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please read and comment kinda long

What is a dream? What is hell? I’ve been there but not the burning of billions of corpses. It is more of a place of loneness. There are people everywhere but you can’t talk to them. You know in your heart that they will talk back with you but what does that really do for you. No hole is filled up in your heart with their conversation, because that’s not what you want to talk about. You want to know, what is the point of living? Sure, they tell you to live it to the fullest but what happens when that hole you are filling it with is a black hole. All of your energy is put out into living life to the fullest, but it’s all so empty still. People may tell you that it’s all going to be ok but you know that they are just lying to themselves. You want to tell them, just because you are praising a GOD doesn’t mean that your void is filled. If you are having so much fun in life then why are you so ready to die when your time comes. You don’t have to lie to me I know you true feelings. You’re empty on the inside and believing in a better place makes you feel whole, but that is just a white piece of toilet bowl tissue that is covering that hole. When you are ready to look back on life you realize that it was all a lie. You won’t truly happy, but until you realize the goal of life then maybe you will be “happy.” I’m going to be a physicist, but that’s not going to make me happy. To see a smile on everyone’s face around the world is going to make me happy. A true cure for all diseases, viruses, and cancers will make me happy. Sure, we live to eventually die. Who decides when we die? You can tell me GOD, but where is GOD when people are starving to death. I’m sure GOD isn’t behind that. It’s just easier to put human’s mistakes in the hands of a GOD who is all seeing, because GOD say that girl get raped in an alley so you can’t put that rape on me. If GOD didn’t want her to get raped, then GOD would have told her to walk with someone. That is the major issue. We have god to put all of our troubles on, because GOD is responsible for everything that goes on in the world. Some humans take responsibility for what is happening in the world, but we’re not a world of the individual we are all one. We have struggles with ourselves, but does it really take you taking their life to make you feel better about yourself. Why are you so scared of the consequence that you pull that trigger, you rape that village, and you make that family lose their home? Don’t let me confuse you. I’m not saying that I’ve got a problem with believing in a higher power, I’ve got a problem with letting GOD be your last scapegoat before you live this world. GOD may condone destruction, but GOD isn’t the one destroying. Destruction is a cause of building. When I hear Alpha and Omega beginning and end, I hear GOD built it and it is because it was built that it will collapse. It’s said GOD gave us rules to live by while we are on this earth to make it to the next stage in life, but how were we suppose to read these rules of life fulfillment if we can’t read in the first place. This is the trouble that all Christians have trouble with, when trying to believe in evolution. They just didn’t think of those words. You also have you atheists, the belief in no GOD at all. There is no “mission” in life to fulfill, so you can make it into the league of very few. Their problem is the same as Christian, but at opposite end s of the spectrum. If there was a GOD, then GOD wouldn’t let genocide happen in Rwanda, they wouldn’t have got robbed going to get gas, and GOD didn’t make all the beautiful and none of the ugly. Not believing in GOD makes it easier for that person to live and die in the same stroke. They see creation as too beautiful for “GOD’s hands.” Some don’t believe for the sake of not believe. The trouble with atheists is they sometimes look too hard for a perfect GOD, not saying that there is are there isn’t. People say life is what you make it, but I say life is what you don’t make. Life as a whole is always in total chaos, not the kind that you can’t control but kind of chaos that you don’t see coming. You may prepare your whole life to take any blow that comes your way, but the one that knocks you on your back is no bigger than an ant.
How can you trust anyone in this world if everyone is out for themselves? Sure, people tell you they have your back but when it comes down to it no one is there for you beside yourself. People say GOD but GOD can only do so much. Is GOD going to let you know that your world isn’t the only one crashing down? No, when it comes down to it you’re all you got. From your birth to your death, you will all ways be by yourself. Your family and friends might lend you a helping hand, but what about when their hands are full. Are you supposed to wait for someone else to help you? This world says you can work towards anything you want in life; as long as you try hard at it and never give up on your dreams. Hopefully no one knows about your dreams and aspirations, because they might try to control them. You get married life is all good with your significant other but what happens when they start to have knew friends that are old friends from the past. They tell you nothing is going on but how can you believe them when you can’t trust anyone not even yourself. Talking about it doesn’t work, so you decide to take a break. Not knowing, you are going to live with the fact that separation didn’t help. You are still alone laying next to you someone. You talk but the only one who hears you are ghosts. No one understands you sorrow but you. You try to get them to understand but once again you are just talking to yourself. You begin to realize that they don’t care about you they care about themselves. You want to believe that someone cares. But wait you still have GOD right, wrong. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that you can never know the speed of an electron and its position at the same time. If you know its position then you are too close to estimate is speed, and if you know its speed then you are too far away to know its position. How does that relate to being able to trust someone else? If you are close with someone then you have to believe you can trust them in you most vulnerable position. You don’t know at that time that in the future that they have all your secrets as ammo against you during a war against them. If you aren’t close with them then they will never keep anything you say as a secret aka Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. As long as you know that you can’t trust anybody it goes without saying that you can’t ever trust yourself either aka the squeeze theorem. So, when we get to the nitty gritty one can say we are all one. We are one because no one can trust anyone and everyone is by themselves. How can anyone want to live in such a situation? Is it because everyone is scared to die are is it because we all have a unforeseen mission that only a select few can ever achieve. If everyone is always alone and no one can be trusted, is the true mission in life to figure out the mission in life that can allow everyone to trust and be with you.
What is a dream? What is hell? I’ve been there but not the burning of billions of corpses. It is more of a place of loneness. There are people everywhere but you can’t talk to them. You know in your heart that they will talk back with you but what does that really do for you. No hole is filled up in your heart with their conversation, because that’s not what you want to talk about. You want to know, what is the point of living? Sure, they tell you to live it to the fullest but what happens when that hole you are filling it with is a black hole. All of your energy is put out into living life to the fullest, but it’s all so empty still. People may tell you that it’s all going to be ok but you know that they are just lying to themselves. You want to tell them, just because you are praising a GOD doesn’t mean that your void is filled. If you are having so much fun in life then why are you so ready to die when your time comes. You don’t have to lie to me I know you true feelings. You’re empty on the inside and believing in a better place makes you feel whole, but that is just a white piece of toilet bowl tissue that is covering that hole.

