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Pitch your religion!


Active Member
The Pope himself warned Catholics against Pantheism. Stay away from it. It will lead you to places you shouldn't go, places he's never been. And besides, who wants to be labeled a threat?


Hey,i believe in a parallel universe as an afterlife as to say that when we fall in this universe we rise in the parallel universe in a sort of rebirth type way. ritual wise we like a bit of meditation and simply chilling back. God wise we can not know as we have no proved prophets or messengers so we havve to think rationally on god. Ethics wise we accept homosexuality,premarital sex and the importance of the basic moral stuff(no killing,no stealing etc)+i want to hear anyone here's question about this faith!?
Designed Humanism

A reconciliation of God with the logical world around us. A belief in God as the creator means that he made us the way we are for a reason. Applying logic to our design shows us that humanism is the path of God. What is good for the well-being of man is following our design.

The book, GOD The Ultimate Humanist, on Amazon has a free preview to give you more of an idea.


Well, the Roman Catholic Church has taught since the Second Vatican Council that God or Goodness can be found in all of the world's major religions, and in no religion through the light of reason. So it would be a little strange for me to attempt a conversion like this. I follow the Gospel of Christ, because I found it to be the most ethically humanist tradition. Christ's commitment to restorative justice through unconditional love far exceeds anything I have found in secular humanist philosophies.

That is all. I am not much of an apologist.


Agnostic Pantheist
Well I may practice it loosely, but I'll still pitch my Judaism :D

Judaism is a predecessor to Christianity and Islam but with major differences. Unlike in Islam, you can drink wine, in fact its an essential part of the tradition, and unlike Christianity there is no real major dogma of original sin. In fact some Jewith thinkers hold that the incident of eating the forbidden fruit was God's way of initiating us into sexual maturity.
You get to read the Bible in Hebrew, you get to be part of a three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax.
You get Klezmer, sarcasm, humour, and an insane system of medieval mysticism that influenced some of the most creative occult paths of the previous centuries, from Eliphas Levi to the Golden Dawn.
You get Kosher pickles.

And once you make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, you begin to discover the fruits of the holy land: hummus, micro breweries, and Israeli women.

Thales of Ga.

Skeptic Griggsy
I find that humanism,naturalism, rationalism and full skepticism leads to that more abundant life!:yes:
I find no absurdity other than the absurdity of the supernatural and the paranorma,which are superfluities to natural phenomena.
I state full skepticism as some skeptics don't apply skepticism to the supernatural. Martin Gardner, that magnificent skeptic, however, was a fideistic deist.
I find no forlornness, no need for God or any other superstition.
Why, were it not for clinical depression, I'd always be the happiest of people! With Paul Kurtz, I advise people to live exuberantly.He calls the supernatural and the paranormal " The Transcendental Temptation.," a must read for inquirers of both.:shout
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Ajah Dharma
Ajah Dharma is a new religious movement aimed at personal spiritual growth...
According to Ajah all is the one God. the one is nearly always percieved as duality, yin and yang, spirit and matter. Father spirit and Mother earth.
The soul of God is the one self shared by all living creatures, the body of God is all carbon based matter including us...
The goal of Ajah Dharma is to reach "Unity" the non-dual state of bliss and spiritual enlightenment, the innate understanding of the Unified nature of the universe. Ajah Dharma accept all spiritual techniques for meditation, as well as all religious scriptures and beliefs...
The Ajah is devoid of unreal pleasures. The real heart of this philosophy is the true love for Ajah- the cosmic spirit, whom is the highest joy. Ajah loves everything with the same intensity like his/her love for God. It is like unconditional love to all beings equally as he/she sees the world as the manifestation of the cosmic spirit. Nothing is seperate from Ajah. Every things around is Ajah in one form or other and he should passionately embrace it.
Ajah has always been, for all beings are Ajah, although absolute he is to be meditated on as dwelling within the center of your being. Ajah is also the name given to a spiritual warrior, one who combats the universal enemy: self-ignorance(ego) ultimate source of suffering, Those who are awake. The Ajah is a person who challenges the dreams of fear, lies, false beliefs, and judgments that create suffering and unhappiness in his or her life. It is a war that takes place in the heart and mind of a man or woman.The Ajah Warrior faces this challenge with the clarity and awareness that this war is fought within himself and that Truth and unconditional love are on the other side of these battles.The Ajah is a Spiritual warrior. The Ajah is only complete and right practice is to compassionately teach the ways of wisdom, peace &understanding.

Any one who wishes to be Ajah simply must go to a sacred place and pronounce the oath clearly

As Sacred Ajah(God) as my witness,

I shall realize my oneness with the eternal spirit.

