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Pirated Music

Is Pirating music OK?

  • Yes, you shouldn't have to pay for music.

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Yes, but only in moderation.

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • No, its stealing the artist income.

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I thought I would just ask, what is your opinion on using programs such as Kazaa to download free music and why?

Me, I will usually download a few songs off of an album to see if I really want to buy it or not, since I don't have alot of extra spending money. Also, I have discovered a few good groups, such as Demon Hunter using Kazaa, and some really great groups like Children of Bodom using Kazaa. I think you should be able to download some songs from it to preview an album or group.


Well-Known Member

There's a difference in previewing and stealing. Once you download the songs and find you like them, if you continue to listen to them without buying the CD, it's stealing.

I've heard people justify their stealing by saying that the CD only contained the one good song and didn't feel they should have to "buy" the whole CD...or that they were ripping the consumer off by charging too much for the CD. They can justify all they want, but it's still stealing. If the price is too high...don't buy it. If it contains only one good song, buy the single or don't buy it. That will certainly send a message to the recording companies.


Uber all member
You may talk of shoulds or should not's for downloading music, but any advocation of an illegal act will be deleted.


The cake is a lie
When I pirate music, it's because what I listen to isn't available in America or costs $40+ to import. I really don't have the extra spending money to pay $40 for a CD.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
My son Andrew is a would-be musician. Not that he plays any instrument, apart from a keyboard - he spends hours mixing his music on powerful computers. He had a website from which any visitor was invited to download music; I think the theory is that you let them hear a bit, in the hope that they will buy some.:)


High Priestess
Most of the music I have downloaded was music that I had in fact bought in the past. Sometimes several times. I bought Twin Hype four times in the 80s and they kept getting stolen. The tape is hard to find these days, and I have downloaded a few of their songs whenever I come across them. I did recently find it at Amazon.Com, and tried to buy it. That was over a year ago, and they are still saying that my order is on back order. I know it's hard to find. Any way, that's my weakness, out of print and hard to find stuff.

Like old Dr. Demento top 5 countdowns:jam:


High Priestess
My dad used to be in the Air Force. He would go to Saudi quite often cause he flew on the AWACS. He would always come home with pirated tapes of American Bands. They were great. It would only cost like 1.50 per cassette but there would be extra songs on the album. I remember one was VanHalen Jump. But it had Ice Cream Man and several other songs from previous albums, in addition to all the songs from Jump. Dad would come home with 5 or 6 tapes for each of us 5 kids.


Active Member
I don't think it's a bad thing at all, though I know there are some people who just abuse it. I've downloaded a lot of songs, but if you just look at my CD collection, you can see that those artists made money off me, they didn't lose it. The last CD I bought was a Papa Roach CD I would never have bought had I not heard one of their songs off Kazaa. There are a lot of songs I downloaded, but then never bought the CD, but I wouldn't have bought the CD anyway, because I knew there was a good chance I wouldn't like it.

And if I didn't go and buy the CDs, I still wouldn't see it as a bad thing. Some people seem to think that if you couldn't download the songs, then you'd go out and buy them, but that's not true at all. If I couldn't download songs, I'd simply have a lot less CDs.

Original Freak

I am the ORIGINAL Freak
I download a lot of songs. Reason being I've little money. Now when I find a band I like I buy the album. I don't know why but I really like having 'the original'. It has allowed me to discover new bands and hard to find songs from bands I've liked as well, things I didn't even know exsited. The main reason I've so many songs is because I listen all day everday at work and the repitetion of my CD's and the songs on radio is annoying as hell.

