interested in an honest debate with such rubbish? You've already set yourself up to dismiss anything I may say because my critical thought may been assassinated by all this twitter crap I don't use.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
OK, so, Gaza is a minimum security prison where "they can simply walk away if they choose to"? By that standard, the State of Virginia is an open air prison too?
That post was in response to your assertion:
People leave without being shot at. Therefore, it's not an open-air-prison.

Reread my post#8 where I asserted that Gaza has elements of an open air prison but there are areas where it does not specifically repeating my conclusion where I concluded:
So from my perspective, 2, 4, 5 and 6 are true and thus 2, 4 and 7 are false pre-terrorist attack. That means that Gaza has some characteristics of an "open air prison" but use of that term is partly propaganda.
Do you disagree with my assertions from that list (after correcting it to be 1,3,5,6 true versus 2,4,7 false?

To answer another question:
Do you have a copy of the prompt you used?

"What would define an "open air prison"?"


The anti-israel point of view, from my observations, is little more than a marketing campaign which is exploiting the good will and compassionate hearts of the uninformed masses. An excellent example of this compelling, yet completely false, advertising campaign is the slogan: "open-air-prison". Do you think that Gaza, prior to Oct. 7th, was an open-air-prison? Do you have facts to support this? Or have your passions been inflamed and in the heat of this passion ( compassion ) you will believe anything which validates the emotions you're feeling in your heart?

There are several reasons which I think are contributing to this phenomena. It's a sort of perfect storm of irrational, faulty, solely emotional reasoning, among the anti-israel critics. Primary among these contributing factors is this: The anti-israel mob are not just good people, they are very-very good people. They care. They have strong principles and moral conviction. But. The more passionate an individual is, the easier it is to manipulate them. That's how propaganda works. Its fuel is passion. It doesn't matter whether or not the individual's motives are altruistic or not. Once their pre-existing passionate love or passionate hatred has been disclosed, the propagandist can create a narrative which matches the individual's passions and lead them to the very rewarding self-validation: "See? You are absolutely correct to feel the way you do. You're right! Well done! Here's another example, my enemy, X, Y, or Z. Doesn't that make you angry? Sad? Sympathetic to my cause? Of course you are! You must be!" The self-validation is so rewarding, and the uninformed audience of the disinformation is so passionate ( angry ) that they stop thinking all together and accept what's being offered by default.

The other condition which is contributing to this perfect storm of false conclusions about israel is what I'm calling the "twitterizing" of the human mind. Rational, critical thought has atrophied, or in the worst cases has been assassinated, by a twitter-effect. People have become accustomed ( addicted ) to instant gratification from their screens. They believe with absolute certainty the first thing they read which, again, validates their prejudice. Prejudice here is not intended as a slur, but, instead, as a naturally occurring, universal, point of exposure which every human being grapples with at one time or another. This is one of the important lessons taught by the BLM movement. We're all prejudiced. It takes effort and ongoing practice to minimize its influence. The anti-israel propaganda exploits this naturally occurring human frailty. They, the propagandist, are, in many ways, infecting the masses with a thought virus, not unlike computer viruses. The purchase point is a rush to judgment. That's where the leverage is being applied. Their target, the uninformed, passionate, ( compassionate ) intenet audience is addicted to a rapid rushed immediate access to whatever their heart desires to see, read, and hear. ... ... It's absolutely true, fool's rush in. That includes a rush to judgement. Fools rush to judgement.

Do you believe that Gaza was an open-air-prison prior to Oct. 7th? Do you actually know what you're talking about? Or. Has your heart, your passions, your psyche, been "hacked"? If you think Gaza was an open-air-prison, please answer the following questions:

  1. What are the characteristics, attributes, which define an open-air-prison?
  2. What are the characteristics, attributes, which prohibit accurately describing Gaza as an open-air-prison? ( IOW, what are the deal breakers? It can't be an open-air-prison if A or B or C or ... )
  3. What are the attributes of Gaza prior to Oct 7th which match the attributes listed in #1?
  4. How do you know that Gaza prior to Oct. 7th was absent of any and all of the attributes listed in #2?

Make sense? Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to validate that your conclusion "it's an open-air-prison" is rational, reasoned, and not the product of the heat of your passions.

Here's an emotionally neutral example:
  1. What are the attributes which define a duck? It says: "quack-quack"
  2. What are the attributes which prohibit this conclusion? It has wheels.
One nice sunny day, you're taking a walk down the boulevard, and you hear: "Quack-quack". You look behind you and see this. Is it a duck?

View attachment 92803

Got it?

Serious replies only. Thank you,
I definitely consider the idea of Palestine as an “open air prison” to be propaganda which has successfully been perpetuated by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to manipulate and gain world sympathy and create animosity against Israel.

There’s no reason that Palestine could not have been a beautiful, productive, prosperous and thriving place… except that the area and the Palestinians have been used as pawns by terrorists. If Gaza is a prison, Hamas is the jailer.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The anti-israel point of view, from my observations, is little more than a marketing campaign which is exploiting the good will and compassionate hearts of the uninformed masses.
Given the propagandistic crap pushed by Zionists.....


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I was on a kibbutz just outside of Gaza, and they had hired some Palestinians from there but had to fire them because some were sabotaging their trees (palmella) and turkeys. Instead, they hired Thai's, which were most of the workers I saw there.