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Overcoming Death

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Seems as if you never heard of 'Christendom' ( so-called Christian but mostly in name only )
Please notice what we are forewarned about at Acts of the Apostles 20:29-30.
'Christendom' started after the death of the apostles and fake 'weed/tares' Christians (aka 'Christendom') would grow together with genuine 'wheat' Christians until the Harvest Time ( Matthew 25:31-34 )
Remember: it was un-faithful Jews who mixed with Greek philosophy that helped create: Christendom.
'Christendom' (Not Christianity) that is heavily influenced by non-Christian non-biblical teachings.

You're barking up the wrong tree in your attempt to promote the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. It doesn't work on me.


Veteran Member
It is noteworthy that there are no historical records of Lazarus being resurrected.

"A well-known member of a wealthy family in Bethany had supposedly been dead for four days, a funeral performed and the family publicly grieved. If he then appeared alive and well, and even the chief priests knew about it, then this would be something very hard to hide. The absence of any contemporary record, letter or even attempted refutation suggests the event probably never happened.

Remember that the authors of the earlier, synoptic gospels apparently knew nothing of this, the most awe-inspiring miracle performed by Jesus. All we have is a parable in Luke chapter 16, where Jesus talks hypothetically of Lazarus being resurrected."

If Lazarus was resurrected, why are there no historical sources outside the Bible to confirm this? - Quora

I believe that the story is not a literal event that happened but rather it has a symbolic meaning and it symbolizes a spiritual resurrection

Below is the spiritual interpretation, as opposed to the literal interpretation, of the Lazarus resurrection ‘story’ in John Chapter 11.

Jesus did not say that the body of Lazarus would rise again. He said rise: 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

Then apparently Martha assumed Jesus meant the body: 24 Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

Then Jesus said that He was the resurrection and the life and that whoever believes in Him will never die.
I believe that Jesus was talking about the eternal life of the soul, NOT the eternal life of the physical body.

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

The Martha said she believed in Jesus and that He was the Son of God: 27 She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

When Jesus said: 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die He was referring to spiritual death, not physical death, because eventually everyone dies physically.

The following verses congruent with John 11:25-26 refer to the eternal life of the soul, not the eternal life of the body.

However, we do have the record as found at John 12:1-2 and noteworthy is John 12:10-11 because 'resurrected Lazarus' was then killed so that No one would believe the resurrection happening.
They wanted to put a stop to John 11:44-45 meaning put a stop to people believing in Jesus resurrecting people.


Veteran Member
It is. Most of us atheists accept death as natural and have no ambitions for any future life as Zombies. That we go to doctors when ill to live this life as well as possible but not to escape death, which is inevitable...................

Please, to say future life as Zombies is: totally false.
Rather, a future of happy-and-healthy people as described in Isaiah 35th chapter.
Because of sin death is inevitable. Removing sin equals the removal of death.
Death is our Number 1 enemy. 'Enemy death ' comes to a final end - 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8
No more death equals No sin and endless life without sickness so there will be no need for any doctors.

Unlike the false teachings of Christendom ( so-called Christians ) death is just a sleep.
So, you are accepting 'everlasting sleep' aka returning to dust - Genesis 3:19 - with No awakening from death.


Veteran Member
On the contrary, I've been happier without having the Christian God in my life. My life has improved significantly since I renounced my Christian faith and belief in God. In fact, I know that renouncing my Christian faith was the best decision I have ever made for myself. It was the best decision I've ever made for my mental health and my emotional well-being. The only thing I wish I had done differently was to disavow my Christian faith years ago instead of desperatingly clinging to the false hope and trust I had in the Christian God.
I don't doubt for a minute that your renouncing the Christian faith was the best decision I you ever made for yourself as only you know what is right for you.

The Christian version of God and all that goes along with it might make Christians happy but it is not for everyone. I trust God but not the same way that Christians do and not for the same reasons. It is something different, because I do not believe that Jesus is God or the only way.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do not think Matthew 24:14 should happen. We already have so much conflict in religions and preaching to all is going to bring in more. What is wrong if people follow their own religions like what you would want to do. Want to go to Afghanistan to preach Gospel to them or to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.?
I'm not saying what I think, I am quoting what Jesus said. So I leave the rest up to you.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don't doubt for a minute that your renouncing the Christian faith was the best decision I you ever made for yourself as only you know what is right for you.

