Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Dear friends,
I'm doing this academic research on the perception of non-Muslims about Muslims in the West and I designed this survey which i need some non-Muslims to take. the survey only has 12 multiple choice questions which I'm sure it won't take much of your time.
The survey only requires responses from Non-Muslim youth living in Western or English-speaking countries, aged 15-35.
Please note that the responses are anonymous.
I highly appreciate your participation and contribution to this research. below is the link:
Non-Muslims Media Habits and Views Towards Islam
Heyo, just wanted to say that the question involving relationships needs adjustment.
I am 17 and in a relationship although I am not married nor do I ever intend to be.
I clicked "married" as it was the closest to accurate, however, I would have liked to answer the question correctly (Imma perfectionist).
Thanks, hope my input helped.