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Other than your religious teaching...


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
Along with such memories, I have irrational affinities for certain things, such as Aussie Rules football. And certain irrational fears, such as diving headfirst into water, even water that I can see has no rocks immediately below the surface where I plan to dive...

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
I don't think the person that I identify with as being "me" will survive death, but I do think the experience and phenomenon of life itself will persist , just like this life is being experienced until the duration of living ends.

Basically I will die a true death as it pertains to my ego and all accrued exoeriences and memories will be permanently lost, but life itself will 're-ignite' as another living organism for which things start once again with a completely blank slate, that repeats ad infinitum over and over.

My reasoning is that it obviously happened now with this life, so there is an absolutely no reason that it can't happen again since the odds are firmly at 1:?, so at some point it's bound to come around where the lights come on as another organism with a completely new ego and new experience associated to be developed with whatever form or shape it may be.


I feel I have connections to other eras. Not memories, but more like knowledge. Some could possibly say it's genetic connections since they do seem to relate to my family tree, but the relationships were there before the ancestry research. In fact, it had a lot to do with my interest in ancestry.


Active Member
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
Because the Bible tells me so and I’ve seen God work in my life so I know it’s true.

Outside of that there is witness testimony from dozens of people with near death experiences telling of something there usually in the form of light or a positive feeling.


Other than your religious teaching...

All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?

To enough of a degree for the religion to establish itself. It is my belief that no religion is all knowing, and no religion is lacking all truth. If we open ourselves in undoubting faith and ask God to direct us as advised in James 1:5,6, He will meet us where we are and guide us to where we need to be, as individuals on our individual faith journeys.


Veteran Member
Other than your religious teaching...
paarsurrey said:
All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?

To enough of a degree for the religion to establish itself. It is my belief that no religion is all knowing, and no religion is lacking all truth. If we open ourselves in undoubting faith and ask God to direct us as advised in James 1:5,6, He will meet us where we are and guide us to where we need to be, as individuals on our individual faith journeys.
As a side note:-

James is not from (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), as per the Catholic and Protestant Red Letter Bibles:

Holy Bible King James Version (Red Letter Edition)
The Roman Catholic Holy Bible with the words of Jesus in red.
World Messianic Bible



Other than your religious teaching...
paarsurrey said:
All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?


As a side note:-

James is not from (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), as per the Catholic and Protestant Red Letter Bibles:

Holy Bible King James Version (Red Letter Edition)
The Roman Catholic Holy Bible with the words of Jesus in red.
World Messianic Bible

I was not referencing the King James Version of the Bible, but the Letter of James -- "James the Just", an Apostle and brother of Jesus, leader of the Jerusalem chapter of The Way. It is a canonized book of the New Testament.
The Passage is:
James 1:5,6
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.


Secret Chief

Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
What I consider to be "I" will not survive death.

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
Whether they are or are not memories, their experience can enrich your ability to relate to such things which you may not have encountered personally.

Amongst all circumstances dealt with by someone, somewhere at some point in time, those of your “memories” are likely to relate on some level. Were you through them to understand such experiences better, then, your perspective on life’s circumstances has grown and so has your humility for the circumstances of others.



"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
No religious teachings involved, i died 4 times during an operation, the skill of surgeons, theatre technicians, nurses etc brought me back. For which i will be grateful for the rest of my life.


After my two stints in hospital, seeing one of the doctors for a checkup he matter of facy said "at least you still have five lives left".

When they are spent i hope to go with dignity, quickly and painlessly an my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming wildly in terror like his passengers ;-)
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Veteran Member
Other than your religious teaching...

All great Religions (excuse me Atheism people deny that theirs is a religion) in their origin as also their teachings presented by their founders are truthful, right, please?
Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism Christianity, Islam in their origin, as also their founders like Zoroaster, Moses, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad were/are truthful person, right, please?



Why do you believe you'll survive death?

Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened.
Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
The information regarding NDEs that were medically studied, and the person was "proven" to have been flat-line brain dead make a good start for me. Then, the "personal" study I did of the paranormal subject showed it too exists.
As much as I can say is that there's SOMETHING out there, but it's the defining explanational data that needs straightening out.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Basically I will die a true death as it pertains to my ego and all accrued exoeriences and memories will be permanently lost, but life itself will 're-ignite' as another living organism for which things start once again with a completely blank slate, that repeats ad infinitum over and over.
That's reasonably close to my view. Our ego/personality for a life does not survive. But the essence of who we were remains. That essence comes to the fore in new lives as preferences, interests and so forth. One personal example was the feedback I got after asking someone why I had been fired from a couple of jobs without cause. I was told that I had been a factory owner in Germany and had fired people without cause and they were returning the "favor". I had not mentioned to the person giving me this feedback that I had a real love for Bach's music, had studied German as a language and had a best friend who was similarly attracted to Bach. This is of course not scientific proof but it was one bit of evidence for me.

The exception to this is the evidence of past lives that occur in some young children for which there's good research.