As far as the legality of it, I'm up in the air about it. I simply can't afford to buy hundreds of CD's to get a bunch of random songs.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I don't know if you guys know, but there is a Legal (I am as certain of that as can be) site -Allofmp3.com, which is based in Russia. You need broadband, but their range of genres and titles is ever expanding; you pay by the Mb download - it is much cheaper than, say, Napster.:)


Unedited said:
And if I didn't go and buy the CDs, I still wouldn't see it as a bad thing. Some people seem to think that if you couldn't download the songs, then you'd go out and buy them, but that's not true at all. If I couldn't download songs, I'd simply have a lot less CDs.
people buy more c.d.s now than before. Independant bands can finnally survive up aginst the monsters of the music industry. O boo hoo you need another 100,000,000 Metalicca,you rip us off at every corner that you play a show with $50 t shirts and $100 concert tickets.

I guess as long as the record companies decides what we are to listen to, you can't feel guilty for trying something new by a free download.
The quality is not close to store bought c.d's so I will buy the disk's I like.
People who think that we are stealing should think again. The free advertising is gold to most bands. The only ones who care are the greedy like Metalicca who in 20 yrs will be begging the youth to listen.

I'm a musician. I like creating. I would love my music plastered over the net for people to have for free.If everyone loved my tunes, I'm sure they would come to my show.
The problem is that the music buisness is a private club , in which it is easier to repack a Led Zeppelin box set to sell at an astronomical price, than it is to give new talent a chance.

This new age of free downloads is what the true musician(us who love music more than money)have been waiting for since the Beatles were ripped off from their label over 40 yrs ago.
Don't worry about your millionaire artist, he will survive. Allow free music and support the independent artist who only wants to tear down a monopolized industry who doesnt care about you, its artists or the art.

True evil is the label.Rip the label off and free the music.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Ok look here.

1 CD: $30 maybe 1 good song, and the rest is "fill in" crap, just to release it
as an album.Then, to make sure people BUY the album, they hype it up by
putting(hyping) the tracks into the top 30 or 40 charts.

How often would I be able to walk into today's music stores and find Alvin
Stardust, or older Kid Rock songs? Nope, if you have walked into Sanity
(Music shop here) it's all hyped crap, chart music and dance music. Teen-bop stuff. I even ask for Adam and the Ants, and the girl behind the counter merely
chews gum and says "Huh?".

I download mmusic I LIKE. Not what I am WANTED to like, and/or HYPED to buy.

Oh and in case you didn't know Kazaa is a Virus.


A fool
Definition of "steal" from Dictionary.com: To take (the property of another) without right or permission.

If I nick Jonny's ball then this is undeniably theft. If I borrow Jonny's ball and then give it back to him then it isn't. What happens if I borrow his ball, measure the specifications and produce a copy using a 3D printer?

Using file sharing programs falls into the latter category rather than the first 2. So does recording your favourite program off the television or your favourite song off the radio both of which are nice and legal and free.


Mellowing with Age
pah said:
You may talk of shoulds or should not's for downloading music, but any advocation of an illegal act will be deleted.
So be sure and sprinkle your post with a few "alledgedly"s.


"Yarrhar! Tis a galleon filled to her brim with reggae from the South Seas to port! She's a-listing heavy to windward, put yer backs inta it me 'earties, we'll send 'er ta Davy Jones's locker!"

Usually, if I find myself downloading more than one CD from the same group I'll buy the third album, sometimes the sixth. That does kind of weight things in favor of already established groups, though.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think its amazon.com that allows you to preview abit a the first few songs of an album before you buy it, which is something I think all groups that are worried about piracy should do. Or, you could focus more on earning money from ticket sales doing concerts, like many groups are doing.


Well-Known Member
Jensa said:
When I pirate music, it's because what I listen to isn't available in America or costs $40+ to import. I really don't have the extra spending money to pay $40 for a CD.
So does that mean you advocate taking a BMW off a car lot without paying because you can't afford it?


Well-Known Member
Justify it all you want...but recognize that it's stealing.

I'm curious as to how many of you would like it if your employer told you that he only liked how you worked one hour of the day so that's all you're getting paid for?


That'd suck, its a surety, but somehow I think I wouldn't mind as much if my several thousand employers each said that. Admittedly though, yeah its totally stealing.