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pope made homophobic slur


The hopeful or the hopeless?
It should be that Alan Turing being a gay man is totally irrelevant.
Why should it be totally irrelevant? You've got to determine that right?

Consider this, your trying to make it relevant by celebrating sexuality today.
Why should it be totally irrelevant? Those that consider sexuality in a person would ask that question.

Should pedophilia or bestiality or some other determined to be unhealthy sexuality be irrelevant for example? You may think you see obvious differences but those that practice such things don't.

The powers that be at the time determined its relevancy as bad and laws were made banning particular expressions of sexuality.
Continued examination and education eventually determined that those laws should be changed.

Everything is relevant until it is determined not to be. Alan Turing made his right to express himself sexually however he saw fit to do so relevant in light of the time he was living in through his open defiance and disregard of the law. If he would have kept it on the down low considering its illegality at the time it probably wouldn't have been very relevant regardless of whether or not the law was just.
But it's not because he was crucial in winning WWII for the Allies and harshly punished by having gender dysphoria forced on him.
According to what I've researched Chemical castration does not cause body dysphoria in males. I may have missed some studies. Do you have a reference?

That being said, the side effects can be catastrophically debilitating. Up to ideations of suicide and obviously its potential culmination.
I find it a terrible and a sad practice. But then again the medical field often comes up with terrible and sad treatments like lobotomies that we now know were unnecessary. And that's not because of discriminating against homosexuals.
He was punished to chemical castration and his body feminized, including growing breasts. He killed himself.
Sad and disgusting for sure. He was given two difficult choices to make. Chemical castration which is reversible. Or incarceration for breaking the indecency laws of the time. I wonder if he hadn't realized the full potential of the side effects he may have to endure? I'm sure he was probably told it was reversible which may have helped his decision. The cause of his death was never properly closed. It was assumed suicide. There was a case presented for accidental poisoning which was what his own mother said is what probably happened since he had a tendency to often taste chemicals to determine what they were without proper caution.

The fact is, by our standards today - horrible. By the standards of his day homosexuality was considered indecent, unhealthy, and potentially damaging to the moral progress of society. He broke the law and was penalized. Some laws need to be changed. Sometimes standards need to be changed. How do we make change that is productive and progressive? You don't do that by condemning those who thought they were morally correct in what they were doing because you have educated 20/20 hindsight.

We need to take caution to not become the monster we're trying to slay. And trust me we're all capable of becoming that monster. Even LGBTQ++ people.
So that's why his story is important. His other story is really only relevant for computer geeks and Jeopardy contestants.
Are you saying that a persons sexual desires should trump all other aspects of one’s life as the most important?
Do you actually believe that Alan Turing and what he accomplished was thought by him to be worth less than his being allowed to have sex with other men even though it was illegal at the time?

Your implying that it was more important for Turing to satisfy his sexual desires than it was for him to fight for its legality before he satisfied those desires in order to continue what he loved doing as a career. That seems an unhealthy fixation at the very least. The entirety of his humanity reduced to the need to have sex with the men in his life despite its illegality? Whether or not that illegality is just is irrelevant. What is relevant is expectation of the consequences.

His other contributions cannot be touted enough. He DID help win World War II. He made major contributions to the computer science that allows you to do what you and I are doing here now. Many other things that are relevant to all of us whether we know it or not.
I personally find his story tragic.

Hopefully you'll be able to get past any offences I've made here for you so we can have a productive conversation.
Equal rights is not the same as guiding legislation in accordance with your religion.
What equal rights? It took an act of legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday celebrating specific sexualities. My particular sexuality excluded. From what I've seen of how people act today I'm pretty convinced that most of those previously persecuted don't want equality. They want revenge and domination so that they can do to others what they feel was done to them.
What legislation are you taking about? Abortion rights? You don't have to be religious to be for or against abortion rights.
The LGBTQ++ clan has plenty of their own lobbyists trying to guide legislation under the guise of equal rights. But you tell me how you give equal rights to a sexuality? What's that even mean?
It's also nit my fault you haven't oaid attention to what the source if pride is despite it getting mentioned.
I know what you claim the source of pride is....human dignity and equality. If it were only about that you wouldn't be in the minority. The majority of most groups are for that no matter your race, gender, major religion, or sexuality.
However since you've distinguished your pride as a part of you being a member of a minority we have to know what minority and how they are distinguished from other minorities to determine what you find prideful in them.
The problem is that the LGBTQ++ community cannot distinguish themselves from anyone else except by their sexuality when they label themselves as members of the LGBTQ++ group.
If you stand up and say..."I am proud to be a homosexual" or " I'm proud to be a lesbian" or whatever, in doing that your not saying " I am proud to be a human being standing up for my rights as a human being." What your saying is I am proud with the way I like to express myself sexually because you've labeled what's relevant about yourself as a sexuality. So what is prideful about the way you express yourself sexually?