I shall merge all opposites of duality.

So that I may be a teacher

and protector of the one people.

With true love for Ajah.

I swear this, my holy pledge.

I declare I Am.



the Oath spoken by every Ajah

it carries the essence of the teaching within its words.

Part 1: As Sacred Ajah(God) as my witness…
know that God is every were at all times and is in all beings
Part 2: I shall realize my oneness with the eternal spirit…
A solemn vow and promise to never stop working towards the realization of liberation.
Part 3: So that I may be a teacher and protector of the one people.
the promise to teach what you learn to protect against the demons of depression and sadness.
Part 4: With true love for Ajah. I swear this, my holy pledge.
this is a covenent with God, and you dont screw with an oath to the All-father….
Part 5: I declare I Am.
you exist, its the only truth you can claim.
Part 6: OM SHANTI.
OM – the eternal sound, the vibrations of shakti, the word of shiva…
SHANTI – this means peace…

“To bring back the natural harmony that humans once enjoyed.
To save the planet from present practices of destruction.
To find and re-employ real truth.
To promote true balance between both genders.
To share and be less materialistic.
To become rid of prejudice.
To learn to be related.
To be kind to animals and take no more than we need.
To play with one’s children and love each equally and fairly.
To be brave and courageous, enough so,
to take a stand and make a commitment.
To understand what Generations Unborn really means.
To accept the Great Mystery
in order to end foolish argument over religion.”

- obligations of the path walkers

In Ajah Dharma “God” with a capital “G” is the unified absolute of the universe. It is without attributes and is therefore very impersonal to the Jiva(individual).

  • Ajah, the one thing
  • Energy
  • Brahman of Hinduism
  • the Tao in Taoism
  • the Universe in New Age thought
  • the Dharmakaya in Tibetan Buddhism
  • Buddha-Nature In Zen
  • Weheguru of the Sihks
  • the Unknowable God of the Gnostics
  • Dryghten in Wicca
  • the Monad in Greek Philosophy

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.” -Lao Tzu

However god with a lower case “g” is an illusionary character, a mind & body expression of the one energy, often called a diety. the diety can appear as any infinit number of forms such as gods, angels, totem animals, etc. They are a dualistic expression of the one reality and so can be understood as the higher self as all separation is an illusion conjured by the mind. Ajah Dharma teaches that when a Jiva(individual) thinks of Ajah, the Supreme Cosmic Spirit is projected upon the limited, finite human mind and appears as a diety. Therefore, the mind projects human attributes, such as personality, motherhood, and fatherhood on the Supreme Being. An interesting metaphor is that when the “reflection” of the Cosmic Spirit falls upon the mirror of the mind, it appears as the Supreme Lord. Ajah is not thought to have such attributes in the true sense. However it is very helpful to project such attributes onto Ajah. This is also known as a personal deity.

“Therefore all things of the universe worship Tao and exalt Teh.” — Lao Tzu

In Taoist terms it means that Ajah(Tao) is worshiped though dualistic expression or distinction(Teh)…

The tenets of Ajah Dharma they are flexible, because they have been read them from my own heart, and things from the heart are not written in words, they are feeling that can be desiphered differently by every person. If there is ever a question as to what you should do, follow you heart…

Five Tenets (the Five Perfections):

