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Other than your religious teaching...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I know that most of my cells will survive my death.
(Various non-human microbes outnumber my cells.
They too will die later, but after an orgy of reproduction
in my corpse. Disgusting, now that I think about it.)


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Why do you believe you'll survive death?
I believe that everything is energy. The matter in the universe was converted from energy in the Big Bang. E=MC2. Matter-energy conversion is a two way street. Granted, only the Big Bang and super- and hyper-novae have the energy to convert energy into matter (super- and hypernovae create elements heavier than iron).

When we "die", I believe the energy of our bodies returns to the universe. We decompose and the chemicals and molecules we are made of break apart. When we're cremated we're converted into energy a lot faster. So, while Frank Jason [Lastname - not a chance :D] as an individual or discrete entity probably won't survive or transcend death, what made him up will. His energy and/or atoms will incorporate into something or someone else. It may take millons or billions of years, or it will take a week, or nine months, because I got some of my matter from my mother's body when she carried me, but in my estimation, that's the essence of reincarnation. It probably sounds stupid the way I wrote it, but as a Hindu that's how I envision it.


Veteran Member
Other than your religious teaching...

All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?
Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism Christianity, Islam in their origin, as also their founders like Zoroaster, Moses, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad were/are truthful person, right, please?

Second Coming 1835-1908, mentions it with good reasons for the benefit of the humanity.



Veteran Member
Other than your religious teaching...

All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?
Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism Christianity, Islam in their origin, as also their founders like Zoroaster, Moses, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad were/are truthful person, right, please?
Believing in G-d and his truthful religion is natural and a default position of the humans, please, right?
Second Coming 1835-1908, mentions these aspects with good reasons and for the benefit of the humanity.



My own religion
Other than your religious teaching...

All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?
Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism Christianity, Islam in their origin, as also their founders like Zoroaster, Moses, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad were/are truthful person, right, please?

Second Coming 1835-1908, mentions it with good reasons for the benefit of the humanity.


Well, I am an atheist, who believe I am relgious, but my relgion is wrong and has nothing to do with truth.
So for once learn something new.
It gets old that you don't learn.


Veteran Member

Other than your religious teaching...

Well, I am an atheist, who believe I am relgious, but my relgion is wrong and has nothing to do with truth.
So for once learn something new.
It gets old that you don't learn.
Was there anything truthful that I missed, I might have misunderstood, so kindly repeat it for me so that I could see if it was truthful and reasonable , please, right?



Veteran Member
Other than your religious teaching...

paarsurrey said:
Was there anything truthful that I missed, I might have misunderstood, so kindly repeat it for me so that I could see if it was truthful and reasonable , please, right?

Start here:

The problem is that you believe differently than me and as long as we do that, we won't agree.
Are the contents of one's above link authored by one (mikkel_the-dane), please, right?
If yes then one is to give one's own reason/argument, right, please?



My own religion
Other than your religious teaching...

paarsurrey said:
Was there anything truthful that I missed, I might have misunderstood, so kindly repeat it for me so that I could see if it was truthful and reasonable , please, right?

Are the contents of one's above link authored by one (mikkel_the-dane), please, right?
If yes then one is to give one's own reason/argument, right, please?


No, it is not by me.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

I believe I will survive death because of the personal experiences I've had since I was 6 years old, which is nearly 45 years worth. I have some vague memories of it happening before, when I was 4 and 5. However, the first vivid memory I have is from when I was 6. If you are familiar with my previous posts about the afterlife and the paranormal, then you'll know what I'm referring to. These lifelong experiences, as well as what I've witnessed while investigating numerous haunted locations across the U.S. (almost 17 years of firsthand experience), have convinced me that I will experience an afterlife.


Premium Member
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
There are two 'I' s in my view. The first is the 'I' of the individual ego/personality/physical body of a single lifetime. I have utmost faith that that 'I' will be kaput, when this physical body ceases to breathe.

The other 'I' is the 'I' of the soul. It is eternal, and it will continue, find another body, and continue its progression to merger with Brahman. (Siva, in my case).

Western languages are externalized. I find it a nuisance to constantly explain the two 'I's when it would have been so much easier to simply have two pronouns, one f0or each. Then we'd know which 'I' is talking. Generally speaking, in the general populace, it's the first one, as most people are unaware of the second one. But as you identify more and more with the second one, it is more important to hang out with people who also are self-aware that way, because when the words, "I'm coming back' are spoken, most everyone understands it to be the second one. There is also lots of intertwining between thew two, at a certain point.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
I'm of the belief that there are multiple "I"s. Dozens. Perhaps hundreds or thousands. Maybe more.

Some of them will undoubtedly end with my demise. Others I suspect might hang around places where I've lived or loved, or wherever my remains are. Some will go off to the Spirit Worlds, including to live with the ancestors, or to heavens or hells, which are probably temporary. And some will undoubtedly 'come back' in other incarnations, other lives.

I'll still be able to use my moniker here: Beenherebeforeagain;)


Veteran Member
Other than your religious teaching...

paarsurrey said:
One has a current life and yes one has to have "after life", right, please?
What do you know of an afterlife?
I understand:

And fear the day when you shall be made to return to Allah; then shall every soul be paid in full what it has earned; and they shall not be wronged.

Original Arabic text since Muhammad's time is below:-
وَاتَّقُوۡا یَوۡمًا تُرۡجَعُوۡنَ فِیۡہِ اِلَی اللّٰہِ ٭۟ ثُمَّ تُوَفّٰی کُلُّ نَفۡسٍ مَّا کَسَبَتۡ وَہُمۡ لَا یُظۡلَمُوۡنَ ﴿۲۸۲