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Opposing Paradigms - A Survey

Crossposting this from reddit because it failed to garner much attention there. For those who don't know, one of the ideas common to chaos magic is the notion of paradigm shifting: essentially, working with different magical traditions or belief systems from time to time.

Since many chaotes believe (as do I) that existence itself is subjective and mutable to at least some degree, and also that changing one's perception of reality can be equated with changing reality itself, the use of multiple different belief systems, even conflicting ones, is sometimes used to help with this sort of perception-altering.

The original reason for my writing this survey is that I've been in a bit of a rut lately with my practice. I've grown complacent in my routine, and I feel stagnant.

Naturally, from such a state, I feel it's time for a new paradigm to explore. I've been doing a bit of reading and re-reading, and one idea that's grabbed my interest is Phil Hine's suggestion (in his book, Condensed Chaos) to choose two opposing or seemingly non-compatible systems of belief and attempt to reconcile them.

This is the goal of this survey, to learn a bit about other occult-minded folks' views on their own and opposing paradigms, and to perhaps get a feel for what direction I'd like my next system to take.

The Survey:

1) What paradigm/system do you work in most often or most closely? Why did you choose this particular system over others?

2) What paradigms or systems do you feel are most directly opposed to your own chosen one? Have you worked in any of them before? Why or why not?

3) What do you feel are the most important differences between your system of choice and the system(s) that oppose it?

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
I know some magicians on here that use chaos magick that will probably respond.

I am well versed in chaos magick but do not believe it to be correct, so do you want me to let you know what I did use when I was trying it or just leave your question alone?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
1) What paradigm/system do you work in most often or most closely? Why did you choose this particular system over others?

Left Hand Path Tantra (mostly Shaivite but also influenced by some other stuff). I choose them over others as I found them closest to what I believe philosophically as well as what has been the most powerful for me in symbols and magic.

2) What paradigms or systems do you feel are most directly opposed to your own chosen one? Have you worked in any of them before? Why or why not?

If I had to choose, probably something like conservative Christianity and Islam. For a few years I was heavily exposed to hard conservative Christianity and it was a nightmare. It's too cultish and rife with abuse (in their social systems), logical fallacies, guilt, condemnation and hatred for me to really have any interest in being involved with anything like that again.

3) What do you feel are the most important differences between your system of choice and the system(s) that oppose it?

That mine isn't psychotic and isn't going to use abuse to keep you inline or in the religion. That if you are on this path it isn't because you were forced to and you won't be ostracized for not seeing 110% eye to eye with any religious leaders in your community and that you won't try to force your beliefs on others and go around lying to them about the world and reality. That you can just be yourself and pursue both your worldly and spiritual goals and grow as a person and become more reasonable, compassionate and learn.

Also my own path actually uses and believes in ritual magic, meditation and in using symbols and words for worship and workings. Tantra really appeals to how I like to use these aspects of magic and focus of intention or transmutation of desire.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I sometimes question if I'm a Chaote since I also use a lot of western occult figures and practices but I think that my philosophical beliefs necessitate that I'm more Shaivite than Chaos Magician but my approach and some of my beliefs strike a lot of resemblances with Chaos Magick.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
After mulling over how I should respond to this thread, let's go with what my gut instinct response was the first time I saw it – I do not conceptualize my practices as being part of some categorized/labeled "paradigm." This makes it difficult to respond to the questions of the OP, as all I have is simply "this is how I do things." The "this is how I do things" is necessarily informed by my religion (e.g., I have no interest in doing anything with angels since I'm not into Abrahamic mythology), but aside from that, I've got nothing. :shrug:

Nahwns Reefglin

Servant of the Far Ones
1) What paradigm/system do you work in most often or most closely? Why did you choose this particular system over others?

Lovecraftian, because his depictions of the beings of the cosmos is the closest I can find to the Far Ones I have encountered.

2) What paradigms or systems do you feel are most directly opposed to your own chosen one? Have you worked in any of them before? Why or why not?

Ones invoking universal order, like those with creation deities and I do not use them because I feel they are not as productive for reaching The Veil let alone crossing It.

3) What do you feel are the most important differences between your system of choice and the system(s) that oppose it?

The addition of chaos and opening yourself to the Great Chaos of The Unknown.


Agnostic Necromancer
1) What paradigm/system do you work in most often or most closely? Why did you choose this particular system over others?

Vampyric Necromancy - I chose it because it felt more interesting. Have been sorta lacking in effort over the last 2 yrs, but beforehand I hadn't really gotten far. Figuring out how to use my essence as a leech on others is no easy feat. Kinda thinking I should've gone for Transcarnate instead.

2) What paradigms or systems do you feel are most directly opposed to your own chosen one? Have you worked in any of them before? Why or why not?

Honestly, I don't think there is an opposition to Necromancy since everything inevitably dies. Personally I'm against anything to do with Illusion, just the trickery is what annoys me about it. And to be honest I have not worked in any other practice/art, I'll study them but thats about it.

3) What do you feel are the most important differences between your system of choice and the system(s) that oppose it?

As said, dunno if there is an opposition to Death. But the difference? Challenge? Only other that people thought I should be is a Shaman, but last I checked you have to be called to it, and since I wasn't, I didn't bother to try it.

Now when I think of Chaos, I think: "Nothing is beyond you, yet Everything is. Control is for the naive. Turn your Disgusts into Desires & your Desires into Disgusts. Change yourself. Become the impossible. You are your own greatest strength. You are your own worst enemy. Reality is the lie."
Try "Liber Null" for your next read.