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Part 2, an attack on creationism

Nick Soapdish

Secret Agent
Please quote where I said that.

I love how you think you know all this stuff, and never feel the need to substantiate your statements.

Tell me what is the difference between the quote above and this one:
To you have any support for that claim?

There is a subtle accusation that I am pretending to know things that I don't know.

You may or may not be aware of it but you have a very condensending and accusational tone in many of your statements.


Resident Schizophrenic
Eveyrthing has a purpose,evolutionists are no different.
I mean what benefit could evolutionists find in proving evolution, other than ,i told you so and an ego boost.
Ever heard of predictive modeling?
My answer, nothing ,take God out , you have Russia, Germany ,terrorism,dictatorship , etc.
Put god in, and we have an Inquisition. I find the argument that the USSR and Nazi Germany were atheist lacks any evidence whatsoever. They simply replaced god with something else. In the USSR god became Stalin and in Nazi Germany god become Hitler. And terrorism would occur with or without religion. Some terrorists use religion to justify their actions.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Eveyrthing has a purpose,evolutionists are no different.
I mean what benefit could evolutionists find in proving evolution, other than ,i told you so and an ego boost.
I mean will evolution help society in any way,will it improve life, will change people's behavior, give them hope or purpose,
What will evolution do for society if it is proven.
My answer, nothing ,take God out , you have Russia, Germany ,terrorism,dictatorship , etc.
you realize that most modern medicine is based of evolution... the search for new cures based on evolutionary clues and the drive to keep ahead of viral evolution.

The goal of science isn't to remove god from the lives of people... evolution has nothing to do with the existance or nonexistance of god. In fact a great number of scientists have faith.

I'm sorry if you can't find wonder and glory in the change of life through time and can't give god credit for it.



Intentionally Blank
So Roli, I take it that you have no idea what the ToE actually says and have no interest in learning? Would that be about right?


Intentionally Blank
I love how you think you know all this stuff, and never feel the need to substantiate your statements.

Tell me what is the difference between the quote above and this one:
To you have any support for that claim?

There is a subtle accusation that I am pretending to know things that I don't know.
That was not my intent, and I apologize if that is what I conveyed. My point (should have been) that you are not in yourself an authority, and need to substantiate your factual allegations, which you tend to skip.

You may or may not be aware of it but you have a very condensending and accusational tone in many of your statements.
Sometimes I am aware, and am trying to poke at your brain; sometimes I probably get a little over excited.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
So Roli, I take it that you have no idea what the ToE actually says and have no interest in learning? Would that be about right?

Wikipedia = A theory of everything (ToE) is a hypothetical theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena
Please notice the bold red letters and tell me you undertsand what this is saying.
Hawkins is simply ,well, simple in his guesstamation.
Why would I want to trust in hypothetical theories,again, knock yourself out , just don't try and sell it's empty, unsubstantiated, unreliable, inconclusive etc. load of nonsense and guess work on me.
Hawkins is an evolution kingpin and secular humantist, debunking Christianity is what he lives for.
Who are you kidding,you want me to understand and read stuff from this egotistical maniacal madman.
It's brilliant that this bill of goods is'nt sold to the masses openly, that''s the beauty and subtly of secular humanism and evolutionary hypothesis, do it in secret and with gradual progression, it becomes truth.
Who said it best ,"If you repeat something loud enough and long enough it will become truth to those who hear it

This is'nt an elementry school in which you can freely inflict the innocent with this relgion,that's the crime here ,this stuff is introduced as fact to influential minds such as kids,that is border line abuse if you ask me


Intentionally Blank
No, roli, the Theory of Evolution. Do you know what it says? Do you know what the evidence in its favor is?


Active Member
what people miss is that religion and science are hand in glove.

when you make them seprate things, you will never find truth. creation believers cannot prove god does exist, however evloution believers cannot prove god does not exist. its a pointless arguement on who is right and who is wrong. when someone says that the ancient writings in the holy books are myths, prove it.

science cannot be fully understood with out religion and vis versa.


Admiral Obvious
what people miss is that religion and science are hand in glove.

when you make them seprate things, you will never find truth. creation believers cannot prove god does exist, however evloution believers cannot prove god does not exist. its a pointless arguement on who is right and who is wrong. when someone says that the ancient writings in the holy books are myths, prove it.

science cannot be fully understood with out religion and vis versa.
Evolution has absolutely 100% NOTHING to do with proving God anything.
Why is it that people just cannot seem to understand this FACT?

The fact that so many Creationists keep presenting this strawman is either a clear indication of their fundamental lack of knowing what they are talking about or clear indication of just how deceitful and dishonest they are willing to be in the name of their God.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
...creation believers cannot prove god does exist, however evloution believers cannot prove god does not exist. its a pointless arguement...
This is a pointless argument. It is also an argument that has absolutley nothing to do with the theory of evolution. Evolution believers are not trying to prove that God does not exist. Many evolution believers also believe in God.


Born again apostate
what people miss is that religion and science are hand in glove.

when you make them seprate things, you will never find truth.

science cannot be fully understood with out religion and vis versa.