When you are ready to look back on life you realize that it was all a lie. You won’t truly happy, but until you realize the goal of life then maybe you will be “happy.” I’m going to be a physicist, but that’s not going to make me happy. To see a smile on everyone’s face around the world is going to make me happy. A true cure for all diseases, viruses, and cancers will make me happy. Sure, we live to eventually die. Who decides when we die? You can tell me GOD, but where is GOD when people are starving to death. I’m sure GOD isn’t behind that. It’s just easier to put human’s mistakes in the hands of a GOD who is all seeing, because GOD say that girl get raped in an alley so you can’t put that rape on me. If GOD didn’t want her to get raped, then GOD would have told her to walk with someone. That is the major issue. We have god to put all of our troubles on, because GOD is responsible for everything that goes on in the world. Some humans take responsibility for what is happening in the world, but we’re not a world of the individual we are all one.

We have struggles with ourselves, but does it really take you taking their life to make you feel better about yourself. Why are you so scared of the consequence that you pull that trigger, you rape that village, and you make that family lose their home? Don’t let me confuse you. I’m not saying that I’ve got a problem with believing in a higher power, I’ve got a problem with letting GOD be your last scapegoat before you live this world. GOD may condone destruction, but GOD isn’t the one destroying. Destruction is a cause of building. When I hear Alpha and Omega beginning and end, I hear GOD built it and it is because it was built that it will collapse. It’s said GOD gave us rules to live by while we are on this earth to make it to the next stage in life, but how were we suppose to read these rules of life fulfillment if we can’t read in the first place. This is the trouble that all Christians have trouble with, when trying to believe in evolution. They just didn’t think of those words. You also have you atheists, the belief in no GOD at all. There is no “mission” in life to fulfill, so you can make it into the league of very few. Their problem is the same as Christian, but at opposite end s of the spectrum. If there was a GOD, then GOD wouldn’t let genocide happen in Rwanda, they wouldn’t have got robbed going to get gas, and GOD didn’t make all the beautiful and none of the ugly. Not believing in GOD makes it easier for that person to live and die in the same stroke. They see creation as too beautiful for “GOD’s hands.” Some don’t believe for the sake of not believe. The trouble with atheists is they sometimes look too hard for a perfect GOD, not saying that there is are there isn’t.

