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Paul's says "..it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church


Active Member
This is mainly for Christians to give an answer to, but others can to. Paul states "women should remain silent in the churches". Why is Paul's direct statement not being inforced today when more and more women are becoming ministers? Can we directly apply this to our churches today? Why? Why not? If we can "disagree" with Paul here, then why not with other statements he makes like on homosexuals and slavery etc.?
Most Christians, for the most part, ignore this passages in Paul's message - 1 Cor 14:33-35:confused::confused:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
People, as always, pick and choose the scriptures that support their own opinions. Religion conforms to the status quo, rarely vice versa.


apparently the context for the verse was not female participation in church services, but women piping up and asking questions and interrupting the service to do so. this is why Paul says "they ought to be quiet and ask their husbands questions when they get home". in other words, the ladies in the Corinthian church had the habit of talking during the service itself, when it was appropriate to be listening and worshiping, not asking questions.

Paul also writes against females leading or heading the local churches themselves, but also writes affectionately to women who are active and well-known in their own Christian communities.

Paul was not against women having an active role in worship and Christian community life, but he did write against what we would now call female ordination, and women speaking up distractingly in worship services.


Active Member
apparently the context for the verse was not female participation in church services, but women piping up and asking questions and interrupting the service to do so. this is why Paul says "they ought to be quiet and ask their husbands questions when they get home". in other words, the ladies in the Corinthian church had the habit of talking during the service itself, when it was appropriate to be listening and worshiping, not asking questions.

Paul also writes against females leading or heading the local churches themselves, but also writes affectionately to women who are active and well-known in their own Christian communities.

Paul was not against women having an active role in worship and Christian community life, but he did write against what we would now call female ordination, and women speaking up distractingly in worship services.
Hi ayani ~ Yes Paul put it bluntly "it is DISGRACEFUL FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK IN THE CHURCH." Now to me that is just more that talking in church and asking questions. Women are not to SPEAK IN CHURCH. That is plain and simple as I see it. By the way Paul says it for "ALL CONGREGATIONS" NOT JUST THE LOCAL ONES.:yes:


Admiral Obvious
Hi ayani ~ Yes Paul put it bluntly "it is DISGRACEFUL FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK IN THE CHURCH." Now to me that is just more that talking in church and asking questions. Women are not to SPEAK IN CHURCH. That is plain and simple as I see it. By the way Paul says it for "ALL CONGREGATIONS" NOT JUST THE LOCAL ONES.:yes:
Based upon what the verses actually say and not what some would like for them to say...I agree.

Interesting how so many Christians will try to say that the Bible does not mean what it says, but often times something completely different.


This is this man's pro-women speaking in church opinion on the issue.
Women in Ministry? 1 Corinthians 14:34
The most important quote he says on the matter:
The ironic thing is that the Apostle Paul, who wrote these truths stated above, seems to contradict 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 just a few sentences later. Here is the reason for the contradiction: Those statements (Scriptures) in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 never ORIGINATED with Paul. Paul only REITERATED them as a rebuke to the Corinthian church in the letter we now read as Scripture. The Corinthians originally wrote them TO Paul. Paul told them how absurd it was for them to say that the Law commands women to be silent in the church - THEY ARE THE CHURCH. Paul said that they WERE NOT commands from the Lord but "ignorance" of what they were teaching God's people. (We will explore this in a moment).
So it would appear Corinthians 14:34 is nothing more than a quote, to be disagreed with by Paul, according to some people.


This scripture was meant to be a opinion of Paul not considered a commandment of God.
Read it carefully .


Question Everything
This is mainly for Christians to give an answer to, but others can to. Paul states "women should remain silent in the churches". Why is Paul's direct statement not being inforced today when more and more women are becoming ministers? Can we directly apply this to our churches today? Why? Why not? If we can "disagree" with Paul here, then why not with other statements he makes like on homosexuals and slavery etc.?
Most Christians, for the most part, ignore this passages in Paul's message - 1 Cor 14:33-35:confused::confused:

In our church, women do not hold the priesthood, we teach, but we do not preside over meetings. Some feminists get upset that women do not preside, but I think they do not understand the idea that the "last shall be first"...

30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
(New Testament | Matthew 19:30)

from the Tao Te Ching:

Dare to not be ahead of others.
Accept being unimportant.
Do not be concerned with loss or gain.
Why is the sea king of a hundred streams?
(Why does all water flow to the oceans?)
Because it lies below them all.

I think a humble selfless woman is a beautiful thing.


Paul's pigheaded nonsense about women was the number one factor influencing my dismissal of the entire Christian religion as having nothing of value to offer a woman with spiritual inclinations. It's not just that one passage - it's the fact that when I got to it I'd read everything up to that point, and hadn't noticed there's no women in it. I mean, there are caricatures of women, but nobody who behaves like a woman. Paul's letters made me go "Of course! This whole thing was written by men, for men. Obviously." Nothing to do with me. Haven't thought twice about it since.

If Christians weren't so uptight about the silly old "word-of-god thing", I think they could improve on the Bible tenfold by snipping out Paul's garbage and sticking in some Hildegard von Bingen, Marguerete Porete, maybe a few of those gnostic gospels I've heard about that rank Mary Magdalene as Christ's equal, etc. As it sits, I suppose they can count themselves lucky most Christian women don't read it.


Well-Known Member
This scripture was meant to be a opinion of Paul not considered a commandment of God.
Read it carefully .
I see. Are there many other portions of the Bible that are just the writer's opinion? All the other letters from Paul perhaps?


Well-Known Member
This happens a lot with religious texts. There's a cultural context that can be lost overtime to the layman's understanding.
Indeed! Few people recognize the Bible for what it truly is. One of the greatest spy thrillers ever penned!


In our church, women do not hold the priesthood, we teach, but we do not preside over meetings. Some feminists get upset that women do not preside, but I think they do not understand the idea that the "last shall be first"...

30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
(New Testament | Matthew19:30)

from the Tao Te Ching:

Dare to not be ahead of others.
Accept being unimportant.
Do not be concerned with loss or gain.
Why is the sea king of a hundred streams?
(Why does all water flow to the oceans?)
Because it lies below them all.

I think a humble selfless woman is a beautiful thing.

I think anyone who believes "last shall be first" is walking proof of Nietzche's "Geneology of Morality".


I see. Are there many other portions of the Bible that are just the writer's opinion? All the other letters from Paul perhaps?
Certainly one must discover wether it is the man who iss speaking all Is it God.
sigh for if every word was God speaking then genealogy thats written is pretty stupid thing for God to say.It is God inspired true . We have to search for the inspiration.


Well-Known Member
Uh, yeah, I think it's pretty obvious, to me, at least, that Shaul is not stating this as a mitzvah or truth. In fact, it seems to me he's mocking it. The 'command' is placed with other practices of the Corinthian congregation which he is condemning in no uncertain terms, so why is this specific one somehow doctrine while the rest of the list, around it, is being derided and thrown by the wayside?

P.S. In my rush to take down my Bible off the shelf to confirm this, I knocked my entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer collection down. I hope you're happy. :D