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Osama Bin Ladin well and alive.


Well-Known Member
Video shows Bin Laden 'in false beard'

by Leonard Doyle
Global Research, September 9, 2007
The Independent - 2007-09-08

The US government is analysing videotape that appears to show Osama bin Laden in a false beard, marking the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

American intelligence sources told ABC News that the video message was authentic, recently produced and proves that the al-Qai'da leader is still alive. US authorities have a transcript, which they say encourages potential suicide bombers to commit missions against the West.

Evidence that Bin Laden is still directing al-Qai'da operations, despite the best efforts of the US military and a $50m (£25m) price on his head, will be a blow to President George Bush who staked his reputation on winning the "war on terror".

In a banner ad for the video, the al-Qai'da leader, now aged 50, looked fit, with a full beard of dark black hair, rather than his usual grey-streaked beard. Instead of the customary combat jacket, he was wearing Arabic robes.

What do you think? This slimy fox outsmarts the big US brother?

Video shows Bin Laden 'in false beard'


Well-Known Member
"There are two solutions to stopping it. One is from our side, and it is to escalate the fighting and killing against you. This is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out," bin Laden said.

"The second solution is from your side," he said. "I invite you to embrace Islam."

"It will also achieve your desire to stop the war as a consequence, because as soon as the warmongering owners of the major corporations realize that you have lost confidence in your democratic system and have begun to look for an alternative, and this alternative is Islam, they will run after you to please you and achieve what you want to steer you away from Islam," he said.

Interesting idea from Osama. You do not have to actually embrased Islam, just pretend to say you are going to become a Muslim, and Bush will immediately pull all the troops from Iraq and end the war there.
I never know someone so smart as to be able to pull off the 9/11 can come up with such a strange idea on the anniversary (perhaps another blunder master piece of the CIA telling Osama to do it this way?)


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll bite. Why do they think the beard is fake?

By using the new technology still not known to the rest of the world, the CIA was able to identify the DNA on the picture and found that it does not correspond to Osama DNA fingerprint file kept by the CIA. :D


Well-Known Member
Transcript of Osama Bin Laden Tape September 2007

"All praise is due to Allah, who built the heavens and earth in justice, and created man as a favor and grace from Him. And from His ways is that the days rotate between the people, and from His Law is retaliation in kind: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and the killer is killed. And all praise is due to Allah, who awakened His slaves' desire for the Garden, and all of them will enter it except those who refuse. And whoever obeys Him alone in all of his affairs will enter the Garden, and whoever disobeys Him will have refused."

Transcript and video.


Well-Known Member
Part of the speech the West media will not print:

"And among the most important items contained in Bush’s speeches since the events of the 11th is that the Americans have no option but to continue the war. This tone is in fact an echoing of the words of neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Richard Pearle, the latter having said previously that the Americans have no choice in front of them other than to continue the war or face a holocaust."
"I say, refuting this unjust statement, that the morality and culture of the holocaust is your culture, not our culture. In fact, burning living beings is forbidden in our religion, even if they be small like the ant, so what of man?! The holocaust of the Jews was carried out by your brethren in the middle of Europe, but had it been closer to our countries, most of the Jews would have been saved by taking refuge with us. And my proof for that is in what your brothers, the Spanish, did when they set up the horrible courts of the Inquisition to try Muslims and Jews, when the Jews only found safe shelter by taking refuge in our countries. And that is why the Jewish community in Morocco today is one of the largest communities in the world. They are alive with us and we have not incinerated them, but we are a people who don't sleep under oppression and reject humiliation and disgrace, and we take revenge on the people of tyranny and aggression, and the blood of the Muslims will not be spilled with impunity, and the morrow is nigh for he who awaits."
"Also, your Christian brothers have been living among us for 14 centuries: in Egypt alone, there are millions of Christians whom we have not incinerated and shall not incinerate. But the fact is, there is a continuing and biased campaign being waged against us for a long time now by your politicians and many of your writers by way of your media, especially Hollywood, for the purpose of misrepresenting Islam and its adherents to drive you away from the true religion. The genocide of peoples and their holocausts took place at your hands: only a few specimens of Red Indians were spared, and just a few days ago, the Japanese observed the 62nd anniversary of the annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by your nuclear weapons."


Well-Known Member
Do you know the answer?

"And here is the gist of the matter, so one should pause, think and reflect: why have the Democrats failed to stop this war, despite them being the majority?"
"I will come back to reply to this question after raising another question, which is:"
"Why are the leaders of the White House keen to start wars and wage them around the world, and make use of every possible opportunity through which they can reach this purpose, occasionally even creating justifications based on deception and blatant lies, as you saw Iraq?"


Well-Known Member
This part reminds me of Ward Churchill

"Then you claim to be innocent! This innocence of yours is like my innocence of the blood of your sons on the 11th - were I to claim such a thing. But it is impossible for me to humor any of you in the arrogance and indifference you show for the lives of humans outside America, or for me to humor your leaders in their lying, as the entire world knows they have the lion's share of that. These morals aren't our morals. What I want to emphasize here is that not taking past war criminals to account led to them repeating that crime of killing humanity without right and waging this unjust war in Mesopotamia, and as a result, here are the oppressed ones today continuing to take their right from you."


