I don't think this shows anything surprising or new. Non-Orthodox Judaism in America has been suffering huge assimilation and lack of adequate Jewish education for a long time now. And Orthodoxy everywhere has been suffering from zealotry and excessive social conservatism for a long time. Everybody's retention rates are suffering, though for different reasons; but also because the day of movements is coming to a close.
All this says to me is what I've predicted for a long time: the confluence of Jewish ignorance and intermarriage will lead to enormous numbers of Jews being lost completely to total secular assimilation and apostasy; the "center" of educated, paticipatory, in some way observant Jews will become a tiny informal community of former Conservative, former Modern Orthodox, and a very few former Reform Jews; the rest of Orthodoxy will turn itself into a Jewish Taleban if they're not careful; and non-fundamentalist Jewish life will look very different (and much smaller) 20 or 25 years from now.
Oy. "...suffering from zealotry and excessive social conservatism..." "A Jewish Taliban..."
The last time I took issue with your slander vis a vis Torah observant Judaism, I ended the discussion by thanking you for expressing your feelings and telling you that I better understood where you are coming from...
I figured that there was no point in continuing a discussion that boiled down to something along the lines of that you don't like Torah observant Jews because you think they don't treat "You" or people you know nicely. You think that Orthodox Jews "hurt people's feelings"
(Quotation marks to denote generalities and non specificity)
Okay fine.
You want Orthodox Jews to treat you and your contemporaries with "Rabbinical Respect;" as "equals among equals..."
Yet, you are comfortable with forecasting that Orthodox Jews are going to torture people to death; stone people to death; murder anyone who disagrees with Torah observant Judaism; ban and murder all other religions; lock women up and not allow them out alone without a male relative; and try and create a Jewish State by violent and horrific warfare.
Whoa. :magic:
And you really don't understand why Orthodox Jews might not respect someone who holds your beliefs....
That is so odd.
The age of big shuls is over. Movements as we know them are on the way out. At some point there will be only a large Orthodox community and a small Non-Orthodox community. What will keep people Jewish is the confluence of education and the engagement of their parents in Jewish life, creating contextualized, rich, and pleasant Jewish lives.
But I find nothing shocking in this. Only sad, as usual.
As for the OP:
Of course there is nothing shocking in this - it has been going on for over 4,000 years.
All of Avraham Avinu's converts disappeared. Yaakov went down to Egypt with Only his family.
We learn that 4/5 of all Jews died in Egypt because they didn't want to leave...
The Kingdom of Israel became Judah and Israel within 100 years. And, all of Israel, the "Ten Tribes" vanished.
Ezra; Nehemiah; Zachariah - all had a hell of a time "purifying" the Jewish bloodline from Babylon back to Israel...
Then, Jews assimilated en mass to Hellenism and Judaism disappeared until...
a very Taliban like character called Matthias and his son Judah Maccabee, cut off the head of a Jew who was worshiping the wrong way and started a bloody civil war against the Hellenized Jews of Israel.
Then, after 300 plus bloody years of Jewish infighting over Whose Flavor of G-d is the Best Flavor of G-d (or "Who's a Jew?"), the Land of Israel was depopulated by the Romans.
Paul Johnson, British historian, estimates that at the time of Augustus Caesar, there were 8 million Jews in the Roman Empire.
600 years later, there were 3 million Jews in the same area. The rest had all assimilated into the surrounding cultures.
And the assimilation goes on for the next 2,000 years until today.
It was considered a hard, cold FACT in the first half of the 20th Century that Orthodox Judaism was an antiquated dinosaur that was dying and would soon cease to exist...
However, as it was in Beginning, it is now, and ever shall be... Those Jews who dedicate their lives to Torah and Jewish observance are the ones that have always ended up surviving and building up a new Strength and Core of Torah observant Judaism.
This is good.