I think it's very important to consider that this verse was given to a specific group at a specific time and place. If it is taken out of that context, then, naturally there will be problems.
That pretty much makes the entire scripture irrelevant to those of us living in other times.
There may be other reasons, of course; pride, resentment, fear, anger, the worldly clamours in one's own head - all these things can cut us off from the sunlight of the spirit.
Those are the fruits of Abrahamic religion.
There are people out there that simply do not perceive God.
Nor dragons.
My viewpoint is God knows he is the truth and the path to him has to be from him and towards him. Following all other pathways will lead to destruction.
Except it doesn't. Atheism was my salvation from religion, which was a degrading influence in my life. I've lived a good, full, meaningful life without a god belief ever since.
I don't understand why pagans don't just exalt other beings but not equate them with God. It seems they wish to equate with God for no rational reason.
They don't need such a god belief. Neither do I.
Its not a guess or a theory for those who have found the presence of the Living God.
Nobody has found a god.
Maybe you are practicing phycological projection
Throwing algae?
anyone anywhere, inside or outside of any religion who is sincerely searching for God will find the Living God.
Unless no such god exists, in which case all he can find is his own mind believing it has found a god.
if one is sincerely searching for God then they have already found God.
The corollary of that is that if one has searched "sincerely" and found nothing, then there is nothing to find. Of course, we might have different understandings of what sincerity is here. I suspect that your meaning excludes critical thought.
none of the Pagan Gods did what Jesus did.
Jesus, if such a person existed, did nothing more that wander the Levant preaching, and then died.
A rebellious self wants to be its own savior, but it cannot.
I don't need a savior. I leave that to you and others willing to believe such a claim and submit to arbitrary rules that limit their lives needlessly and for nothing in return. Do you also worry about sin and hell? I hope not.