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People in News organizations should be prosecuted for lies

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
and I think one can say that it reached the level of "riot," which is what most on the right (whom I've heard) will admit to. I don't know who said it was peaceful, because it certainly wasn't.
I remember for sure some of them who were there, speaking in interviews after it happened.
But to call it an insurrection or to make comparisons to the Civil War is quite a bit over the top. The government was in no danger of being overthrown.
A good thing/bad thing of Trump is he showed how many layers and the depths our system has as protection from a potential tyrant. Such as, even had the riot gotten very bad and the election not officially certified it very likely would have gone to the Supreme Court, and they do not suffer election drama. Biden would still be president.


Veteran Member
What happened before now in opinions is the selective inclusion of facts. that has always been true. Nowadays too often there are lies, not selective inclusion of facts.

I've changed my stance on prosecuting lies, by the way. It's unrealistic.
The nice thing about capitalism is that, if there's demand, someone will supply. If you don't want to be lied to, don't get your news from the MSM (Main Street Media). There are people and organizations online who provide news and have an ambition to stick to the facts.
And maybe some of those may take a hint from media in other countries. We have a "Presserat", a voluntary self regulation of the German press. It somewhat keeps the news trustworthy.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
The nice thing about capitalism is that, if there's demand, someone will supply. If you don't want to be lied to, don't get your news from the MSM (Main Street Media). There are people and organizations online who provide news and have an ambition to stick to the facts.
What are you talking about?? It sounds garbled to me.


Veteran Member
What are you talking about?? It sounds garbled to me.
I'm talking about the "new media". Online news like TYT and The Hill. TYT is definitely left leaning and they admit to it but at least they try to give accurate news. And their audience is growing while that of the MSM is shrinking.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I'm talking about the "new media". Online news like TYT and The Hill. TYT is definitely left leaning and they admit to it but at least they try to give accurate news. And their audience is growing while that of the MSM is shrinking.
Oh, so you are left leaning. I've seen a a little of TYT and it goes to far for me. Open mockery. It is also true that Fox has higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC, and I don't even want to touch Fox News, at least evening programs. MSNBC also is left leaning but doesn't lie. I don't think CNN lies either.


Veteran Member
Oh, so you are left leaning. I've seen a a little of TYT and it goes to far for me. Open mockery. It is also true that Fox has higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC, and I don't even want to touch Fox News, at least evening programs. MSNBC also is left leaning but doesn't lie. I don't think CNN lies either.

The problem with these is that you can always question the bias of the one drawing the chart.


Non-debating member when I can help myself

The problem with these is that you can always question the bias of the one drawing the chart.
I've seen a chart like that before. I have no idea on what criteria they are drawn up. What is liberal or conservative anyway? How many people are involved in drawing the chart? Unknown. I don't wish to continue this line. This thread is about what to do about lies. One problem is that in America the viewers too often can't agree on what the facts are. America is more polarized probably than ever before. If there is disagreement about which networks are telling lies that is a product of us not investigating independently. Let's do that.


Veteran Member
One problem is that in America the viewers too often can't agree on what the facts are.
Yep. Before the invention of "alternative facts", the disagreement was about the interpretation of the facts but at least people were in agreement about reality.
America is more polarized probably than ever before. If there is disagreement about which networks are telling lies that is a product of us not investigating independently. Let's do that.
Unfortunately that is a lot of work. But I don't see anyone taking that work from you unless you pay them exactly for that.


Veteran Member
Very few are dying or having health problems from vaccines. Get informed, look up what I'm saying here and see for yourself.
I have. That's why I'm concerned. And looking up things doesn't always help because not all truth is available on the internet.
My own Dad took a downturn after taking the vaccine. Maybe it's coincidence. But maybe not. I'm not going to rule anything out because it's not the popular narrative.
Besides Eric Clapton almost lost the use of his hands from the vaccine. That sacrilege!

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Somebody already mentioned gullibility being as much of the problem as right wing indoctrination media. If there wasn't a price to pay for it, there's be no advantage in being informed and savvy. If you're going to uncritically imbibe the sewage coming from the likes of Carlson and Ingraham, then you have brought what follows on yourself.

Be a little more merciful to those who are gullible.

Mercy: "compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm."

These people don't need mercy from somebody like me that doesn't affect their lives. I'm not the problem of these gullible consumers of rightwing indoctrination media. The people they trust, and who manipulate and exploit them are, people that will show them no mercy. A basic problem these people have is they can't evaluate evidence and can't recognize who is friend and who is foe.

Did you mean be more empathetic to them? I have empathy for some, like the people who have been terrified into refusing the vaccine and then become severely ill or die, and the health care workers losing their jobs over vaccine hesitancy. They just didn't know who to trust, listened to the wrong people or didn't listen at all. Yet, my comment stands: "If you're going to uncritically imbibe the sewage coming from the likes of Carlson and Ingraham, then you have brought what follows on yourself." Maybe you disagree.

Conservative gullibility also underlies the Capitol insurrection, but I have no empathy for anybody involved in that. Nor any other malicious, angry conservatives, like the ones that want to walk around Wal-Mart wearing assault rifles, or the ones making scenes in private businesses about wearing masks. Or the white supremacists. Or people refusing vaccines not out of fear but due to conservative tribalism. Or Trump supporters. Or paramilitary types in the mountains.

All of these people are just as gullible and susceptible to media manipulation as the ones I mentioned that I do have some empathy for, but these are terrible people - one might say deplorable - and I don't mind any misfortune that befalls them. Maybe you don't approve of that attitude, but after over a year of watching these people in the news, I've simply lost interest in what becomes of them.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
Did you mean be more empathetic to them? I have empathy for some, like the people who have been terrified into refusing the vaccine and then become severely ill or die, and the health care workers losing their jobs over vaccine hesitancy. They just didn't know who to trust, listened to the wrong people or didn't listen at all.
It's good that you have empathy for such people. That's what I was getting at, yes.
Conservative gullibility also underlies the Capitol insurrection, but I have no empathy for anybody involved in that.
It's harder to have empathy for such people, but in my view they have hurt themselves as well as others, arrested and put away, and hurt themselves on a spiritual level. Probably you don't agree about hurting themselves on a spiritual level, but the other part should be real to you.