Rewording is hard since it is very compressed, I can add some enhancing thoughts to it that may help you understand what I try to communicate.
As a fast answer and without further defining what a "loyal American" stands for.
< A "loyal American" is a person that basically could, at this moment co-sign the constitution, and bill of rights, and fight to the death defending it for future generations. (Since America is defined by those documents.) >
I would say yes, even more a loyal Earth citizen.
As long as its govenment on any level has no connection/opinion
<Seperation state-church>
or laws
<blue laws, and other by personal religious inspired documents inspired laws.>
concerning individual spiritual matters
< Without the group form, one can still be a Christian/Muslim or whatever religion. >
and as long as there is Freedom (For individual spiritual matters.) and Justice (Concerning infringement of others right to Freedom.) for all, there should be no problem.
< That should be crystalclear >
Not believing in a deity
< being for example an Atheist >
doesn't mean that you can't believe that a piece of this Earth
< in this case America. >
or better its inhibitants
< Americans >
think that their memepackage
< every thought or icon connected to or defining America in one's mind. Without that memepackage, the piece of Earth would still exist, but not America. >
is something special or even better when compared to other (virtual and sometimes with fences or natural boundaries.)
< pieces of Earth where other memepackages are dominant in the form of "countries" .>
communities that worship other flags or songs on this Earth.
< National hymn's in National Languages come to mind. >
You agree?
I hope this helps understanding.