The Christian version of God and all that goes along with it might make Christians happy but it is not for everyone. I trust God but not the same way that Christians do and not for the same reasons. It is something different, because I do not believe that Jesus is God or the only way.
Just to say, that the God in the Bible of Israel did not always accept their beliefs or prayers. Each one must decide.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It is. Most of us atheists accept death as natural and have no ambitions for any future life as Zombies. That we go to doctors when ill to live this life as well as possible but not to escape death, which is inevitable. The scrolls are of no use to us because we do not even believe in God or Gods or his prophets and messengers. Have a nice day, you too (saying this with a smile). :DI have come to my beliefs after studying Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and science for something like 40 years. There is no evidence for which I need to change my views. Yeah, we all have the right to form our views. No problem with that. Hinduism itself has scores of philosophies, theist and atheist. :)
I'll just say this in response -- the configuration of eternal torment in what many called Christians believe in is not true. Misinterpreted and misunderstsood. So what you think you learned of Christian beliefs may not be true. Even if they claim to be Christian. Just as God did not accept worship from everyone, including within the nation of Israel, there are teachings not in harmony with His personality, and He is not going to keep those beliefs going forever. Once again--(have a good evening)

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Biological death is accepted in science. Humans known death.

Not accepted in science is energy used up removed to nothing empty space.

Wants gods dead entombed energy mass. To be bodily sacrificed converted in fusion by dust fission into alight. Alight means light. Light in biology supports living. Life of God in science.

Light in God is destruction only.

How can I overcome death in science says greedy men. I don't want energy removed.

Yet he taught infinite was how you couldn't count emptiness so it owned no number. Space.

False preaching again says nothing owns all the numbers.

It never owned any number. Nothing. It was empty.

Is emptied by man with machine to a hot fission point he forces onto earths mass to own converting.

Mass not a number is where you abstracted energy by calculus.

Men want gods alight mass to overcome gods entombed cold mass death. Yet not be consumed by remaining inside a cold gas.

Theme put into transit...biology is electricity moment as we super fry to death. Is his point in thought actuality

Then he shifts that thought to another idea.

In layman's terms it his human description of heavens immaculate gas. Gaining particles in it but burning due to ground fission causes also science controlled. Just by men.

Yet since science UFO sun mass is seen as gas lights it's night time burning.

Then cools goes away.

Is his black light thesis it's a mind possession only about immaculate heavens causes.

Told you he's brain possessed as science was only human mind brain theoried.

Man theories machine position. To exact machines wants is your lying in science terms.

He wants earths mass to be total transitory as whole earth. As earth is cosmic laws mass.

Not a part mass theme.

What he lied about before human science is evil by intention.


Be your own guru
That is their ' crutch ' so any belief can be a ' crutch ' (a support) including a future resurrection - Acts 24:15
Does, that make it wrong ___________ or a supporting help.
To me there is a false crutch and a real crutch meaning the supportive teachings of Jesus about a future resurrection.
Just because we never saw Jesus resurrect people as he did in the 1st century does not have to mean Resurrection Day will never come.( Resurrection Day meaning: Jesus' coming Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth for a thousand years )
I will never take away the 'crutch' from someone who needs it. It is just that I do not need an imaginary God. How I react to other people depends on what they do.
False or true depends on what evidence can you present for that. I do not think you have any for the return of Jesus and his 1,000 year reign on earth. It is just empty talk.
BTW, what happens after these 1,000 years? The world returns to a Godless world? I have asked this question but did not get a reply.


Be your own guru
Please, to say future life as Zombies is: totally false.
Rather, a future of happy-and-healthy people as described in Isaiah 35th chapter.
Because of sin death is inevitable. Removing sin equals the removal of death.
Death is our Number 1 enemy. 'Enemy death ' comes to a final end - 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8
No more death equals No sin and endless life without sickness so there will be no need for any doctors.

Unlike the false teachings of Christendom ( so-called Christians ) death is just a sleep.
So, you are accepting 'everlasting sleep' aka returning to dust - Genesis 3:19 - with No awakening from death.
I do not put my faith on a 3rd Century book. So no use quoting from it. I believe in what science says.
Death is not sleep, death is not returning to dust. Death is a start of a new journey for the atoms and molecules of the body of the dead. Each molecule will survive and join some living or non-living body. We are already eternal in that sense. Our molecules have already survived for 14.7 billion years and are going to survive for many more. :)
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Be your own guru
I'll just say this in response -- the configuration of eternal torment in what many called Christians believe in is not true. Misinterpreted and misundertsood. So what you think you learned of Christian beliefs may not be true. Even if they claim to be Christian. Just as God did not accept worship from everyone, including within the nation of Israel, there are teachings not in harmony with His personality, and He is not going to keep those beliefs going forever. Once again--(have a good evening)
I have least interest in what this Christian believes or that Christian believes. For me, a belief must accompany evidence, which you are unable to provide except from your own book. That is circular reasoning.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have least interest in what this Christian believes or that Christian believes. For me, a belief must accompany evidence, which you are unable to provide except from your own book. That is circular reasoning.
Since I believe there is a true God above all, I also believe that He can reach the heart. And it is that element of the heart that God can read and reach. How it will all work out when the immediate and way in the future prophecies are fulfilled, I hope to see.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
When men keep stating nothing emptiness owns all energy by mass presence. History natural law...nothing. empty space. Cosmic.

