I think that junior high kids, on the verge of puberty, need a certain education of their developing sexuality.
After all, they have the internet; they're going to see things, and they're going to have questions about themselves and about the world. Where would you prefer they go to find the answers to those questions? Deeper into the Internet into God-knows-what, or a more academic setting?
When individual children begin to ask such questions, it is up to them to seek out out the answers, not be force fed before it is their time to ask. When I was young, young people would seek council from the older teens, since they were somewhere between children and adults, and could understand both sides; pros and cons.
The difference between waiting for the child to ask or force feed them, is similar to the free market notions of demand and supply. With the demand side, the individual customer comes to you to get advice. With supply first, others will mass market and sell before being asked. The goal is group think and conformity, since all will be taught to sing the same jingle, even before they come to their own sense of need; induced fad based need.
Let me give an example. Say you wanted to paint your house. You are new at this, so you go to a store where you can get advice from people who know about such things. This is demand side, at the level of an individual who sense this is their time to paint. If we drive this from the supply side, we will mass market and try to get as many people as possible to paint their houses, even those who may not have need or perceive any need to paint. Hopefully we can get even them to go along, when they see their neighbors with the program, and they start to stand out as different due to peer pressure.
Parents do not like a supply side marketing efforts behind their backs, since they want their children to enjoy childhood. There are limits to how children can be marketed to, with schools over stepping. There is plenty of time to be miserable adults with all the pressure of the rat race. Why force feed adults decision on children? Only the supply siders benefit by marketing group think.