Revisionist history is where one judges the past, by the present, which then attempts to reframe the past, out of its own unique historical context. The goal is to mess-up the curve of history, that connects the past and present; add confusion. It is like trying to justify removing early experimental data points; destroy statues, so a the final science data curve, from early to later experiments, can be distorted. It is a con artist game to puff up bad ideas. This could also be explained with pathology.
In modern times, this is like cheating in science by rationalizing why some data point needs to be removed. Climate change, for example, ignores natural history data; geological data, such as the earth still being in warmup from the last ice age. It tries to erase this past; get rid of historical data, and then tries to explain the last 100 years by only the present theory assumptions; manmade. If one was objective about history,; not revised, you will look at both, since both are part of the same curve.
We were all teens at one time. Most teens are living somewhere between childhood and adulthood; wanting to learn to play like adults before adult responsibility. They will experiment and some will make bad choices. Many will not make these same choice later in life; jump off the high quarry ledges. It is part of learning about life.
Parents were teens at one time. They will try to provide feedback to their own teen children, based on our own similar choices and similar mistakes; human nature. Their children may or may not accept this advice in part or in full. Many teens will still need to learn on their own, so they can find their own 20/20 hindsight as they age.
In terms of the historical figures of the past, many adults of today; Left wing teachers, want to play Monday morning quarterback, with the people of the past. They try to treat them like they are their own children, due to 20/20 historical hindsight; watch the highlights.
However, historical figures were adults, older than them, with their own generational 20/20 hindsight. Our opinions of today, are nothing to those who lived past history. Our opinions cannot be used to help them avoid anything. It is more of a revisionist scam; I am holier than thou. The goal is to make their own bad fish teen bait; add to teen bad choices, appear like it was caught today. Parents see the scam and are fighting back.
Historical figures were all teen at one time. They, like all teens, pushed the boundaries of their own present time. They learned through the 20/20 hindsight of their elders and their own experiences in life at that time. Their adult choices, were optimized for those times, since they lived in the beginning of the curve, not the end of the curve.
I would fire any teacher who teaches revisionist history, since they are not being rational and can harm children. I would prefer teachers learn to accurately recreate times within history, and then explain why what they did was not perfect, for today, but it was appropriate for that occasion and was another step forward in time. The difference is like watching sports. If we watch in real time; live in history, any play can be positive or negative, since it has yet to unfold in time. This is different from the Lefty Teacher, pretending to be an expert of the past. They watch the re-runs; armchair quarterbacks of revisionist history.
I remember I had a history teacher in Junior High School; Mr McGovern. He was an awesome history teacher. He would try to recreate the ambiance of the times in history he was teaching, to give the students more historical context. He was really good at explaining the layout of major battles, the tough fight and the evils of war.
Those men and women of history, were like the players in a real time game, with their choices up against resistance; defense. It was anybody's game, as history unfolded. What we learn about the game of history, is where fate took the game; Monday highlights. His class was the best history class I ever had. Teachers of today may not be qualified to do such a good job. They seem to want to over compensate, as Monday Morning quarterbacks, pretending they could lead history in a real time game. This sort of explains why they teach bad choices; try to lead and impact history. They reverse engineer, incorrectly.