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Pacemaker on Monday


Veteran Member
Khalila just called me again and told me that she went to the hospital again this morning because she was throwing up and was in a lot of pain, and they said that spinal fluid was leaking out of her spine. She said if she doesn't feel better soon they're going to have to take some of her blood and inject it in the area to stop the fluid from leaking out. :(
Good grief....does this have anything to do with yesterday?


The cake is a lie
Good grief....does this have anything to do with yesterday?
She didn't say the doctors said it happened specifically because of the attempted surgery, but she mentioned that during the surgery the doctors said it wasn't going quite like it should because spinal fluid was leaking, so I imagine that did indeed cause it. :(


Veteran Member
She didn't say the doctors said it happened specifically because of the attempted surgery, but she mentioned that during the surgery the doctors said it wasn't going quite like it should because spinal fluid was leaking, so I imagine that did indeed cause it. :(
Ugh. If you talk to her again, tell her Buttercup sends her love ok? Thanks.


Deviled Hen
Good grief....does this have anything to do with yesterday?

Buttercup, have you ever heard about the complications women have sometimes if they have epidurals during labor?

It's the same sort of thing -- some fluid leaks, and they fix it by injecting some blood which congeals and forms a sort of patch in the area until it heals.

Jaymes, if she calls you again send her my love as well. I would consider calling her, but at the moment it doesn't sound like she's in any shape to talk. :eek:


Khalila just called me again and told me that she went to the hospital again this morning because she was throwing up and was in a lot of pain, and they said that spinal fluid was leaking out of her spine. She said if she doesn't feel better soon they're going to have to take some of her blood and inject it in the area to stop the fluid from leaking out. :(

I've been a bit absent lately guys. Please pass on my best to Khalila.


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching this thread. Not having a deity of my own to pray to, I can only hope for the best, aka ان شاء الله (in shā' llāh).Please forward.

The spinal thing sounds strange. I have translated manuals for several dozens of pacemakers, but I don't remember epidurals having been mentioned, even for patients reacting unfavourably to anesthetics. I'll try to discuss it with my favourite cardiologist tonight, to satisfy at least my professional curiosity.


To Save A Lamb
Okay, hey guys. After two visits to the ER I am able to prop myself up at the computer in bed, thank goodness for laptops. I'm in my mum's bed downstairs, where I've been for the past two days. My cockatoo, Squishy, is in her travel cage on the desk beside me, she's talking to me and keeping me company. She's not happy about it being shark week on discovery, heh. She hates sharks.

I'm still keeping ice on my back. My head hurts unless I'm laying down, but it doesn't hurt as bad as it did before...

The surgery lasted for two or three hours, I can't really... tell. Because of my scar tissue and spinal stenosis they couldn't get the wires for the pacemaker to the back of my spinal cord, they kept slipping to the front and I felt the stimulation in my stomach... not where it was needed, to say the least. I was completely fine in recovery and back in my hospital room until they discharged me... and the local anesthesia in my back wore off. I was in agony. I threw up on the way home from the hospital. When I got home as long as I laid down and didn't move and kept ice on my back and head I was okay.

I went back to the hospital I had the surgery at about 3 in the morning. They did almost nothing and then accused my mother of beating me because I was never in an accident that caused my back problems, they just... happened. I threw up on the way there and back home.

Yesterday, I can't remember what time... I think it was at 7 or 8, all I remember is I went right after my Abuddi called me when he was on break from his classes so it was around that time, I went to the hospital in my town. Ironically, it was the same staff as when I went in with a kidney stone a year ago. They were all really good with me. My doctor got someone from the ICU to place my IV and she wouldn't even touch me until they got a cocktail of drugs into me and I had settled down. It took 45 minutes for the guy to get the IV in because I was so dehydrated, I had not eaten or drank in two days at that point, but he only had to stick me twice, bless his heart. They gave me over six drugs, I can't remember what, but it worked really well. They turned the lights off after they gave me the drugs and started the saline and the doctor waited awhile before she checked on me.

Right now... I don't know. I'm probably going to have to get that blood transfusion in the next few days. I'm also going to have to see a couple neurosurgeons and see where to go from there...

My back is, understandably, in pain. However, my head hurt so bad I was throwing up and screaming in agony unless I was laying down and not moving. Now my head is okay as long as I don't stand up for longer than it takes to run to the bathroom and back to bed. It's supposedly because of the leaking spinal fluid, but the headache with that is mild, and it was far from mild.


To Save A Lamb
They did the blood patch today. I feel a hell of a lot better. I've lost a lot of weight and it's just been four days of not being able to eat or drink.

My hands and arms are a mess of bruises, I've had 10 IVs in the past couple days. I am effectively over any aversion to needles.

On a happy note, the nurse who screamed at me when I said "f***" after she slipped with the needle and then fished it around inside my hand? I'm vindictive and she's going to be in lots of trouble. :D


Well, I'm glad you are finally feeling a bit of relief. Wow, what you have beeen through! Here's to hoping the improvement continues.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Sorry you've had such a rough time so far Maesi, hope things go smoother from here on.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
They did the blood patch today. I feel a hell of a lot better. I've lost a lot of weight and it's just been four days of not being able to eat or drink.

My hands and arms are a mess of bruises, I've had 10 IVs in the past couple days. I am effectively over any aversion to needles.

On a happy note, the nurse who screamed at me when I said "f***" after she slipped with the needle and then fished it around inside my hand? I'm vindictive and she's going to be in lots of trouble. :D

Wow; you sure have been through the mill! Keep positive (which I think you are able to), but give yourself plenty of rest. Sleep does wonders when you are weak.

You might also ask about the dangers of DVT (if you're in bed a lot); I could send you one of my pretty stockings I had to wear when I had my hip done; a kind of very tight elasticated thing to prevent DVT.........oops, another fetish I have admitted to! :run:


Veteran Member
They did the blood patch today. I feel a hell of a lot better. I've lost a lot of weight and it's just been four days of not being able to eat or drink.

My hands and arms are a mess of bruises, I've had 10 IVs in the past couple days. I am effectively over any aversion to needles.

On a happy note, the nurse who screamed at me when I said "f***" after she slipped with the needle and then fished it around inside my hand? I'm vindictive and she's going to be in lots of trouble. :D
Wow, Maesi.....it should have been a simple procedure. I'm so sorry it's been rough for you. I'm glad you're feeling a lot better today. :) :hug:


To Save A Lamb
For the first time in five days...

I've not thrown up.
I can sit up.
I can walk.
I can shower.
I can dress myself.
I can lift my arms above my shoulders.

This is like, so exciting. I'm growing up all over again.

I lost about 10 pounds but I promptly ruined my chance at becoming a supermodel by sucking down an entire bag of chocolate marshmallows as my first meal. Which weren't vegetarian nor kashrut nor halal, but that was about the last thing on my mind. I could eat again, man. My only regret is that I didn't have any melted chocolate to dip them in.

I've decided that if I can get it in writing that a blood patch will be done IMMEDIATELY after the surgery, I will consent for a second attempt at this pacemaker business.


Veteran Member
Maesi, let us pray for you that you won't have to have a pacemaker.

You're waaayyyy too young for that nonsense...

I'm gonna pray a serious prayer for you girl...



Veteran Member
For the first time in five days...

I've not thrown up.
I can sit up.
I can walk.
I can shower.
I can dress myself.
I can lift my arms above my shoulders.

This is like, so exciting. I'm growing up all over again..
Funny how we assume we'll always be able to do these things, until an illness or injury comes upon us..

The after affects of anaethesia are horrible...

Been there Maesi and it's no fun, but God is good and he will bless you and you will live a happy normal life..