Pagan Proselytizing
Should the Neo-Pagan religions take a page out of the Christian playbook, and begin an assertive (non-aggressive), conversion campaign, as well as running for and winning political office? I say yes. It's about time we pushed back against the monotheistic majority. Edit: Howl if your with me.
I don't know of any Christian non-aggressive conversion campaigns.
But many
Christians are quite aggressive to convert others to their religion. Their bibles command it.
Laws in the United States prohibit torturing people to convert, so Pagans, who act like Christians, won't be as effective as Christians were when people could be tortured.
Thumb screws, iron maidens, and a host of other
torture devices used by Christians (in a very loving way, of course), cannot be used least, not legally used.
In addition to conversion, there is ousting demons. Witch hunts (killed if you are, killed if you aren't, and killed if you might be). Having sex with the overweight, hairy, old pastor "might" save your life (but
shhh....don't tell anyone about it or you will harm the church). Exorcisms...there are many ways to torture the evil out of someone if such evil manifested itself (hummed a tune, danced, felt good.....or other such evil).
In modern times, it is evil to worship God "thou shalt not kill" (one must support
war, killing, torture camps, and one must vote for gun rights and support the National Rifle Association). In modern times, Christians must worship the pentagon (seat of military power) and the 5 pointed pentagram that could be inscribed within it. In modern times, Christians must attack Iraq (Revelation, a chapter of the New Testament bible, says that we
must not attack Babylon or face God's wrath....Revelation 15: seven mutations of
In modern times, the world is upside down. Definitions have been changed. President George W. Bush got his attorney, John Woo (professor of law at Chapman University) to change the definition of torture so that torture never existed anywhere, nor could it ever exist).
Redefining is another way of lying.
The world has been redefined.
Christians have been lied to. Christians are supposed to now follow Satan to hell.
Christians oppose condoms (which prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs like AIDS).
Christians bar Gay marriage (inheritance, child custody, government programs).
Christians stopped internet gambling (cut taxes for the rich, claiming that we should do what we want with our money).
Christians undid Roe v Wade.
Christians want school prayer (with their bible, to their God) more separation of church and more free religion.
Christians want churches to run schools...public schools sold to churches at a fraction of their value.
Christians don't want evolution (or DNA) taught, but want creationism in schools.
Christians voted in great numbers to get presidents (Reagan, Bush, W. Bush, Trump). In turn, appoint supreme court justices (who, in turn, decide elections). W. Bush was appointed by a 5 to 4 decision of the Supreme court, after election tampering (butterfly ballots, double ballots, illegal alien votes, legal citizen's couldn't vote if confused with illegals, hanging chads (chads made by fanning with ballots, fingernails impacted cards).
Christians want NRA (National Rifle Associate). Legitimate war hero, John Kerry, was slandered by Veterans for Truth (later admitted), so W. Bush beat him as a "war hero." W. Bush (as war hero) also defeated triple amputee McClellan.
Perception trumps truth.