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Paul in Islam


Done here.
It seems pretty obvious that Islam must regard Paul as a false prophet or a false apostle, and that Islamic view of Paul must correspond pretty closely to the Ebionite view. I was looking for more detail on the Islamic view, and didn't find a whole lot, but I did find the following, in a Google cached page:
So what do the early Muslim theologians say about Paul? The reality is that the early Muslims theologians recognised that Paul was the corrupter of the religion we know today as "Christianity". We hence would like to sum up the position of Paul in Islam with the words of the eminent Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H), that
This is just like what Paul fabricated when he entered into the Religion of Christianity in order to corrupt the Religion of the Christians.[4]
Ash-Shahratain (d. 1153), a theologian of the Asharite school, echoes the above words of Ibn Taymiyyah by stating that
Paul, however, disordered his affair, made himself (Peter's) partner, altered the basis of his knowledge, and mixed it with the argument of the philosophers and the (evil) suggestion of his heart.[5]
4] This statement was originally stated by al-Laalikaa‘ee (no. 2832) from ash-Sha’bee. It was authenticated by Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Minhaajus-Sunnah (1/29) and he pointed out the earlier scholars who did this. It was declared hasan by al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari (12/270).

[5] As quoted by William Montgomery Watt, Muslim-Christian Ecounters: Perceptions and Misconceptions (Routledge, 1991), p. 69
Can any of the Muslims here (or anyone else) elaborate on the Islamic view of Paul?


Well-Known Member
Well, the word "Apostle" does not mean the same thing to a Muslim that it does to a Christian.

The only Apostles recognized by Islam would those such as Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster and a hand ful of others. Jesus was the Apostle of God, Paul is not an apostle of Jesus.


Judgement Day

Active Member
Islam only recognizes 25 'Rasul's'. Rasuls are people that were given revelation by God and were instructed to inform it to the others. While 'Nabi's' are people who were given revelation by God but weren't instructed to inform it to the others. As mentioned above, there are 25 Rasuls but there are hundreds of Nabis. You can note that Rasul=Apostle and Nabi=Prophet(maybe there is a more specialized term for this but it is out of my knowledge). Here are the list of 25 Rasuls in order:
  • Adam
  • Idris
  • Nuh (Noah)
  • Hud (Heber)
  • Salih (Methuselah)
  • Ibrahim (Abraham)
  • Lut (Lot)
  • Isma`il (Ishmael)
  • Ishaq (Isaac)
  • Ya`qub (Jacob)
  • Yusuf (Joseph)
  • Shu`aib
  • Dawud (David)
  • Sulaiman (Solomon)
  • Ilyas (Elias)
  • Al-Yasa` (Elisha)
  • Musa (Moses)
  • Uzair (Ezra)
  • Ayyub (Job)
  • Dhul-Kifl (Ezekiel)
  • Yunus (Jonah)
  • Zakariya (Zachariah)
  • Yahya (St.John the Baptist)
  • Isa (Jesus)
So Paul is not one of the Rasuls/Apostles.


Will to love
Thank you JD. That is very informative. I noticed that Isaiah is missing, or perhaps he is represented there by another name?


Judgement Day

Active Member
lunamoth said:
Thank you JD. That is very informative. I noticed that Isaiah is missing, or perhaps he is represented there by another name?
My pleasure, lunamoth :). I believe Isaiah is not in the list of the Apostles. And also, I forgot to include Muhammad in the list of Apostles as the last Apostle.



Well-Known Member
lunamoth said:
Thank you JD. That is very informative. I noticed that Isaiah is missing, or perhaps he is represented there by another name?


Isaiah is "nabi" not "rasul".


Judgement Day

Active Member
Information on who are the Nabi's are difficult to ascertain. So there is no accurate reference on who are the Nabi's.
The only Nabi's that Muslim knows are the one in the list of Rasul's, since Rasul's are Nabi's but Nabi's are not necessarily Rasul's.


Done here.
Judgement Day said:
Here are the list of 25 Rasuls in order
Do some Muslims view that list in a figurative manner, or are Muslims committed to the view that Adam, Idris, Noah, et al., were all historical persons?


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue said:
Do some Muslims view that list in a figurative manner, or are Muslims committed to the view that Adam, Idris, Noah, et al., were all historical persons?

Well, the Torah says They were historical persons, Muhammad reinforces that in the Qur'an, and Baha`u'llah repeats that claim in His writings which were written in the last 140 years or so.

"Adam " may not have been His name, and we may not know exactly when He appeared but the tradition that He was a person is certainly strong.. One can say there is no proof that They ever existed and be quite right, but if one accepts Muhammad, or Moses, or Jesus, or Baha`u'llah say They were I'm going to go along with that, and accept it on faith because I have no reason not to do so.


Judgement Day

Active Member
MidnightBlue said:
Do some Muslims view that list in a figurative manner, or are Muslims committed to the view that Adam, Idris, Noah, et al., were all historical persons?
Historical persons, because Muslims believe that they all once exist.



Well-Known Member
God informs us in The Qur'an that He sent many prophets to earlier nations, but that He did not mention them in The Qur'an, with the exception of the names posted above by JD.

From a Muslim point of view, there are no prophets between Jesus, peace be upon him, and Muhammad, peace be upon him. Paul was therefore not a prophet sent by God (according to Islam).

If of interest, this is a summary on the life of Prophets mentioned by name in The Qur'an:



Will to love
Cordoba said:
God informs us in The Qur'an that He sent many prophets to earlier nations, but that He did not mention them in The Qur'an, with the exception of the names posted above by JD.

From a Muslim point of view, there are no prophets between Jesus, peace be upon him, and Muhammad, peace be upon him. Paul was therefore not a prophet sent by God (according to Islam).

If of interest, this is a summary on the life of Prophets mentioned by name in The Qur'an:


Ah. I now see Isaiah listed in this new list as Shia. Makes sense now.


Judgement Day

Active Member
Cordoba said:
God informs us in The Qur'an that He sent many prophets to earlier nations, but that He did not mention them in The Qur'an, with the exception of the names posted above by JD.
Just wanted to rephrase my words, that according to Islamic history, there existed around 300 Rasul's since the beginning of human life but only 25 Rasul's that God requires us to acknowledge. And around 1000 Nabi's which includes Rasul's.
5 of the 25 Rasul's were given the title Ulul Azmi which means one that has outstanding fortitude. Those 5 Rasul's are:

