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Origin of the Star of David


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
and the Hebrew letter Vav once looked like a nail,

It's a hook. It's rather well known for those who can read hebrew.


It's referenced 13 times.
Exodus 26:32​
ונתתה אתה על־ארבעה עמודי שטים מצפים זהב וויהם זהב על־ארבעה אדני־כסף׃​
And you shall hang it upon four pillars of ****tim wood overlaid with gold; their hooks shall be of gold, upon the four sockets of silver.​

Can you see it? Vav = hook. Vav = וו = hook.

Here's the word for nail. It's not "vav".


Here's a few examples:
1 Chron 22:3​
וברזל לרב למסמרים לדלתות השערים ולמחברות הכין דויד ונחשת לרב אין משקל׃​
And David prepared iron in abundance for the nails for the doors of the gates, and for the joinings; and bronze in abundance beyond weighing.​
Isaiah 41:7​
ויחזק חרש את־צרף מחליק פטיש את־הולם פעם אמר לדבק טוב הוא ויחזקהו במסמרים לא ימוט׃​
So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he who beats the idol smooth with the hammer him who strikes the anvil, saying of the soldering, It is good; and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.​


הרב יונה בן זכריה

See post #23. I didn't want you to think that I'm talking about you behind your back.

(I apologize in advance if you've only been playing the role of an arrogant ignorant bigot to get a rise out of forum members and I've not recognized that it is just a performance.)


Active Member
1- Allah said in the Holy Quran, commanding David: {And assuredly We gave David grace from Us, (saying): O ye hills and birds, echo his psalms of praise! And We made the iron supple unto him, Saying: Make thou long coats of mail and measure the links (thereof). And do ye right. Lo! I am Seer of what ye do.} Surah Saba, 10 and 11.
So God commanded him to make the shields: {And We taught him the art of making garments (of mail) to protect you in your daring. Are ye then thankful?} Surah Al-Anbiya, 80.
The shape of the shield which David (PBUH) made by the command of Allah, is six-sided, as it is where the top point is for the protection of the collarbone area, and the two high points are for the protection of the person’s chest. then the shield becomes a little narrow where we find the middle part of the narrowing of the human body and the bottom two points have been designed to protect the waist, and as for the bottom point, it is designed to protect the private area. The old David shields are found in the international museums. The origin of the Star of David (PBUH) is a symbol of this shield. This is a simplified proof of the star from the Holy Quran.

2- This star has been mentioned in the narrations of the family of Muhammad (PBUT): as it has been mentioned in one of the narrations of Imam Ridha (PBUH) in the book “Al Tuhfa Al Radhawiya” page 294 as a form of protection. It has also been mentioned in one of the narrations of the family of Muhammad in the book “Daar Al Salaam” by “ Mirza Al Noori Al Tubrisi” page 20 part 3, and it was also mentioned in the book “Akseer Al Da’awaat” in the name of “Khatam Sulayman” (Seal of Solomon) page 155 and in the book “Makarim Al Akhlaq” page 336 is mentioned to push away one type of fevers, as Imam Ridha (PBUH) wrote two protective seals to one of his friends and he ordered him to stamp on it the “seal of Solomon” seven times. It was also reported by “Sheikh Radhy Al Deen Al Tubrisi” (( May God’s mercy be upon him )) in the book “Makarim Al Akhlaq” page 336 that “the seal of Solomon”
as it is well-known, is trilled between three forms. One of them is the six-sided star which prophet Solomon (PBUH) inherited from David (PBUH) , ((And Solomon was David's heir. And he said: O mankind! Lo! we have been taught the language of birds, and have been given (abundance) of all things. This surely is evident favour. )) from surah Al-Naml.

3- The stars in general is a symbol of Ahlu al Bayt (AS) Allah said: {Nay, I swear by the places of the stars - (75) And lo! that verily is a tremendous oath, if ye but knew} – from surah Al-Waqia. It has been mentioned about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) “My Family are the stars of Earth". We understand from this that it is forbidden to insult stars on purpose in any way.

4- The unanimity of the Jewish nation- and what I mean by the Jewish nation is the Jews in general and not only the occupiers of Palestine- on this star, it is the star of the Prophet of Allah, David (PBUH) for its frequency to them and no-one can overrule the consensus and/or this frequency only from inside the same Jewish nation considering it as the representative of David (PBUH). the frequency of our narrations in our doctrine with the text on Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S) that this star cannot be revoked because of the rejection of the traitors on earth on the truth shown. Furthermore, one should pay extra attention to that this symbol as it hasn’t been copied and hasn’t been said to be a lie by any of the Prophets or Imams (PBUT).

5- The decision of the Christian nation to the Jews that this star is the star of the Prophet of Allah, David (PBUH), and if you want, check the Britannica Encyclopaedia.

6- Muslims generally admitted that this star is the star of the Prophet of Allah, David (PBUH), and the evidence about this is that none of the Muslim scholars objected on viewing this star in “Sahar” channel everyday and under it was written the phrase “Star of David”.

