So things and people I disagree with don't make me feel ill. I can listen to Trump all day and may be angry, but I don't feel like I'm being hit with a flu of the soul. Well, I was just at a baptism for my SOs niece, and man do I feel sick. This little girl not only has no say, but she has no idea what's going on at all, no ability to question nor understand. Then the priest was talking about heaven and hell, just instilling this fear in the members of "remember, you could totally go to hell." Mixed with the hypocrisy of the other family involved, their horrible ethics, the very fact that this is an out of wedlock marriage, I'm surprised I didn't laugh out loud. Then the actual baptism, holding a child basically head lower than legs, her crying her eyes out in terror as she's forced into a spirituality she knows nothing of. I just couldn't handle it. I'm sworn to protect individual freedom as well as children themselves, and felt like I was witnessing this horrible ritual completely against the child's will. How in the world is this even legal, let alone moral?
The biblical "process" for baptism actually requires it to be preceded by repentance -which requires a fairly deep understanding of sin, the law, etc. -which technically requires that one has also actually lived long enough to do a bit of sinning -as baptism itself is for foregiveness of sins.
I think the idea of everyone being guilty of original sin -which really isn't biblical, either -led to baptism of young people. Some might think that people should be forgiven as soon as possible in case something happens and they go to hell, but, again -that's not biblical, either.
When the spirit of God was made widely available with the new covenant, repentance and baptism for remission of sins preceded the laying on of hands -at which point, if it was his decision (as God can know men's hearts), the spirit of God -which is first with one -would then be in one.
Though some believe it to be a separate person, it is defined in the bible as a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind -and is essentially access to an increasingly Godly perspective, understanding, power, love, etc.. by coupling man's spirit with that of God.
An understanding of that spirit should logically precede receiving it.
Some in the bible who were baptized for the remission of sins alone were baptized again after learning that the spirit of God could be received.
In page order, the spirit of God is first mentioned as the means by which God resurfaced the Earth, and secondly the means by which God granted one talents to work with gold, etc. (similar to downloading new skills in "The Matrix")
Anyway -the underlying intent might be good, but baptizing infants really doesn't accomplish anything.
After a baby is born, pointing out the situation leading up to the birth is pointless as well -though talking up the benefits of marriage might be helpful.
Many reactions to things which may not be "righteous" are harmful and do not promote righteousness.
Fear and real faith have nothing to do with each other -except the fear of the Lord, which is defined as hatred of evil (not hatred of people).
Scripture says there is a sorrow which leads to repentance, and a sorrow which leads to death.
Many are so mired down in guilt, fear, shame, etc. -some helped along by misguided ministers -that they are against themselves and self-improvement is hindered.
12 Cor 7:0 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.