I really don't get you guys' logic. I think my point was easy to understand that you should respect other people's religion by not doing what will reform their concept when you are not even the member of that religion.
If that is your point, I fear that it must be denied in the general case.
Religions should not be protected "just because", @Nanda 160892 . They are not owed presumption of worth. They are not to be assumed beneficial sight unseen. Among other reasons, because they do not converge, and can not even be clearly defined.
If anything, Islaam is even less deserving of such blanket protection from criticism, attempts at reform and questioning than the random religion would be. After all, it has a consistent history of being at violent odds with even itself perhaps non-stop, arguably since the time when Muhammad was still alive. There is no argument to be made that Islaam should be protected against all reason and common sense.
Like any other ideology, Islaam should be criticized and defended by people as they see fit to promote or avoid its proposals.
But if the basic intention is to **** the Muslims off, I guess the event of "drawing Muhammad's face" is successful to its core. And believe me, no matter how hard you try to make the Muslims "grow up" the same chain of "action-and-reaction" will be repeated over and over again over this specific case.
I agree to a large extent. I no longer expect Muslims to behave reasonably. It is a shame, but I can't feel responsible for the shortcomings of Islaamic doctrine.
I fear that there will be a lot of sorrow still before there can be healing. And I very much blame the flaws of Islaam for that sad reality. As well as the flaws of Muslims, who seem to very consistently avoid their obvious responsibility to defend their faith by reforming it.
I am well aware that reforming Islaam is a self-contradicting proposal. It is no less necessary and no less urgent for that.
And I shouldn't be surprised if next year or 2 the exact same news become another headlines in mainstream media. *cough*If WW3 doesn't happen beforehand, though.*cough*
Nor do I. That is why it is so prioritary to expose the diseases that come with Islaam and to spread the awareness of the need to defend ourselves - as well as Muslims themselves - from that illness.
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