People say life is what you make it, but I say life is what you don’t make. Life as a whole is always in total chaos, not the kind that you can’t control but kind of chaos that you don’t see coming. You may prepare your whole life to take any blow that comes your way, but the one that knocks you on your back is no bigger than an ant.

How can you trust anyone in this world if everyone is out for themselves? Sure, people tell you they have your back but when it comes down to it no one is there for you beside yourself. People say GOD but GOD can only do so much. Is GOD going to let you know that your world isn’t the only one crashing down? No, when it comes down to it you’re all you got. From your birth to your death, you will all ways be by yourself. Your family and friends might lend you a helping hand, but what about when their hands are full. Are you supposed to wait for someone else to help you? This world says you can work towards anything you want in life; as long as you try hard at it and never give up on your dreams. Hopefully no one knows about your dreams and aspirations, because they might try to control them. You get married life is all good with your significant other but what happens when they start to have knew friends that are old friends from the past. They tell you nothing is going on but how can you believe them when you can’t trust anyone not even yourself.

Talking about it doesn’t work, so you decide to take a break. Not knowing, you are going to live with the fact that separation didn’t help. You are still alone laying next to you someone. You talk but the only one who hears you are ghosts. No one understands you sorrow but you. You try to get them to understand but once again you are just talking to yourself. You begin to realize that they don’t care about you they care about themselves. You want to believe that someone cares. But wait you still have GOD right, wrong. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that you can never know the speed of an electron and its position at the same time. If you know its position then you are too close to estimate is speed, and if you know its speed then you are too far away to know its position. How does that relate to being able to trust someone else? If you are close with someone then you have to believe you can trust them in you most vulnerable position. You don’t know at that time that in the future that they have all your secrets as ammo against you during a war against them. If you aren’t close with them then they will never keep anything you say as a secret aka Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

As long as you know that you can’t trust anybody it goes without saying that you can’t ever trust yourself either aka the squeeze theorem. So, when we get to the nitty gritty one can say we are all one. We are one because no one can trust anyone and everyone is by themselves. How can anyone want to live in such a situation? Is it because everyone is scared to die are is it because we all have a unforeseen mission that only a select few can ever achieve. If everyone is always alone and no one can be trusted, is the true mission in life to figure out the mission in life that can allow everyone to trust and be with you.[/quote]


