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Philosophy of Thelema (Selfrealisation 3)


Thelema* is the mark of mind untrained to take its own process as valid for all men and its own judgements for absolute truth.
* (Greek: Will)

Will is the force of creation and Love the force that unites its manifestations. Will & Love are complementary, and considered the strong force of Mind. It manifests as harmony, beauty and joy of existence.

Worship existence is a major demand of LAL as it has become – foremost in the Occident – distorted beyond (re)cognition.
Mistreating existence is mistreating half of the equation of Conscious-Ness, with dire consequences, as it mistreats the mind.

In the domain of Sapiens the Lust of Life deteriorated to a genetic theory and Joy to a cocktail of emotions mixed by the media and markets of the possession complex.

Cultures of the old worshiped wind, water, mountains, beasts, trees and other aspects of existence in temples, myths and works of art, as manifestations of ConsciousNess, some even with sacrificing the bodies of the worshippers.

Every R/P system has particular Life/Death concepts.

In the alternating R/P the dissolving body (soma) is left to earth, fire, water or air, while the psyche is kept alive with rituals – particularly where it is believed to be essential for the re-incarnation of the soma aspect.

In the contrary R/P the body receives a space, or room, furnished with life-utensils, while (notably in Egypt) symbols and data-cards (Stele) are employed to keep the diseased present. With the doubling of the R/P field, that space is perceived as another world (or dimension) wherein the deceased has to justify his existence to the gods in charge of it – i.e. of the measures and values it is composed of.

In Dualism the times & spaces of the living & the dead are not only divided, but also fractured by the counter-dynamics of its R/P fields.

Thus, the dead wind up in heavens above and hells below, while the spaces of the living get subdivided into sections for you & me, pasts & futures, inner & outer worlds, one for psyche and one for soma, in short: times & spaces for everything they fear from death – and hope from it as well, since their existence is not only determined by their fear of death, but also by their fear of life

Thus there is the death of those whose existence is determined by fear & hope – and the death of those who associate it with the death of the dogs.

There is the death of the one who consumes himself in the fire of Selfrealisation and there is the dissolution of the one who determines his life as well as his death. To him existence is the Great Ritual and death the crown of it.


New Member
I never could get into Crowley. Though he was a very poetic and entertaining writer, he was always way over my head, or above my paygrade; and ultimately I couldn't see in him an exemplary Sage whom I ought to look to for guidance. Thanks for sharing!


Exemplary sages appear mostly in oriental - foremost Daoist, Hindu & Buddhist schools of self-investigation.
We Occidentals i.e. children of Dualism, are naturally handicaped.
Yet, we keeo on trying - Thank brother !


ConsciousNess is self-complementary.

The constellations of the manifestations of ConsciousNess are interactive; their reciprocal changes maintain its continuity.

Every constellation comprises poles that determine its space/time.

The space/time of Selfrealisation is Here/Now.

The inter/extrapolation (see: sphere) of ConsciousNess encompasses the entire Selfrealisation process.

The ways the interrelations of the constellations are observed, reveal also the ways & patterns of the observers Selfrealisation process.


Self is not to be sought after or subjected to operations of the intellect, but to be whole hearted/minded embraced.

One cannot change oneself, but one can realize oneself.

The notion of changing oneself is self-denial and most common in Dualism, because of its presumption that the viewpoints, which relate its manifestations, are having different time/space positions. A misconception that leads – due to the counter-dynamics of the (dualistic) R/P fields – to the assumption that one could be different/other than one is


When mind ceases to differentiate it is one, many & All

All is as infinite as the unities of which it consists.

The dimension of unity can neither be related nor located – but only be experienced.

Dimensions that can be related, are division/multiplication abstructs. They may serve to focus on unity, but cannot effect it, since its time/space is not extended – wherefore unity disappears when manipulated.


Occidental philosophies claim to behold truth and reality and Occidental sciences to have proven and confirmed them.

Both ignore those of the Orient – the philosophers because they can´t comprehend them, and the scientists because the truths & realities of the Orient don´t need scientific confirmations, since subject & object, the creator & the created complement each other in the alternating R/P system.

To differentiate and to compare realities are mirror games, as they are aspects of one and the same process that only differs in its particular perspectives.

Every manifestation of the Mind contains an unknown factor, which – when known – becomes another manifestation – thus multiplicity is born. Multiplicity is the cradle of differentiation – differentiation is subject to the R/P modes – their viewpoints cause restrictions – restriction retards Selfrealisation.

The reflection/projection capability of the mind is the cause of many of its problems, and their solution as well, as it can bring about a state of ConsciousNess that supersedes subjective/ objective, internal/external and many more of the dualities that confuse the mind.

If we knew our mind perfectly and realized what our Self-nature truly is, all of us would be enlightened. (Hui Neng)


Where Selfrealisation, the consciousness of All, is not yet realized, self-management is recommended.
In the following it is called auto-management, to emphasize the autonomy aspect, which is particularly important where Dualism rules, traditional
Wertmasstaebe deteriorate, new ones come and go by the hour and mind seeks help and solutions outside of its personal periphery, like in the wwmediawebs that distribute myriads of opinions of confused minds, and manipulate them with algorithms and AI´s to feed their commercial, political, ideological and other ego-cravings.

The auto-manager is to shun religious, ideological and collective identity schemes, avoid clustering his home with emotions and moralities, infect it with possession & parasitical viruses, copy blindly traditional reference frameworks and/or represent & exercise the wills of others.
in short: he is not to house anything that impedes the autonomy of his mind.

