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please read its called the word of GOD leave commits please

The Word of GOD

How do you know GOD spoke to those people? Many holy books are considered the word of god, but what is the word of GOD. Some might lead you to believe that GOD spoke directly to those who purpose they spoke to GOD. The word of GOD isn’t the word of GOD in the context of words directly from GOD. The word of GOD is an advanced thought whose meaning is above those who can’t understand what is being spoken.

People would like to think they have the actual words of GOD, but what they fall to realize is they don’t know what they have. Most holy books have the same premise hold no GOD above me, treat everyone equal, don’t forget where you came from, don’t harm anyone else physically, don’t use someone’s lack of knowledge for your own benefits, and YOU WILL BE JUDGE ONE DAY. The books speak on how to achieve this knowledge directly and indirectly.

The books have advanced ideas that most humans can’t live up to so the thought of a GOD writing the impossible tasks is easier to process. They subconsciously use their holy book as an excuse for not living up to the standards written. They tell themselves, if I tell myself GOD wrote these ideas then I won’t have to live up to them, because I am not equal to GOD. In reality you don’t have to be equal to GOD, because you are a GOD. Not the deity GOD, but the GOD whose ideas can be seen as inhuman. You can turn water into wine not by a fleck of the wrist but by the knowledge of what it take to make wine. They spoke of Jesus having preformed miracles like healing the sick, but do we not perform miracles everyday at hospitals. Yes, people need self well for these to happen, but people have the GOD given knowledge to perform these “miracles.” GOD is a deity but not the one who sees the end game, but also the one who causes it. The GOD as a deity shouldn’t be known as an unachievable spirit, but everything, humans or not, that causes, causes.

A GOD is the idea that we can be better. The word of GOD is the word of GOD, not just because GOD spoke it but GOD is it. We need not interpret that the word of GOD is not holy because GOD spoke it, but because the word will make life easier because it is achievable knowledge. The word of GOD is the words formed in such a way that they provoke cause. The word of GOD may have been edited for unintended use, but the premise is still there in whole form.


The Shadow
How can anyone really know? That is why the concept of faith is necessary.

I would posit the opposite question: In the face of the fact that we have a Bible, why was it written if it does not contain the Word of God? How has it lasted all these years?

I do not believe it is inerrant as many seem to need, for as you have mentioned, it is the total that is important, not a certain verse or story.

So, to answer your question, I don't know. I wonder why it is not more clear. I wonder why the need to speak in parables and fuzzy concepts. I wonder why it was conceived so early in history when people were largely illiterate. I think, think mind you, that we would have gotten it down better if it had been given to us 50 years ago for example.

Meanwhile, the search goes on...

How can anyone really know? That is why the concept of faith is necessary.

I would posit the opposite question: In the face of the fact that we have a Bible, why was it written if it does not contain the Word of God? How has it lasted all these years?

I'm not denoucing rather GOD words is GOD's words. I'm saying that the reason the words are considered GOD's words is because, they are written from a point of view that someone was in-touch with a deeper understanding than they are usually are. This deeper understanding can be considered GOD from the stand point its greater than themselves.


How can anyone really know? That is why the concept of faith is necessary.

I would posit the opposite question: In the face of the fact that we have a Bible, why was it written if it does not contain the Word of God? How has it lasted all these years?

I do not believe it is inerrant as many seem to need, for as you have mentioned, it is the total that is important, not a certain verse or story.

So, to answer your question, I don't know. I wonder why it is not more clear. I wonder why the need to speak in parables and fuzzy concepts. I wonder why it was conceived so early in history when people were largely illiterate. I think, think mind you, that we would have gotten it down better if it had been given to us 50 years ago for example.

Meanwhile, the search goes on...

The same argument could be made for the Vedas! Christians need to pull their heads out of the sand, and realize that there are a number of religions out there(several of them much older than christianity) with their own books that say very different things than does the Bible. As I see it, Christians who were raised as such, and indoctrinated from a very young age(specially evangelical protestants) have had the Bible set up to be the center of their world so strongly that they often are completely clueless about the existence of most other religions out there, and if they are, they are woefully misinformed due to the propaganda and misinformation engaged in by Christian clergy since at least the time of the crusades, if not well before that!
Anyway, if the criteria for validity of scriptures is "how long it has lasted", then the Vedas, the Dhammapada, the Avesta, and the scriptures of Ancient Egypt all have it beat!


I guess who you are is irrelevant. I could care less who wrote it, my opinion is the same.

The ideas in the OP look like spam to me. There's nothing original in it, and it has a generic feel.

Obviously, you're not a spambot because you're engaging in conversation... so while it might not be spam, it sure tastes and smells like it.

I can see the same thing coming to me as an email forward with a cute little puppy and a promise that if I forward it to all my friends I'll have good luck for a week. That's really all the OP is missing.
I guess who you are is irrelevant. I could care less who wrote it, my opinion is the same.

The ideas in the OP look like spam to me. There's nothing original in it, and it has a generic feel.

Obviously, you're not a spambot because you're engaging in conversation... so while it might not be spam, it sure tastes and smells like it.

I can see the same thing coming to me as an email forward with a cute little puppy and a promise that if I forward it to all my friends I'll have good luck for a week. That's really all the OP is missing.

If you feel it is spam then you can go ahead and erase it. You can erase my other ones too. To GOD or not to GOD that is the question? and Important please read its kind long please comment.


Well-Known Member
I guess who you are is irrelevant. I could care less who wrote it, my opinion is the same.

The ideas in the OP look like spam to me. There's nothing original in it, and it has a generic feel.

Obviously, you're not a spambot because you're engaging in conversation... so while it might not be spam, it sure tastes and smells like it.

I can see the same thing coming to me as an email forward with a cute little puppy and a promise that if I forward it to all my friends I'll have good luck for a week. That's really all the OP is missing.

Man, i was gonna read it; then you hadda mention the puppies. :p


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
PLEASE delete, seeing how EVERYBODY thinks this is spam. Although I wrote this with my own thought process.
Don't listen to them. If you composed your post, then it's not spam...just loopy.
Angelous is just one of those foaming-at-the-mouth angry-at-God types....sorta like me.


Rolling Marble
Word of God is only word of god for the person to whom God spoke directly.
For all others it's merly the word of the prophet/Guru/...(whatsoever).