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Are masses of LGBT individuals demanding to make opposite sex marriage illegal?
No, masses of heterosexuals are standing up for LGBT individuals rights to make same sex marriage legal. And because of that it has in most places.
Are they petitioning governments to make heterosexuality a punishable crime?
No, they are petitioning the government to make heterosexual dissent against things like allowing transsexual choice of public showers and bathrooms and sports based on their mental gender identification despite the concerns and discomforts of heterosexuals a hate crime and punishable persecution.
Are they defending the bullying of straight children in the schools?
Never seen an LGBTQ++ person come to the defense of a straight (what does that term indicate?) person that was being bullied. So I can't definitively answer this. At best it would be anecdotal evidence. I'm sure LGBTQ++ people are just as capable of bullying when they have the ability to do so. Unless you think their all genetically predisposed to be meek, mild, and marvelously respectable of others? I'd like to see the studies. That would be interesting.
Are they banning books in schools that even mention heterosexuality?
Mention? I'm not sure. Depictions of certain heterosexual acts...sure and why not? Do school children need the details of the sexual act outside of a sex education class? Do they still do them classes in school?
There is no hetero month because most people realize that no one is a sexual act and so very few people want to dehumanize others by pretending that it is.
Wonderfully astute of you to realize that. That's one reason a LGBTQ++ month is dehumanizing and ridiculous.
and most people aren't dishonest enough to suggest that movies of any sort are being shown at pride parades.
Your not taking the time to read and think about the entirety of what's been said.
I never said anything about movies at pride parades? There was an "or" in the sentence not an "and".
I think your view my answers through lenses of hate now not reason.
And you are entitled to your prejudice
Its not prejudice if it is reasonable. But that's why we are discussing the issue isn't it.
We are still discussing the issue so you are getting the cart before the horse. That's hate talking again.
Hate typically preempts concluding anything.

you mean the way you denigrate, dehumanize and stereotype gays whole cloth?
How so?
no group does but there are those who choose to dehumanize others by obsessing about sex as a means of justifying their own prejudices.
My god...its not an obsession if its the subject under discussion. Do I have to explain everything that should be self evident step by step with you?
1) We are talking about homosexuality, or lesbianism or bisexualism or heterosexualism.
2) All of those are sexualities.
3) People aren't classified by their sexuality UNLESS you are discussing their sexuality. Then they become homosexual or lesbian or bisexual etc. and their race or career choice or personality etc. becomes irrelevant.
4) Discussing sexuality is a sub characteristic of a whole person. It has nothing to do with the right to dignity, or respect, or being humane. In other words simply being homosexual or any sexuality does not inherently give you the right to be respected. You might be a freaking sadistic psychopath. Is that respectable? Does it make sense to say that because you are a sadistic psychopath your homosexuality isn't respectable?
Or likewise, because you are not a sadistic psychopath your homosexuality is respectable? Either way its the same homosexuality even though it may be expressed in different manners -aggressively versus consensually and peacefully for instance.
Obsession? ! Indeed. The only obsessions going on here is your obsession to refuse to admit the obvious and my obsession to try and get you to understand.
Of course it has to do with the long history of discrimination LGBT have been subjected to and are still being subjected to.
Sadly its often because of their own misdirected actions.
Arguing about the wrong things in the wrong way.
It is a pride worthy thing to stand up to bigots and hate mongers and people who threaten violence and discrimination.
Never said it wasn't.
it is pride worth to confront those who lie and those who demonize.
Okay, and?
Its like you're on auto pilot. You might read what I post but you don't see what I'm actually posting about.
There have been infamous cases of black serial killers as well. Does their existence justify racism?
Never said there wasn't. What I said was that all classifications of peoples have their good and bad sides.
As for your question...I think that depends on how you view racism. If the law catches up to a particularly heinous serial killer and that killer is sentenced to death or life in prison but that killer happens to be black, is that racism? I would say no if the penalty fits the crime. What would be racism is if a white person did the exact same heinous things but got a lesser punishment -IF all else were equal. But the racism has nothing to do with whether the punishment fits the crime. Either its a just punishment for that particular crime or it is not, regardless of the race.
so those nasty gay deserve to be discriminated against.
Why do you refer to gays as nasty? And if the discrimination is unreasonable then I would say absolutely not.
nor is it a sex act but you continual reduce them to just that.
Nor is what a sex act? People aren't a sex act. Sexuality is, in a manner of speaking.
I was thinking you were just wanting to argue with me because you really don't like me. But I'm thinking you really don't get the difference
between the homosexual person and their homosexuality. I've really tried to explain that to you.
do you tell people you are married?
wear a wedding ring?
keep family pictures on your person?
display such pictures at your job?
Guess what. you are going around telling people about how you prefer to have sex and you are doing so proudly
Um...not exactly. Marriage is an institutionalized union usually between couples. The consummation of the marriage may be implied but marriage itself is not that consummation. It is not supposed to be an announcement of sex in our culture. It is an announcement of dedication, faith, and trust between the couple. That is why marriage is similarly symbolic among all couples regardless of their sexuality but sexuality differs among married couples based upon how those couples prefer to express themselves sexually. Comparing a married homosexual couple with a married heterosexual couple we see an indistinguishably applied entry into the institution of marriage but we see a distinguished expression of sex within each marriage.
We say we are proud to be married because we are identifying with the institution and the previously mentioned symbology of being married.
We don't say we are proud to be married because of our sexuality...unless you wish to reduce the sanctity of marriage to how you prefer to have sex.
Family pictures don't announce sexuality nor pride in sexuality. They announce pride in having family. Unless your a pervert.
Pride in family comes from what a family contributes to ones life and others lives, not from the sex that may have produced it. Who looks at family and thinks about being proud of the sex that produced it? That sex could have just as easily not produced a family or one to be proud of.
Who looks at their hammer and says..."I'm sure proud of you hammer because without you I wouldn't have been able to produce my house."?