Law in space...it's either as scattered mass.


O it's held as a God. Entity body.

Law space...law pressures...law holding.

Human science doesn't exist.
Human science I want a non cosmic space law myself...to form via a small molten mass cooled particle destroyer. His machine.

Science nothing to do with cosmic law.

Theme says all his want wants is only by intent small. He doesn't want equal large as it's both natural law natural history and fused mass. Which he knows he does not nor never did own.

Behaviour is about life's destruction sacrifice.

Every day he tries to bring that human only advice forward. Warnings to everyone. But cannot make his sentences. As natural man healthy mind body theoried first.

As he biologically is as man as the origin science theist in human life.

Biological body destroyed. Totally gone out of DNA genetics himself. Is advised as a scientists mind.

He's trying to warn us but cannot.

Stephen Hawking closest man part machine brain mind last warning.

Why AI psyche terms advice feedback is now involved. In warnings to natural life.

Not just holy life consciousness.

Man ignores he theories for machine type only. A want his reaction.

He isn't theorising why cosmic presence of mass exists in its nothing pressures by law.

Why origin mass was fixed held.

O earths itself sciences first mass position. No heavens. No human either. Exactly informed. Isn't real.

Why origin mass fixed held then scattered to be mass. Mass in a line path flat plane.

Is man's theory for planet earth. O God earth mass not any scattered mass.

Everyday he tries to remove heavens which was never cosmic laws mass holding or scattering.

If he can burn out gases.by intention rocks stone gases. He then changes space earths pressures by nothing emptiness he personally by sciences history already introduced.

Ignored past man's owned scientific causes to earths heavens and mass. As he has ignored. Science is just human man's choices. Then studied known causes on earth.

To by inference change earths mass cosmic natural history. By intent invention.

He hence believes he can achieve planetary God entombed death. Overcome it. Bring it alight by cosmic law history overcoming gods death cold sealed fused by his nothing laws.

Then scatter us.

The theoried intention...to be a God man and invent create cause his thesis.

Why the bible stated he's the destroyer man.

His intentions are real. To ignore natural cosmic law pressured history.

Impose man caused pressure changes by inventive causes.

He's quite happy to keep experimenting til that massive change gets activated.

Claiming earths heavens is now producing in its body the same mass scattering of just a stars mass theme.

No planet mass presence is even in his thesis.

To shift a dimension is his earths heavens star mass will then separate from earth and earth itself will take its place. By invention.

Overcoming gods body death entombed law.

How he believes he can release microbes back into space too. As life came from out of space biology he claims.

In teaching he wants to double the day heat.

Set alight night time sky into day.

Destroy life on one sphere north probably.

South life will get day. 24 hour day.

Then earth he hopes might snap freeze. New small population just like before. That land migrated when land ice bridges existed.

Retelling his mans known studied geological earth history as modern day scientist.

Well survive he says. I don't really know if earth would exactly blow up scattered this time. I'm worried about it however. It might.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have least interest in what this Christian believes or that Christian believes. For me, a belief must accompany evidence, which you are unable to provide except from your own book. That is circular reasoning.
The evidence I also use, after I see the 'book,' and those that love and understand God as I see it, is life itself. That came after recognition of who God is, but again -- faith is a gift of the spirit, and only God can give this faith. So since you don't believe in the Almighty God over all, then you cannot have faith. True faith, that is. There are those with faith who (1) kill their enemies, (2) believe in eternal fiery torment, (3) worship idols, and more. But anyway -- as usual -- have a good night.
2 Thessalonians 3, "for faith is not a possession of all people."

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Scientific advice. Is first to just be human living and Conscious aware.

Not his new thesis. Not any collider machine terms.

Was mind given by new nuclear power plant new earth mass fusion removed. New fake ideas.

His thesis is heavens natural changes already. Old science had caused the change.

He claimed heavens body... it is now like a scattered star mass by aware human man of sciences self warnings. In our heavens.

It already ground migrated he says to the collision causes. In natural terms is present. In science terms doesn't naturally exist first.

His new terms science is to take it away from heavens ownership so no natural history of causes owns it.

So it wont even rationally exist anymore. The awareness of it is first. He used personal awareness and not science terms first.

Why a man tries to introduce a new position in machines science by what he's aware of first as all changes.

Into an unnatural destructive attack. As he isn't involved in science terms with it first.

First position he says is never ever science in laws about natural.

It was a given dangerous idea only.

Nuclear mass removal was already taking life on earth into a new ice age.