7- This star was found on a wooden board used for the front of Noah’s (PBUH’s) ark in a shape close to a hand found by archaeologists, and on it are the words Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein. You can find the whole story in the book “Ali Wal-Anbiya” (Ali and the Prophets), by “Hakim Siyalkooty” page 37. It was also found on a piece of antique clay in “Dhi Qar” Governorate.

8- The confusion caused to the Muslims about this symbol is because of this symbol being used in the flag of the conquerors of the occupied land, Palestine. The truth is that this entity started fooling the Jewish people by using this symbol which refers to the awaited “reformer” in the Jewish nation ((And verily we have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder: My righteous slaves will inherit the earth)) from surah Al-Anbiya. To make it more clear, consider that they named their foundling country in the name “Israel” even though this name is holy in the Torah, Bible and Quran. So the conquerors of the state of the occupied Palestinian territory use religious godly symbols to delude the Jews that they are the pavers to the awaited reformer, which in their religion, is the Prophet Elijah (PBUH). Same as Saddam (may god’s curse be upon him) used the words “Allahu Akbar” (God is the greatest) when he put it on the Iraqi flag to delude the Muslims that he is defending Islam. Also, as the Jewish scholars used to discredit Jesus (PBUH) by capturing and handing him over to the Roman Governor Billets to crucify Him. Also like the forfeited scholars today using the turban to delude the Iraqi people that elections are right and are a duty, even though knowing that the approval of the election requires the approval of the election that took place in the porch of “Bani Sa’ida” and in it the right of succession was forced from Imam Ali (PBUH). So think how the people left Ali (PBUH) by himself on the day of Ghadeer when they left his visit and went to the accursed election polls, same as the people who left him after the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and went to the porch elections.


Active Member
9- This star is the star of Imam al Mahdi (PBUH) as the Shiite writer “Majid Al-Mahdy” proved it in his book (The American War on Imam Mahdi (PBUH) Has Started), which is published on the internet. Regardless of the research of the writer “Majid Al-Mahdy”, I will mention to you some of the narratives that show you the sincerity of this meaning:

a- It was mentioned about Ahlul al Bayt (A.S) along the lines: the Qa’im has the stick of Moses and the Shield of David and others from the inheritance of other Prophets and Imams (PBUT).

b- It was mentioned about Ahlu al Bayt (A.S) that in front of the Qa’im, a banner driven by a man from the Family of Muhammad sealed at the top of the spear by the seal of the Great Master. And the Great Master is Muhammad (PBUH) as it was mentioned in Dua Al-Nadba and his seal is the same as his name, as it is acceptable with us today that the famous characters seal is their name and the clearest example is that Sayed.Al-Sadr’s (Jerusalem) seal was his name. And this name of Muhammad (PBUH) – is found on the top of the spear in the shape of a six-sided star, so imagine it.

c- It was mentioned before that the stars are symbols of Ahlu al Bayt (A.S). As for the six-sided star, it means the word of Muhammad (PBUH), as the left of the family of Muhammad (PBUT), Ahmad Al Hassan (PBUH) showed. And by this, it is clearly shown that the Shield of David is Muhammad, and that by this shield, Imam Mahdi (A.S) protects Himself. This impression is for the word of Muhammad (PBUH) in the hand of Ahmad Al-Hassan is from the clearest evidence on the uniqueness of man with the defence of the of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and every pillar of everything in Islam. this is what proves that Ahmad Al Hassan is the Guardian and Messenger of Imam Al Mahdi (A.S) and the promised Yamani and who ever turns his back away from him is from the people of Hell Fire. He defends the sanctity of Islam and he came in the narratives from the characteristics of guardians that they defend the sanctity of Islam by Word and Deed, and they analyse the Halal and deny the Haram. So here are most of the Muslim scholars and the Shiite in particular. They are heedless of this great verse ((And landmarks (too), and by the star they find a way)) from surah Al-Nahl, so the star has been humiliated. trampled underfoot. burnt by the Muslims and they don’t know that they are humiliating the name of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), the shield of David (PBUH) and the star of Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH). It is also not surprising that none of the Shiite scholars have realised and no-one of them has objected to profane the Holy Quran when the criminal Saddam wrote it with his blood. No-one asked to execute him because of this crime other than Ahmad Al Hassan. He is the heir of the Prophets, as he is mentioned in the narrative that says ((The most knowledgeable are the heirs of the Prophets)) applies to him. As for the scholars that are error traitors. the Quran and David (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) are not important to them, and if they were from the People of the Quran then they would’ve defended it, and if they were from the followers of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), they wouldn’t have left his name burning day and night on the hands of the Muslims, as David (PBUH) spent his whole life struggling to uphold the word of Allah and yet he didn’t give in to the traitors.

10-This star is found in the end of every ayah from the ayahs of the Holy Quran and I mean by that shape the one that has the number of the ayah, and it is this shape. It is a six-sided shape as it is not hidden.

11-The six-sided shape is the shape of the beehives that Allah commanded the prophets that own it, to take care of instead of commanding them to take care of the cattle. So visualize its relationship with the Mahdi (PBUH).

12. Imam Ahmed Al Hassan fhip said that Six pointed star presents the shape of the Universe
