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Pat Robertson endorses Giuliani

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Watching NBC, they showed Rudy and Pat together... does this help or hurt his campaign?


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Did Robertson actually endorse Guliani?

If he did, that is lame. I imagine it would help with some folks and hurt in others. Personally, I think Pat Robertson is a little out there. Anyone who teaches that by watching his show and touching the TV a person can (as has been) healed.


Done here.
Watching NBC, they showed Rudy and Pat together... does this help or hurt his campaign?
Odd as it seems that anybody would care what Pat Robertson says, a lot of people do. I think the endorsement would tend to help Rudy, since he's running very strong among Republicans except for Evangelicals. It'll probably tend to give Rudy some cred with the Christian right.

I don't know who I'm hoping will get the Republican nomination. Since it looks (right now) as if the Democrats will probably nominate a woman who's widely hated, I think the ideal Republican candidate, from my point of view, would probably be Pat Robertson himself. ;)


Watching NBC, they showed Rudy and Pat together... does this help or hurt his campaign?

It's just funny right now, at least to me. Guiliani also has recently received the endorcement of some criminals (that he pardoned?). Pat's endorcement should be situated somewhere along those lines...


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Does this mean Rudy endorses the remarks Pat condoned about 9/11 being caused by gays, lesbians, pagans, and the ALCU?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
As was pointed out earlier... OPPORTUNISM!

Well, I was hoping better for ol' Rudy. I need to find ONE GOP candidate that I can support at least a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Guiliani & Robertson.

It's like.....multiplying times zero. No matter the magnitude of their ego or bluster respectively there is still nothing there worth noting.

What a crappy analogy.
I can do better than that.


Done here.
Finally :)

Umm - you do realize that Pat endorsing Rudy <> Rudy endorsing Pat - Right?
Assuming that Pat's endorsement was completely unilateral, which isn't likely. You can bet there was a lot of negotiation leading up to the endorsement. However much they might like to distance themselves from his more insane pronouncements, any of the Republican candidates would have loved to have Robertson's endorsement.

A Republican presidential candidate has to win over as many right-wing religious fanatics as possible before he gets to run in the actual election.


Assuming that Pat's endorsement was completely unilateral, which isn't likely. You can bet there was a lot of negotiation leading up to the endorsement. However much they might like to distance themselves from his more insane pronouncements, any of the Republican candidates would have loved to have Robertson's endorsement.

A Republican presidential candidate has to win over as many right-wing religious fanatics as possible before he gets to run in the actual election.
Oh, there is a possibility that Rudy endorses Pat, but that condition is not necessary.