(Although risking misunderstanding, the term selfmanagement/manager is going to be used in the following)

´Do what Thou wilt, love under will - i.e. Love Thyself - is the first Law of selfmanagement.

Selfmanagement is active, and thus akin to Thelema.

Selfmanagement is not to change the mind – after all, mind is change – but to strengthen it.

The selfmanager has to keep, first of all, Unity in mind.

He is to manage his mind in accordance with his true Nature


If Warrior happens to be the dominant characteristic, he might turn the house into a fortress, to repel the politicians, money-molochs, religious parasites, spin-doctors, media-influencers and whatever else messes around in his exteriors, namely the Occident, and moreover, to prevent mind from wandering off into the worlds of Dualism where psycho- neuro- tecno- media-etc-logics threaten to estrange it.

The warrior is to operate alone and from a secret position that serves as his retreat and to study the weaknesses and traps of his opponents. He may use their deception tactics and tricks, but his attack has to be precise and swift like a snake. He has to pay attention not to rush past his target, or to idle in it, but to retreat in the same manner and without leaving unnecessary (e.g.: personal) traces. Moreover, he ought not to return to the target of his attack to reassure his success, because an act that is questioned is incomplete, i.e. imperfect.



The warrior might join Ra-Hoor-Khu, the Egyptian god of war and vengeance (LAL III-3), who personifies the destruction of the Occidental- i.e. Ego- civilisation.

Hindus call it Kali Yuga and predicted it about 2000 years ago to be the last phase in a cycle of yugas that is going to terminate in the 21st century.
In the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata it is described as the age of (quote) confusion, self-deception, hypocrisy, avarice, debauchery, corruption, vice, quarrel, misery and wars.
Hindus claim it to be followed by a new cycle, starting with Sata yuga, the age of truth, also called the Golden Age, from where probably the New Age concept of the Occident derives.

LAL III-34 similar suggests that the whole game of gods sacrifices, egos, etc, is going to start all over again; yet Liber Al vel Legis (LAL) finishes with ´I have crushed an universe; & nought remains´.
Naught = none, is in Book I envisioned as a state of mind whose time/space his here/now and thus ALL (Nuit).


Universes are figments of the mind and as versatile as its imagination.

They are taken by their beholders as reality and are backed by beliefs, myths and reasonings.

Latter are particularly popular where the interpretations of the mind are believed to represent a reality per se, and that its feedback-faculty (intellect) is able to proof it.

Some universes are mere prisons, most notably those dominated by a deity/ideology and run by priests/politicians that control and parasite on the inmates. They are often breeding grounds of ´Life is misery & suffering´ concepts.

Universes tend towards unity or multiplicity - depending on the inter/extrapolation phase of ConsciousNess.

In the alternating R/P system, i.e. the Orient, the phases appear complimentary or cyclical - in Dualism separate.

There are universes which are not subject to the R/P systems and cannot be captured with the ratio of the intellect. They are usually evoked with drugs and psyche/soma rituals and manifest in the intuition.

And there is the Universe of the Kabbalah which combines intuition, intellect and some lesser known (occult) faculties of the mind (see: Liber 777 )


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You might want to edit your title. You have a small misspelling in it. As a result I thought that this thread was going to have a Scooby Doo twist to it:



The universe of Thelema is a spherical inter/extrapolation dynamic; in LAL it is marked with Nuit/Hadit, and called the consciousness of the continuity of existence (I-26)

Every man & woman is a ConsciousNess (LAL: star)

Every star is a microcosm that relates the macrocosm – macrocosm is the inter/extrapolation sphere of microcosms I.e. stars


“Rule your mind or your mind rules you” (Buddha)

Buddha derived his concepts of the mind from introspection (know thyself), an operation modus apparently lost to the Occidental civilization whose scientists try to confine mind into their cerebrums and to explain its enormous capacities with electrical & chemical activities.

Yet mind is apparently more active than ever, considering the growing problems the members and victims of the Occident suffer.
Attempts to solve them with computers, genetics, pharmaceuticals, algorithms, IT´s, AI´s, etc, are counterproductive, as they deprive mind and its beholder of the ability to take care of the problems.

(Serious researchers of all ages consider ignorance of the true nature and capabilities of the mind the major problem of mankind)

Hindu, Buddhist, Dao and Zen schools offer ways and methods to investigate and handle the mind and even to transcend its limitations. Lacking aggression and operating with faith, patience & compassion, they are poorly equipped to deal with the onslaught of a mindless civilization which, driven by egos, greed, envy, fear, hatred, etc, etc, aims to rule the world.

Nothing new, many civilizations have tried it before and always failed, either because of competitors, internal corruption or auto-destruction - latter seem to be the fate of occidental civilization.
That its finale Is -due to the auto acceleration/fragmentation dynamic of Dualism – rapidly nearing, ought not to call for celebration as this monstrosity is going to continue devouring minds, peoples and natures until its very end, which thus can be expected to entail mental, social and nature disasters. Moreover, there are going to be plenty of leftovers from the beliefs and myths that have been nourishing the occident for two millennia, innumerable cultural rituals, ego & power abstructs, religious, economical & social constructs and so on - some of them harmless, others potentially enduring threats that need to be eliminated, in order for our children to be born and grow up in a healthy world and to live according to each ones True Will &