The hopeful or the hopeless?
Why should it be totally irrelevant? You've got to determine that right?It should be that Alan Turing being a gay man is totally irrelevant.
Consider this, your trying to make it relevant by celebrating sexuality today.
Why should it be totally irrelevant? Those that consider sexuality in a person would ask that question.
Should pedophilia or bestiality or some other determined to be unhealthy sexuality be irrelevant for example? You may think you see obvious differences but those that practice such things don't.
The powers that be at the time determined its relevancy as bad and laws were made banning particular expressions of sexuality.
Continued examination and education eventually determined that those laws should be changed.
Everything is relevant until it is determined not to be. Alan Turing made his right to express himself sexually however he saw fit to do so relevant in light of the time he was living in through his open defiance and disregard of the law. If he would have kept it on the down low considering its illegality at the time it probably wouldn't have been very relevant regardless of whether or not the law was just.
According to what I've researched Chemical castration does not cause body dysphoria in males. I may have missed some studies. Do you have a reference?But it's not because he was crucial in winning WWII for the Allies and harshly punished by having gender dysphoria forced on him.
That being said, the side effects can be catastrophically debilitating. Up to ideations of suicide and obviously its potential culmination.
I find it a terrible and a sad practice. But then again the medical field often comes up with terrible and sad treatments like lobotomies that we now know were unnecessary. And that's not because of discriminating against homosexuals.
Sad and disgusting for sure. He was given two difficult choices to make. Chemical castration which is reversible. Or incarceration for breaking the indecency laws of the time. I wonder if he hadn't realized the full potential of the side effects he may have to endure? I'm sure he was probably told it was reversible which may have helped his decision. The cause of his death was never properly closed. It was assumed suicide. There was a case presented for accidental poisoning which was what his own mother said is what probably happened since he had a tendency to often taste chemicals to determine what they were without proper caution.He was punished to chemical castration and his body feminized, including growing breasts. He killed himself.
The fact is, by our standards today - horrible. By the standards of his day homosexuality was considered indecent, unhealthy, and potentially damaging to the moral progress of society. He broke the law and was penalized. Some laws need to be changed. Sometimes standards need to be changed. How do we make change that is productive and progressive? You don't do that by condemning those who thought they were morally correct in what they were doing because you have educated 20/20 hindsight.
We need to take caution to not become the monster we're trying to slay. And trust me we're all capable of becoming that monster. Even LGBTQ++ people.
Are you saying that a persons sexual desires should trump all other aspects of one’s life as the most important?So that's why his story is important. His other story is really only relevant for computer geeks and Jeopardy contestants.
Do you actually believe that Alan Turing and what he accomplished was thought by him to be worth less than his being allowed to have sex with other men even though it was illegal at the time?
Your implying that it was more important for Turing to satisfy his sexual desires than it was for him to fight for its legality before he satisfied those desires in order to continue what he loved doing as a career. That seems an unhealthy fixation at the very least. The entirety of his humanity reduced to the need to have sex with the men in his life despite its illegality? Whether or not that illegality is just is irrelevant. What is relevant is expectation of the consequences.
His other contributions cannot be touted enough. He DID help win World War II. He made major contributions to the computer science that allows you to do what you and I are doing here now. Many other things that are relevant to all of us whether we know it or not.
I personally find his story tragic.
Hopefully you'll be able to get past any offences I've made here for you so we can have a productive conversation.
What equal rights? It took an act of legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday celebrating specific sexualities. My particular sexuality excluded. From what I've seen of how people act today I'm pretty convinced that most of those previously persecuted don't want equality. They want revenge and domination so that they can do to others what they feel was done to them.Equal rights is not the same as guiding legislation in accordance with your religion.
What legislation are you taking about? Abortion rights? You don't have to be religious to be for or against abortion rights.
The LGBTQ++ clan has plenty of their own lobbyists trying to guide legislation under the guise of equal rights. But you tell me how you give equal rights to a sexuality? What's that even mean?
I know what you claim the source of pride is....human dignity and equality. If it were only about that you wouldn't be in the minority. The majority of most groups are for that no matter your race, gender, major religion, or sexuality.It's also nit my fault you haven't oaid attention to what the source if pride is despite it getting mentioned.
However since you've distinguished your pride as a part of you being a member of a minority we have to know what minority and how they are distinguished from other minorities to determine what you find prideful in them.
The problem is that the LGBTQ++ community cannot distinguish themselves from anyone else except by their sexuality when they label themselves as members of the LGBTQ++ group.
If you stand up and say..."I am proud to be a homosexual" or " I'm proud to be a lesbian" or whatever, in doing that your not saying " I am proud to be a human being standing up for my rights as a human being." What your saying is I am proud with the way I like to express myself sexually because you've labeled what's relevant about yourself as a sexuality. So what is prideful about the way you express yourself sexually?