And yet, why does it seem like the more someone knows about science the less they believe in religion? What you are saying sounds fairly close to that whole "science tells us how religion tells us why" cop-out. You see, the problem is religions try to tell us how AND why - they just inevitably get the how wrong and then retreat to the why topic and give equally unconvincing and unappealing ideas there too.

creation believers cannot prove god does exist, however evloution believers cannot prove god does not exist. its a pointless arguement on who is right and who is wrong. when someone says that the ancient writings in the holy books are myths, prove it.

Evolution says nothing about the existence or non-existence of a god (although it does inadvertently disprove certain religious claims, i.e Genesis/the Qur'an).

Anyway, I suppose you meant that atheists can't disprove the existence of God. You are 100% right there. It is logically impossible to prove a negative statement (e.g there is no teapot orbiting in the space between Earth and the Sun). It is up to the believer to prove God's existence to the unbeliever. Likewise it is not up to the unbeliever to prove "holy writings" are myths - where is the evidence that they aren't?

Non-believers are non-believers precisly because they have found no evidence to suggest that a god exists. Which is good enough reason in my opinion.


Intentionally Blank
what people miss is that religion and science are hand in glove.

when you make them seprate things, you will never find truth. creation believers cannot prove god does exist, however evloution believers cannot prove god does not exist. its a pointless arguement on who is right and who is wrong. when someone says that the ancient writings in the holy books are myths, prove it.

science cannot be fully understood with out religion and vis versa.
Evolution is not a belief; it is a scientific theory. The scientists, and people who think science works, who accept it, may or may not also believe in a God, and it has nothing to do with the question of whether God exists.


Intentionally Blank
I know I didn't come from a rock.
Are you serious? Tell me you're not just putting this on.

Now, got that list of ten top Biologists who don't accept the ToE yet?
What does your religion say about lying? Is it acceptable if it spreads the Lord's word?

Mr. Peanut

Active Member
Evolution doesn't say you did..... :no:

I'm interested though, did you ever believe in evolution? And, were you ever a non-christian?

I do not wish to debate, but will answer your questions. I was taught evolution for 20 years and as I became old enough to think about it objectively, found it nonsensical, to me, (it-evolution, not the believers in the theory). I understand many intelligent people quite seriously believe it, and I absolutely respect that.

Too me, evolution says we came from a rock. The school textbooks tell us the earth was hot, molten rock, then the surface cooled and hardened into, well, rock. Then it rained for a long time, lightning struck a mud puddle, and produced the first cell, the simplest of which is more complex than a space shuttle, and millions of years later, here we are. I simply do not believe that.

I do not believe chance formed the chromosomes/DNA blueprints by which we are designed. I do not believe in order from chaos, denying scientific law, nor in a kind becoming another kind, nor in a big bang wherein matter came from nothing, denying scientific law, or worse saying the law was not in effect yet, denying it yet again. Time has gone by since I was taught these things, yet they resonate with fantasy now as they did then.


Mr. Peanut

Active Member
Are you serious? Tell me you're not just putting this on.

Now, got that list of ten top Biologists who don't accept the ToE yet?
What does your religion say about lying? Is it acceptable if it spreads the Lord's word?

Please excuse me, you are of course correct that most of the scientists of this world do believe in the ToE. However, there has been a growing number of well known and highly respected scientists who in the past several years have come to reject said theory. As strongly as the indoctrination rages forward, there are those who have seen the numerous flaws and even lies purpetrated by those involved in this and have denounced it. Unfortunately, this world which in their own knowledge choose not to believe in God must cling to this theory or accept their Creator.



Admiral Obvious

Please excuse me, you are of course correct that most of the scientists of this world do believe in the ToE. However, there has been a growing number of well known and highly respected scientists who in the past several years have come to reject said theory. As strongly as the indoctrination rages forward, there are those who have seen the numerous flaws and even lies purpetrated by those involved in this and have denounced it. Unfortunately, this world which in their own knowledge choose not to believe in God must cling to this theory or accept their Creator.

I would like to see a list of these "growing number of well known and highly respected scientists".

And although Kent Hovind falls into the first category, he falls short (by a great huge margin) of the second.


Intentionally Blank

I do not wish to debate, but will answer your questions. I was taught evolution for 20 years and as I became old enough to think about it objectively, found it nonsensical, to me, (it-evolution, not the believers in the theory). I understand many intelligent people quite seriously believe it, and I absolutely respect that.

Too me, evolution says we came from a rock. The school textbooks tell us the earth was hot, molten rock, then the surface cooled and hardened into, well, rock. Then it rained for a long time, lightning struck a mud puddle, and produced the first cell, the simplest of which is more complex than a space shuttle, and millions of years later, here we are. I simply do not believe that.

I do not believe chance formed the chromosomes/DNA blueprints by which we are designed. I do not believe in order from chaos, denying scientific law, nor in a kind becoming another kind, nor in a big bang wherein matter came from nothing, denying scientific law, or worse saying the law was not in effect yet, denying it yet again. Time has gone by since I was taught these things, yet they resonate with fantasy now as they did then.


Your post makes it clear that you have absolutely no idea what the ToE is. Are you interested in finding out, or do you just want to keep denying a theory that doesn't exist?