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physical appearance of jesus


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Mary was conceived without sin?
I was not aware her mother was a virgin, too.


- viole

Her mother wasn’t a virgin. Mary’s soul was preserved by God from the stain of Original Sin because only such a pure being would be fit to bear God. God made an exception. That’s Catholic doctrine.


Well-Known Member
Her mother wasn’t a virgin. Mary’s soul was preserved by God from the stain of Original Sin because only such a pure being would be fit to bear God. God made an exception. That’s Catholic doctrine.
There is such a thing in Catholicism?

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
No more than he has been 'hijacked' by other people...

Ethiopian Jesus


Chinese Jesus


By what metric was he not 'white'? Remember, Arabs were foreign invaders of a Mediterranean civilisation during their conquests in the 7th C.

Looking at genetic profiles of the region, he was probably as 'white' as a Southern European (as are local Jews, many Turks, Levantine 'Arabs', etc.)

Modern political boundaries that separate "white" Europe from "brown" Middle East don't match traditional population origins and ignore the fact that Mediterranean Southern Europeans are closer to Mediterranean peoples in the ME than they are to Northern Europeans. Also that Mediterranean 'Middle Easterners' are closer to Southern Europeans than they are to ethnic Arabs, even though culturally, they are seen as Arabs.

Defining populations in terms of 'whiteness' and arbitrarily defining genetically similar populations as white/non-white is akin to racist notions of racial purity.

This is not to say Jesus should be claimed as 'white', just that the classification is stupid and relates to modern sensibilities and prejudices rather than anything remotely scientific.

Copy pasted from this thread which also includes scientific info regarding genetics in the region.

that kid is already bald? Damn I hope he is praying for a renewed hairline


Avid Bible Student
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And we all know what one of those looks like, right?

No we don't.....but he looked enough like his countrymen to be indistinguishable from them to the Roman soldiers who were sent to arrest him. That was the point.

If Jesus had been among men dressed like this,

how would you have picked him out? The guy in the black suit, white shirt, with a beard and a black hat?


Well-Known Member
regarding what jesus is made to look like in artwork, in most paintings, sculptures, statues etc., do you think his appearance should be more accurately depicted according to historians and researchers?
do you believe he is accurately portrayed?

do you attach any importance to this(his physical appearance)? or it doesn't matter to you?

has jesus been hijacked by white people? and made to look like a white man...

His appearance and exact skin shade is not significant
Isaiah said he did not have an appearance that we would be attracted to
We do know He had a beard.


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Actually the term -immaculate conception- does not refer to Jesus. It refers to the belief that Mary was conceived without sin.

Considering that Jesus was the product of that conception, it surely must refer to Jesus.

Axe Elf

Considering that Jesus was the product of that conception, it surely must refer to Jesus.

No, @RabbiO and @Jainarayan are correct; the Catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception refers to Mary being without sin.

This caused some consternation for Jesus later, when he was trying to make a point about not judging other people because you could be judged too. The crowd was trying to stone an adulteress, and Jesus said, "Whoever is without sin may cast the first stone." From the back of the crowd, a rock flew and hit the adulteress in the forehead, causing a deep gash. Jesus peered through the crowd to see who it was, and then threw up His arms, saying, "I didn't mean YOU, mom!"


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No, @RabbiO and @Jainarayan are correct; the Catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception refers to Mary being without sin.

Okay, but the bottom line is that (according to Church doctrine) she was a virgin when Jesus was conceived. Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus and therefore Jesus' outward appearance would not have resembled Joseph. It's unclear whether he would have had any of Mary's genetic material either. According to Church doctrine as I remember it, it was through the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was conceived. So (assuming this is true), Jesus' outward appearance would have been whatever God deemed fitting.

Axe Elf

Okay, but the bottom line is that (according to Church doctrine) she was a virgin when Jesus was conceived. Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus and therefore Jesus' outward appearance would not have resembled Joseph. It's unclear whether he would have had any of Mary's genetic material either. According to Church doctrine as I remember it, it was through the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was conceived. So (assuming this is true), Jesus' outward appearance would have been whatever God deemed fitting.

Correct, although I think it's safe to assume that if Jesus looked significantly different from the indigenous peoples--like if he was Ted Neely in a nation of Danny DeVitos--there might have been a stoning.


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Correct, although I think it's safe to assume that if Jesus looked significantly different from the indigenous peoples--like if he was Ted Neely in a nation of Danny DeVitos--there might have been a stoning.

Perhaps. But they had already been occupied by the Roman Empire, so they would have been used to people from other lands; wouldn't be that much of a shock as to trigger a stoning.

On the other hand, it could have had the opposite effect. If he did look like Ted Neely in a nation of Danny DeVitos, that could have boosted his popularity. ;)

Axe Elf

Perhaps. But they had already been occupied by the Roman Empire, so they would have been used to people from other lands; wouldn't be that much of a shock as to trigger a stoning.

Not a stoning of Jesus, but of Mary--if Joseph's wife gave birth to a son that was obviously fathered by someone of a different race, she would have been subject to the laws governing adulteresses--i.e., she would have been stoned.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
No we don't.....but he looked enough like his countrymen to be indistinguishable from them ...
That's about like saying that my father "looked enough like his countrymen to be indistinguishable from them" to the Canadian Mounties, i.e., the comment is simply silly.


Avid Bible Student
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That's about like saying that my father "looked enough like his countrymen to be indistinguishable from them" to the Canadian Mounties, i.e., the comment is simply silly.

You do understand the context of my comment was against the background of the OP....what Jesus looked like? If he had looked like the man portrayed in Hollywood movies, he'd have stood out like a sore thumb to the Romans. :eek: Judas would never have needed to give him a kiss. All the women would have lined up. :D

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
You do understand the context of my comment was against the background of the OP....what Jesus looked like? If he had looked like the man portrayed in Hollywood movies, he'd have stood out like a sore thumb to the Romans.
You continue to pretend to know what you don't know. If Jesus, he looked like a Jew in precisely the same way that I look like an American.


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Not a stoning of Jesus, but of Mary--if Joseph's wife gave birth to a son that was obviously fathered by someone of a different race, she would have been subject to the laws governing adulteresses--i.e., she would have been stoned.

Wasn't she facing that possibility anyway?

Axe Elf

Wasn't she facing that possibility anyway?

If people knew that she got pregnant without having sex with Joseph, then yeah, probably. But I doubt if anyone asked. But to quote the character Hud from the musical HAIR, "If the baby comes out all white and squishy-like," then suspicion would be aroused.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
You continue to pretend to know what you don't know. If Jesus, he looked like a Jew in precisely the same way that I look like an American.

That was the point. He looked like any other member of his nation. His physical appearance is not even mentioned in the NT.

He was dressed like all other Jews, according to God's instructions. He would have had a beard and a fringe on his outer garment with a blue thread. Jews stood out from Romans by their appearance, but nothing stood out about Jesus' appearance among other Jews.
Are you misunderstanding what I am saying in response to the OP?