  • Peace
  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Humility
  • Integrity
When a person looks within and deciphers the scripture of the heart, when one consults the higher self. The holiest laws are found to be these or other similar set of laws. To love is to be loved, to be compassionate and peaceful is the greatest gift you can give to the world…. and as long as we live as men we shall live as men with integrity.
Ajah teaches that by observing of nature, we can find unity in all things, and thereby experience liberation.
Naturalness is central to Ajah It describes the “primordial state” of all things as well as a basic character of the soul, and is usually associated with spontaneity and creativity.To attain naturalness, one has to identify with the self, and the self alone; this involves freeing oneself from Ego, attachment, and desire, and appreciating simplicity. Ajah teaches that everything has its complementary opposite. More than this that everything can only be understood by comparing it to its opposite.Day is only day in comparison to night, cold only cold in comparison to heat, and soft only soft in comparison to hard. Looking deeper still, and realized that these relationships are in a constant state of flux: Day turns to night and back again.
All things, then, are interdependent. By observing the processes of nature we can come to some understanding about the meaning of our lives and about our place in the world. These concepts are also one the cornerstone of Ajah philosophy.
Many philosophers have noticed that what happens in nature is effortless. This does not mean that there is no struggle, but that events occur without premeditation. we all exist, we are all just being, the world just is, and things just happen..
Contemplate the life of a plant.
The seed falls onto the ground.
If the soil is fertile, and if it receives warmth, light, and water, it may emerge as a seedling.
It does not require instruction to know how to take nourishment in through its roots or how to eat the suns light.
Given the knowledge it contains, the plant is complete within its own self. Why should life be different for people?
Just be here now, why not allow situations to unfold as they may rather than trying to manipulate others and orchestrate events? This is the meaning of I AM, You just are.
Nature and the environment is a central theme in Ajah Dharma. Living with respect to the land and its many components is showing one’s respect for Ajah. Living off of the land means food is produced organically and agricultural practices are implemented safely, causing no damage to the land. Alcohol and red meat is forbidden and for the most part One lead a vegetarian lifestyle. The idea behind the practice is vegetables come from the Mother (earth), and the earth produces good things. Fruits are thought of in the same way. Things made from natural roots and herbs are also good. It should be noted that one should not were leather either, theirs a saying “one who wears shoe leather walks on death”
The most preferable method of getting food is through one’s own plantation or garden. This idea is the most environmentally sound way of farming and producing food. The return of this process is doing the least damage to the land. Its objectives are to live a healthy lifestyle. Often the desire to live ‘naturally’ is unfeasible because of Western societies wants and desires, but Ajah strive to live this way.








-LUKE 18:12



read up on Ajah Dharma on wordpress


Banned by Request
I believe that at the exact moment of our death we're reborn to new parents on a new planet. The supernatural plays no role in this. Only our inner essence is repeated. Our outer essence is innovated, and such that we're randomly assigned color and gender and sexual orientation. But always in form a humanoid. We have equal access to the joys of life over a period of lives and our eternal purpose is to prepare the world we're on for those about to be reborn to it. There is no perfection, heaven, paradise, or utopia unless this is said temporary and transitory. We're natural reborn over and over again and there is no escaping this. Nor should we want to. That's what I believe. Pretty weird, eh?


Banned by Request
To appreciate how weird this religion is you have to imagine Hitler engrossed in reading the diary of Ann Frank, Mohammed obediently clipping her husband's toenails, Abraham Lincoln slaving over a griddle at Burger Queen. But you should also imagine Genghis Khan painting a beautiful masterpiece, Cleopatra placing second in the men's pentathlon, and Frederic Nietzsche approving feminist rights. Like I said, it's really weird and not to everyone's taste- like taste matters.


Banned by Request
Wow, I can't believe I said something that blatantly repugnant to Muslims. Shame on me! I must be so tired that I forgot to be nice. Yet my uncle is a minister and he told me to stop being so nice because people will only respect you if you say what's on your mind. I'm glad I said it. I'm sad I said it. Too late now anyways.


New Member
Agnosticism is the "religion" in which I believe in. I know that there is something spiritual but I don't believe it's God. This something is there to protect us and it doesn't really matter what it is :)


Ordained Minister
Howdy all,
My name is Rev. Brandon (Dudeist by nature, and religious visionary). I'm writing to you guys today because I would like to start my own religion/church. I live in the U.S. and I'm not really looking for tax exemption quite yet. I don't have a following or any thing that needs to be exempt from taxes haha!
So how do I make it legal in the sense that I can ordain other ministers, or myself? To the point that we are protected by the law and everything said in confession is 100% confidential.

I am well aware of online ordination. I have gone through three: Universal Life Church, The Church of the Latter-Day Dude, and the Church of Spiritual Humanism. On the other hand, I want to start my own church not to become famous or to get rich, but to enrich the lives of others and find a path for myself in this world. I want to base my religion on the life and philosophy of John Lennon. This church will be advocate for peace and social justice.

So really I'm looking for advice on the following:
1.) How do I go about making this "legal" in the U.S. without tax exemption?
2.) What do I NEED to know about the venture ahead of me?
3.) I don't know what to call it, I've come up with: The Church of Nutopia, The Nutopian Church, The Church of John Lennon, The Church of Lennonism, and few others. Thoughts?

Thanks so much in advance for your input! Check out my post in the new religious movements directory!


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Has anyone pitched atheism yet?

Well, just to add/start the compelling reasons list;

We have the greenest churches (zero power usage).

That's all I got for now. More will come though. Pretty sure of it. Almost certain.


Active Member
Has anyone pitched atheism yet?

Well, just to add/start the compelling reasons list;

We have the greenest churches (zero power usage).

That's all I got for now. More will come though. Pretty sure of it. Almost certain.

I have one son who is an atheist and I'll have to tell him that one; he'll enjoy it. Thanks, Lewis.