What is a dream? What is hell? I’ve been there but not the burning of billions of corpses. It is more of a place of loneness. There are people everywhere but you can’t talk to them. You know in your heart that they will talk back with you but what does that really do for you. No hole is filled up in your heart with their conversation, because that’s not what you want to talk about. You want to know, what is the point of living? Sure, they tell you to live it to the fullest but what happens when that hole you are filling it with is a black hole. All of your energy is put out into living life to the fullest, but it’s all so empty still. People may tell you that it’s all going to be ok but you know that they are just lying to themselves. You want to tell them, just because you are praising a GOD doesn’t mean that your void is filled. If you are having so much fun in life then why are you so ready to die when your time comes. You don’t have to lie to me I know you true feelings. You’re empty on the inside and believing in a better place makes you feel whole, but that is just a white piece of toilet bowl tissue that is covering that hole. When you are ready to look back on life you realize that it was all a lie. You won’t truly happy, but until you realize the goal of life then maybe you will be “happy.” I’m going to be a physicist, but that’s not going to make me happy. To see a smile on everyone’s face around the world is going to make me happy. A true cure for all diseases, viruses, and cancers will make me happy. Sure, we live to eventually die. Who decides when we die? You can tell me GOD, but where is GOD when people are starving to death. I’m sure GOD isn’t behind that. It’s just easier to put human’s mistakes in the hands of a GOD who is all seeing, because GOD say that girl get raped in an alley so you can’t put that rape on me. If GOD didn’t want her to get raped, then GOD would have told her to walk with someone. That is the major issue. We have god to put all of our troubles on, because GOD is responsible for everything that goes on in the world. Some humans take responsibility for what is happening in the world, but we’re not a world of the individual we are all one. We have struggles with ourselves, but does it really take you taking their life to make you feel better about yourself. Why are you so scared of the consequence that you pull that trigger, you rape that village, and you make that family lose their home? Don’t let me confuse you. I’m not saying that I’ve got a problem with believing in a higher power, I’ve got a problem with letting GOD be your last scapegoat before you live this world. GOD may condone destruction, but GOD isn’t the one destroying. Destruction is a cause of building. When I hear Alpha and Omega beginning and end, I hear GOD built it and it is because it was built that it will collapse. It’s said GOD gave us rules to live by while we are on this earth to make it to the next stage in life, but how were we suppose to read these rules of life fulfillment if we can’t read in the first place. This is the trouble that all Christians have trouble with, when trying to believe in evolution. They just didn’t think of those words. You also have you atheists, the belief in no GOD at all. There is no “mission” in life to fulfill, so you can make it into the league of very few. Their problem is the same as Christian, but at opposite end s of the spectrum. If there was a GOD, then GOD wouldn’t let genocide happen in Rwanda, they wouldn’t have got robbed going to get gas, and GOD didn’t make all the beautiful and none of the ugly. Not believing in GOD makes it easier for that person to live and die in the same stroke. They see creation as too beautiful for “GOD’s hands.” Some don’t believe for the sake of not believe. The trouble with atheists is they sometimes look too hard for a perfect GOD, not saying that there is are there isn’t. People say life is what you make it, but I say life is what you don’t make. Life as a whole is always in total chaos, not the kind that you can’t control but kind of chaos that you don’t see coming. You may prepare your whole life to take any blow that comes your way, but the one that knocks you on your back is no bigger than an ant.
How can you trust anyone in this world if everyone is out for themselves? Sure, people tell you they have your back but when it comes down to it no one is there for you beside yourself. People say GOD but GOD can only do so much. Is GOD going to let you know that your world isn’t the only one crashing down? No, when it comes down to it you’re all you got. From your birth to your death, you will all ways be by yourself. Your family and friends might lend you a helping hand, but what about when their hands are full. Are you supposed to wait for someone else to help you? This world says you can work towards anything you want in life; as long as you try hard at it and never give up on your dreams. Hopefully no one knows about your dreams and aspirations, because they might try to control them. You get married life is all good with your significant other but what happens when they start to have knew friends that are old friends from the past. They tell you nothing is going on but how can you believe them when you can’t trust anyone not even yourself. Talking about it doesn’t work, so you decide to take a break. Not knowing, you are going to live with the fact that separation didn’t help. You are still alone laying next to you someone. You talk but the only one who hears you are ghosts. No one understands you sorrow but you. You try to get them to understand but once again you are just talking to yourself. You begin to realize that they don’t care about you they care about themselves. You want to believe that someone cares. But wait you still have GOD right, wrong. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that you can never know the speed of an electron and its position at the same time. If you know its position then you are too close to estimate is speed, and if you know its speed then you are too far away to know its position. How does that relate to being able to trust someone else? If you are close with someone then you have to believe you can trust them in you most vulnerable position. You don’t know at that time that in the future that they have all your secrets as ammo against you during a war against them. If you aren’t close with them then they will never keep anything you say as a secret aka Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. As long as you know that you can’t trust anybody it goes without saying that you can’t ever trust yourself either aka the squeeze theorem. So, when we get to the nitty gritty one can say we are all one. We are one because no one can trust anyone and everyone is by themselves. How can anyone want to live in such a situation? Is it because everyone is scared to die are is it because we all have a unforeseen mission that only a select few can ever achieve. If everyone is always alone and no one can be trusted, is the true mission in life to figure out the mission in life that can allow everyone to trust and be with you.
This sounds to me like you may have some personal problems, for none of it bears any relationship to me or my life or my thoughts.