Some possible replies? - read carefully ...
Then!!!!! - to actually help people with tough problems! - a little nervous but these may help!!! -
Tiny Buddha articles!
Tolle and Marci! Plus books2.htm - yes!
Tiny Buddha love self search! - is that in kind2.htm?
Trust me - where there's life there's hope. I used to be as angry and cynical as anyone on this planet!
Schizophrenia at its worst is an abolute masterclass in suffering!
I must confess that I am not feeling particularly inspired just at the moment. It can be frustratingly elusive at times. So you will need to be patient. I promise I will give your problem very careful consideration and I will get back to you with my recommendations.
In the meantime - happy?
Tolle youtube!
Who else? - Pema - plus her site!
Dalai and Ricard ... toooo much?
Feel perfectly free to tell me anything. I promise you won't shock me! I may not have walked in your shoes but I can assure you that I know the dark side of human nature more intimately than your average human being!
I sincerely hope you are able to find some peace of mind and serenity. Hang in there!
Can you help me thread - many wise and experienced souls post to this forum. You never know how they may be able to advise you.
Ann Albers!
Lorna Byrne - youtube?
I really do believe in the power of love to transform people's lives. But I was not ALWAYS so positive - far from it!
Tiny compassion? Plus love self ...
Then!!?? -
TOO naive? There ARE some seriously misguided people at the forum and in this world
And it occurs to me! - Even calling someone "misguided" is a judgement!
Plus - even "only criterion" of a healthy belief system - kinda implies that anyone who holds a different opinion is foolish or misguided!?
See watched = improve forum?
Pity if I do not? - I was alllll fired up and I DO have some terrific advice!
You'll have to be patient with me - I guess I am still evolving!
You might just think a little differently if you had experienced whhat I have experienced.
People talk about the long, dark night of the soul. Well ... mine was VERY long and VERY dark!
I am living proof that love can perform miracles - nobody is more amazed than me to even be saying such things!
I used to truly believe that all normal people were spineless & dishonest and they deserve to be hit with axe!
Loads more in Twyman - dark side too?
Chicken soup miracles - amazon? - or search site - miracle
One story of miracles!
BEST of all!!??? - thread on has a book ever changed your life - add dozens?
Has a book ever changed your life?
Believe me, I know ALL about the dark-side of human experience!
I used to believe that love was merely a delusion - and a pretty lame one at that! I used to believe that all normal people were so spineless & dishonest that they deserved to be hit with an axe. At times my rage was so intense it bordered on insanity! It is hard for me to imagine a darker experience.
So, I am living proof that nobody is a "hopeless" case!
I truly believe that we ALL have exactly the same potential for love & happiness. As a society we haven't yet found a way to help most people experience their full potential. That is why this world closely resembles a lunatic asylum at present. Hopefully things may be slowly changing but in the meantime many people feel very frustrated and confused.
I have read MANY books over the years - some more helpful than others -
Link to books thread!
Pathway to happiness?! - voice in head - google?
Learning to love yourself can be a very tricky business. It SURE was for me! Many people struggle with it. Hope this helps - if not I do have more suggestions ...
Tiny Buddha’s Guide to Loving Yourself Hannah Braime
This is also amongst the results - an interview with Lori -
Self-love and Acceptance with Lori Deschene
Plus loads more in marc.htm!!! -
A Most Difficult Lesson: People Are Just Doing Their Best - Tiny Buddha
Keeps coming ... tooooo much!??
If I had to sum up my current beliefs in a single sentence, I would say that if you wish 2 experience genuine, lasting happiness you could try treating your fellow human beings with kindness & compassion.
You just never know your luck in this life - some of their advice may be almost as good as mine
Patience quotes? - fully!
Personal growth can be very tricky. Sometimes fundamental change can happen relatively quickly but usually it requires time and effort to change your outlook. So, you may need to exercise patience.
Personal growth patience?
Tiny Buddha uncomfortable feelings
Many people meditate for years in their quest for enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state where you no longer experience emotional negativity. Sounds wonderful doesn't it! It's rare but not beyond reach - I truly believe we all are born with the same potential for enlightenment.
There are stories of people becoming "instantly" enlightened so you just never know your luck in this life!
Find happiness by embracing all of your emotions