Well-Known Member
Do you agree?

"So in answer to the question about the causes of the Democrats' failure to stop the war, I say: they are the same reasons which led to the failure of former president Kennedy to stop the Vietnam war. Those with real power and influence are those with the most capital. And since the democratic system permits major corporations to back candidates, be they presidential or congressional, there shouldn't be any cause for astonishment - and there isn't any- in the Democrats' failure to stop the war. And you're the ones who have the saying which goes, "Money talks." And I tell you: after the failure of your representatives in the Democratic Party to implement your desire to stop the war, you can still carry anti-war placards and spread out in the streets of major cities, then go back to your homes, but that will be of no use and will lead to the prolonging of the war."

"And despite this brazen attack on the people, the leaders of the West - especially Bush, Blair, Sarkozy and Brown- still talk about freedom and human rights with a flagrant disregard for the intellects of human beings. So is there a form of terrorism stronger, clearer and more dangerous than this? This is why I tell you: as you liberated yourselves before from the slavery of monks, kings, and feudalism, you should liberate yourselves from the deception, shackles and attrition of the capitalist system."


Well-Known Member
Bush and Brezhnev, the same fate? Collapse of Soviet Union due to Brezhnev, collapse of USA due to Bush??
"Among them is the European thinker who anticipated the fall of the Soviet Union, which indeed fell. And it would benefit you to read what he wrote about what comes after the empire in regard to the United States of America. I also want to bring your attention that among the greatest reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union was their being afflicted with their leader Brezhnev, who was overtaken by pride and arrogance and refused to look at the facts on the ground. From the first year of the Afghanistan invasion, reports indicated that the Russians were losing the war, but he refused to acknowledge this, lest it go down in his personal history as a defeat, even though refusal to acknowledge defeat not only doesn't do anything to change the facts for thinking people, but also exacerbates the problem and increases the losses. And how similar is your position today to their position approximately two decades ago. The mistakes of Brezhnev are being repeated by Bush, who - when asked about the date of his withdrawing of forces from Iraq - said in effect that the withdrawal will not be during his reign, but rather, during the reign of the one who succeeds him. And the significance of these words is not hidden."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Last I heard, everything was legit. I'm sure Osama can afford to buy hair dye. Not sure if it's allowed by Islam or not though.
Allthough his demands are absurd, Osama is a decent speaker. Not as good as Iran's president, but skilled nonetheless. At least Iran's president made a speech that almost makes you think he is a civilized person and wants global equality for all...except for the American government.


Well-Known Member
Last I heard, everything was legit. I'm sure Osama can afford to buy hair dye. Not sure if it's allowed by Islam or not though.
Allthough his demands are absurd, Osama is a decent speaker. Not as good as Iran's president, but skilled nonetheless. At least Iran's president made a speech that almost makes you think he is a civilized person and wants global equality for all...except for the American government.

Islam does not allow that, see the following, that is why some people think that this is a fake, whether faked by Al Qaeda or faked by CIA is another debatable question.:D

Osama bin Laden: The Newest Fake

Dying one's beard is strictly forbidden under Islamic law. Any devout (Sunni) Muslim would be aghast at an image of a purported spokesperson with a dyed beard. It's okay to tint it with henna (only), but in that case gray hair appears orange. Pakistan is full of guys sporting huge orange beards, but there is no market whatsoever for Grecian formula, at least not among the Wahhabis.

I watched the video, and the way he spoke appeared to me to be not the previous Laden, very monotonous in tone and action! It could be that he was very sick, and forced himself to record that video.


Citizen Mod
Leonard Doyle writes: Evidence that Bin Laden is still directing al-Qai'da operations, despite the best efforts of the US military and a $50m (£25m) price on his head........

In a banner ad for the video, the al-Qai'da leader, now aged 50....

Why that's $1 million dollars for each year!!


Idiosyncratic Muslim
I have read the entire transcript on another site, and apart from all the Allah praising, he sounds more communist then Islamist with all the "Breaking from the chains of capitalism" and "you overthrew fuedalism and the rule of monks and priests" talk which doesn't strike me as particularly radical Muslim.


Well-Known Member
I have read the entire transcript on another site, and apart from all the Allah praising, he sounds more communist then Islamist with all the "Breaking from the chains of capitalism" and "you overthrew fuedalism and the rule of monks and priests" talk which doesn't strike me as particularly radical Muslim.

Did you see it now, as you have read the entire transcript?

It could not have been written by bin Laden. It is again the master piece of the CIA having some other agenda to grind.:p


Well-Known Member
By using the new technology still not known to the rest of the world, the CIA was able to identify the DNA on the picture and found that it does not correspond to Osama DNA fingerprint file kept by the CIA. :D

Nurse Ratched has your meds....take em.