Hence informed you quotes man's owned science causes was controlling a gain of extra cooling lying. Knowing natural was being changed by man's sciences.

Informed scientist mind is first transmitted as informed by old man's science only causes

As natural didn't do the change itself. Yet natural had changed.

Why it's never ever a copy of natural law.

Man says natural changed I survived. Rationally he didn't. As humans before all died in early age death. By mass a population of causes.

He bases science on First present healthiest human life. No longer even existing.

Why humans now die ever increasing early age death. Law nature broken already stone seal.

Last early age introduced death 33 years.

Before life died sacrificed around age 40. Was known and identified caused by scientists.

So Jesus review said life was destroyed earlier in biology than before as Moses. As proof life on earth was changed.

It's about one biology one human body life only. A man.

Man's life mind body chose science versus his life remaining on earth.

Ovary life continuance is woman human. He's not safe as his cell changes back to a man biology cell only. So he lied about destroying one humans life and remaining safe himself.

Is how he does think in science thesis like a murderer does. My life is more important. Legal before as the statement made.

He thinks one human the man will live on. Doesn't matter if the human woman gets bio eradicated. Is what he said. He can clone babies.

He's nearly biologically DNA destroyed as one humans life out of two humans in human life. Actually. Why the teaching is about man the human Theist scientist.

Jesus was 33 early age biology eradication would now be less life time. Why a higher man population now became homosexual.

Warning signs.

One day men could all suddenly just die. Total scientific biological man's self eradication. Theoried for. Science the terms.

Why my mother is warning you.


Be your own guru
The evidence I also use, after I see the 'book,' and those that love and understand God as I see it, is life itself. That came after recognition of who God is, but again -- faith is a gift of the spirit, and only God can give this faith. So since you don't believe in the Almighty God over all, then you cannot have faith. True faith, that is. There are those with faith who (1) kill their enemies, (2) believe in eternal fiery torment, (3) worship idols, and more. But anyway -- as usual -- have a good night.
2 Thessalonians 3, "for faith is not a possession of all people."
Yeah, we worship idols. Don't you have images or statues of Jesus on cross in your home? Don't you wear crosses around your neck? Or a Bible to which you bow? That too is idol worship.
And you are right. We would kill our enemies. No compunction about that.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Men false claimed they were the dead Entombed cold earths mass.

Lied. Scientists as humans. Then a theist as a human choice is proven men only lied.

They also pretended a human man's sacrificed bio life saved earths sink holes opening. Sin.

Preached they were saviour ice...weren't. reborn returned end of each year. Weren't.

Said they were a wandering star mass.

Lied....possessed in consciousness by theism. Not using natural mind nature's paths in biology.

Exactly taught.
....dead entombed mass body earths fixed space energy position.

Theists state. Electricity runs in earths ground mass by an indentation in rock mass on top of ground. It's walking he says.... I believe.

In the thesis no machine even exists so nor does electricity anywhere invented for machines only. Outright lie.

In status before science is practiced electricity was in ground mass said a theist. And it belongs to the same mass a machine came from. So it doesn't exist.

So then he says it's why electricity now runs direct into my machine. It's a part of it. From grounds mass first into molten melt.

Molten melt history.

Humans aren't from molten melt machine history. No man is God.

Theists legally are liars. Proven already.

So then the same theist changes his mind after that human conversation.

Tries to place electricity to a human living in heavens theme next....via lightning plasma balls.

Says it's where biology in water began.....
Lying we'd be struck dead.

The lying false preaching man of two minds. Man plus woman man of science mind lost. Who claims he's doing what natural cosmic bodies are doing.

As he placed man woman false symbolism to science himself.

As the saviour mother by maths zero space he said took the sacrificed body of sacrificed God. Cold clear gas. Made it stop burning in void.

So it stopped leaving sin. Sink hole opening tunnels.

Sun he says owned huge underground tunnel bored out. Law of vacuum.

So not only did he build then transmit by human only controls machine to machine. Today he tries to claim natural was already first doing it.

A big lie.

Natural owns no machines condition whatsoever.

The sun in cosmic law breaking sealed cold made sink holes.

Void vacuum froze stopped it. Sun laws also.

Man by science proves he changed spatial void vacuum as doing earth science new sink holes opened.

The sun hadn't caused it. Men did. Sun was stopped by vacuum opening holes.

Today no cosmic law coldest is even involved in any theory.

As science already had changed it.

Coldest on earth was ice freeze only. Saviour of a stable earth.

When men stop claiming falsehoods. Finally we will stop evil destruction on earth.

A stable earth enables babies to exist live and be born. A humans teaching only. Birth of humans.

It was never involved in any saviour scientific discussion thesis as stories told only by humans.