But.. I .. I was just asking.. For the benefit of my Wife.. Of course...
As a note, I have been told my semen taste very good in comparison to OTHER men, is the quality of sperm anything you know about Cheese?
As I have not studied it, I assume it is because I use no drugs at all, No Alcohl, no smoking, I do not drink Coffe or Tea either and generally drink Fresh Milk and so on, so I made the Assumption that this is because my Semen "taste better" then the average person who, generally, at a minimum, drink beer and other alcoholic drug liquids as well as COFFE, which I think could be responsible...
Anyway, Sorry Dallas, just want to learn damnit.. :sad:
Actually dairy usually makes your semen taste worse. Fresh veggies are the best thing for it.
ALSO- favorite article ever:10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex
And its from WebMD, so it MUST be true. ;-)