Arimoff, that is funny because that is how I describe your past bad, hundreds and hundreds of people killed simply because they would not convert to what the Jews claims to be right ancient history past predating dating Christ. So wrong where the Jews that when the messiah the Son of God came you all rejected him and still do, well for most part the greater percentage of you? in addition to what you say about hate, the Jews harbor a insurmountable hate for a people of any nation whether you admit or deny it makes no different. the Egyptian at least offered in the midst of their Paganism a chance for any man or woman to redeem their selves according to what the majority of Pagans believed and given to conversion. Now this free will of practice is also reflected in a loving Godhood in the Catholic faith and by Christian manner by allowing his or hers conversion as an equal part in life for the hereafter, that is? he or she dose not have to be born a Jew but once converted to the way of Christ he or she is equal in faith not something called the gentile to the Jews? the Catholic/Christian is what they actually are Catholic/Christian, we have now lesser word to describe them selves and less no equal by birth where theology is concern unless you are Hindu?. You the Jew have a ancient history stained in blood where you could not convert by love unlike Christ whom you all rejected you attempted convert by the sword, Christ his mass conversions did so out of love,and may I say also the
Muslim who sent only two emissaries without weapons managed to covert nearly all of Egypt without striking one blow and what remained of that Kemetic (Egyptian) world became Christians, who are you fooling I am aware of the bloody reign of the Zionist propagation ideology then and now, it was brutal then and it's intent is still brutal, further more the jew who is not encompassing the way of Christ, the way of love, is in fact and I would go as far as to say the are anti Christ in the name of God which we all know to be blasphemy. if the Torah conflicts with the word of Christ then the Torah is a lie, he is the Son of God and the king of all men and there is more which you will not like about the origin of Christ. Charles the Hammer.