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Pagan Only Please: Ever Been Persecuted?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Have you ever felt persecuted for your religious beliefs? If so, where, for what beliefs, and how?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
At the school I work at, my fellow employees and I were sitting around the lunch table discussing an incident where one student put a curse on another's necklace. One said, "Wicca is growing quickly on campus. It's scary." Another said, "It used to be Muslims, but at least they believe in God."

After lunch I talked to one of the co-workers, explaining my interest in Paganism, and that Gentoo, my fiance was at the time considering herself an eclectic Wiccan. I told her I felt insulted. She brushed it aside explaining that she understood since she had once dated a Wiccan. But, it was never discussed again.

However, many of the rules on campus are often skewed towards ignorance of Paganism. For instance, since it is a vocational school, necklaces cannot be worn outright for safety reasons. This is often overlooked when a student is not in an area where the necklace could be a danger, except when it is a pentagram, pentacle, or anything that appears "satanic." I have responded by being increasingly anal about any necklaces, including crosses as well as pentagrams, being worn outright. I gotta be fair! I also attempt to educate when possible.


The Feisty Penguin
I don't know if one would call it persecution, but one of my more Christian friends said that my beliefs were "silly" and I should stop asking "such silly questions" like: do you believe other gods to exist?

Other than that, so far, it's little things like: "I believe your gods are figments of your imagination and you're ignorant of the truth, no offence". It gets a little old, but in comparison, I've gotten off pretty easily.


Ancilla Deae et Dei
Yeah, I've gotten stories similar to Gentoo's... When I first told my friends, the respnose was some variation of, "WHAT???!!!! You worship Satan?" or "You believe in a zillion various gods? You're breaking the BIBLE!!!!." It got old quite quickly.


Moved on
I've been asked if I was a nazi, and the FBI actually not too long ago listed Odinism (another name for Asatru) as a hate group in their Project Megiddo report, but I've never had any real personal persecution problem. Maybe it's because with a heathen outlook you often don't get seen as a Pagan like Wiccans are. Either that, or you're mistaken for a Wiccan, which gets really annoying.


Obstructor of justice
Back some years ago, when I was going away to college, I got involved with the Pagan group there. But, there was also a large Christian group there, and they would harass people all the time. Some of the members would come to our circles and throw things, and shout, and the president of the Pagan group even got some horrible nasty letters. Campus security didn't want to do anything about it, they told us we were overreacting. But, at the same time, the Christian club was banned from harassing the gay students on "coming out day" (it was a theater school....half the student population was gay), and they got a roped off area every time they would do an outdoor prayer meeting so no student who wasn't a member could go near them.

Granted, I've gotten off pretty easy from what I've read in the news about the experiences of other Pagans.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Back some years ago, when I was going away to college, I got involved with the Pagan group there. But, there was also a large Christian group there, and they would harass people all the time. Some of the members would come to our circles and throw things, and shout, and the president of the Pagan group even got some horrible nasty letters. Campus security didn't want to do anything about it, they told us we were overreacting. But, at the same time, the Christian club was banned from harassing the gay students on "coming out day" (it was a theater school....half the student population was gay), and they got a roped off area every time they would do an outdoor prayer meeting so no student who wasn't a member could go near them.

Wow...at my college the Pagan group and Christian group actually intermixed. Seeing adversity between two groups such as this is almost heartbreaking, as corny as it sounds.


Obstructor of justice
Wow...at my college the Pagan group and Christian group actually intermixed. Seeing adversity between two groups such as this is almost heartbreaking, as corny as it sounds.

I wasn't expecting it either, since it was an extremely liberal college.

It was strange though....none of the religious clubs wanted to work together on anything. Then again, at that school nobody seemed to want to venture outside their own little group. There was barely any intermixing at all :sarcastic


The shy lurker
I've never faced serious persecution from anyone, but I'm really quiet about my beliefs. Only a few lines like, "I wish you could experience Jesus, like I do." from a friend, but it's nothing I get offended about.


Well-Known Member
I have been verbally, physically, and psychologically assaulted for my path, of course, after the physical bit, people left me alone about it, after you mess a guy up like that people don't want to get on your bas side...did I mention the city i'm in is called the city of churches? theres 3 every 2 city blocks or so. so it is expected to face blatant hate.


Disciple of Chaos
The only persucution I have faced was my parents kicking me out. Fortunatly, I got along very well with one of my high school counselors, and he let me live with him until I was able to have a stable finacial situation for myself.
I get the typical name calling, and have lost clients due to it (I work at a music store/recording studio as a studio guitarist, and guitar, bass, drum, and piano teacher), parents hurrying the kids out of the way, and other petty things.
It is rather humerous to be hired to write some garage band who isn't going anywhere's solos and riffs, but then being turned down because "you're not worthy of writing music for a Christian band." Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's HILARIUS!

Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
I haven't faced much persuction as a Pagan, not even when I've taken to wearing the Pentagram in public. I've been snobed, and I've see the elder ladies in the grocery store on Sunday walk quickly away from me but that's the normal run of the mill closed mindedness of folks who look for those that are different.

I've had more snobbery and hostiality towards me when I'm out with my sister and her boyfriend which are an interracial couple. What I find funny is that I faced much more persuction as a Christian when I was a child/young adult. But I couldn't blame it on religion then, so maybe it was just a part of growing up or maybe it was the mindset of expecting persuction.

I know I live in a fairly liberal area. There are local Pagan festivals that are held yearly and there hasn't been any major outrage other than from dear old Pat Robertson, and that's become an odd yearly tradition.


Liebe ist für alle da
Not in person, mostly just online really, and mostly here I guess, but I don't let it bother me really. I did have some one once tell me that I couldn't practice Shinto because I'm white.......lol.

O some EX:
I will not call your god a demon it may offend you (and it breaks the forum rules)

1.to me this is what the person really meant, but with the other word in there......Loophole.

2. We do know, to a certain extent, what good and evil spirits are capable of.
^ This was said in response to me saying that may Goddess appeared to me as a Wolf an that we as human don't know what God can and will do, well any with some other post it seem to me that they where trying to call my Goddess evil.

Any way I just need to rant sometimes and it's all over now. I'm good.


Tree-Hugging Pagan
I'm rather lucky as the symbol for Druidism is not well known. (Finding Awen jewlery is nearly impossible) Religion is rarely a topic at work and I don't bring the subject up . I've never been pointedly asked. If I think it would cost me my job or cause serious trouble, I say "I was raised Lutheran" which is true. Although the area I'm in is pretty Pagan friendly, I don't want to rock the boat.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm rather lucky as the symbol for Druidism is not well known.
Which symbol are you refering to?

I have lost a few friends, but nothing so severe it has greatly impacted my life.


Resident Lycanthrope
I believe I may have lost a relationship with my favorite Aunt over my religion. If so it is her loss. I am not ashamed of my religion. Quite the contrary. I am so proud that I would sooner burn at the stake than deny my faith. I do get persecuted online often, usually by Christians. I don't know if that is more of ignorance because they think I worship the devil or if it is jealousy for my renouncing Jesus.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
I've only ever experienced it online and I actually get it more from atheists who think religion in general is silly and childish. As for christian there's the odd "warning" or "helpful advice" but it never goes on enough to become an actual conversion attempt and I wouldn't consider it persecution. I actually once mentioned following paganism in a job interview and still got the job, she didn't have any reaction at all to the statement. but then it was for the halloween spirit store so I fit right in. lol.