Well-Known Member
Why should it be totally irrelevant? You've got to determine that right?

Consider this, your trying to make it relevant by celebrating sexuality today.
Why should it be totally irrelevant? Those that consider sexuality in a person would ask that question.

Should pedophilia or bestiality or some other determined to be unhealthy sexuality be irrelevant for example? You may think you see obvious differences but those that practice such things don't.

The powers that be at the time determined its relevancy as bad and laws were made banning particular expressions of sexuality.
Continued examination and education eventually determined that those laws should be changed.

Everything is relevant until it is determined not to be. Alan Turing made his right to express himself sexually however he saw fit to do so relevant in light of the time he was living in through his open defiance and disregard of the law. If he would have kept it on the down low considering its illegality at the time it probably wouldn't have been very relevant regardless of whether or not the law was just.
you mean if he had just been a good gay and spent his his life living in fear of people who choose to hate he woudl have been so much better off. Just like if uppity negros had kept their place then the good police force of Birmingham Alabama wouldn't have had to send attack doges after those nasty black children.

Hiding from bigots changes nothing. People who hate need to be stood up to, they need to know that discrimination is not acceptable. and if they get upset that they are reminded that minorities they choose to hate exist every time they "go into the damn grocery store or turn on the television" that is just to bad and it just points out that they are the ones with the problem.
What equal rights? It took an act of legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday celebrating specific sexualities. My particular sexuality excluded. From what I've seen of how people act today I'm pretty convinced that most of those previously persecuted don't want equality. They want revenge and domination so that they can do to others what they feel was done to them.

Juneteenth, officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, is a federal holiday in the United States. It is celebrated annually on June 19 to commemorate the ending of slavery in the United States.

Your obsession with sex is really sad, you might want to consider getting professional help for that
What legislation are you taking about? Abortion rights? You don't have to be religious to be for or against abortion rights.
The LGBTQ++ clan has plenty of their own lobbyists trying to guide legislation under the guise of equal rights. But you tell me how you give equal rights to a sexuality? What's that even mean?

I know what you claim the source of pride is....human dignity and equality. If it were only about that you wouldn't be in the minority. The majority of most groups are for that no matter your race, gender, major religion, or sexuality.
However since you've distinguished your pride as a part of you being a member of a minority we have to know what minority and how they are distinguished from other minorities to determine what you find prideful in them.
The problem is that the LGBTQ++ community cannot distinguish themselves from anyone else except by their sexuality when they label themselves as members of the LGBTQ++ group.
they can and do all the time. People who hate however choose to deny any other aspect of their lives except sex as a means to dehumanize people everywhere and create a rather sad justification for their own prejudices.
If you stand up and say..."I am proud to be a homosexual" or " I'm proud to be a lesbian" or whatever, in doing that your not saying " I am proud to be a human being standing up for my rights as a human being." What your saying is I am proud with the way I like to express myself sexually because you've labeled what's relevant about yourself as a sexuality. So what is prideful about the way you express yourself sexually?
standing up to those individuals who demonize and dehumanize them by obsessing about sex is certainly pride worthy


Well-Known Member
No, masses of heterosexuals are standing up for LGBT individuals rights to make same sex marriage legal. And because of that it has in most places.
so your claim that LGBT individuals are pushing discriminations is just so much hot air.
No, they are petitioning the government to make heterosexual dissent against things like allowing transsexual choice of public showers and bathrooms and sports based on their mental gender identification despite the concerns and discomforts of heterosexuals a hate crime and punishable persecution.
just who has been imprisoned for expressing concerns? Well...no one has.
Exactly what proposed legislation has been introduced to persecute people for expressing concerns? hmmm...none.
Never seen an LGBTQ++ person come to the defense of a straight (what does that term indicate?) person that was being bullied.
Have you looked?
So I can't definitively answer this. At best it would be anecdotal evidence. I'm sure LGBTQ++ people are just as capable of bullying when they have the ability to do so. Unless you think their all genetically predisposed to be meek, mild, and marvelously respectable of others? I'd like to see the studies. That would be interesting.

You can find such information published by the CDC and stopbullying.gov and the Treavor foundation among others.
40% of LGBT youth in middle schools have been physically attacked
the average LGBT high school student is subjected to more than five instances of bullying in school per week
29% have been threatened with a weapon
19% have been bullied by teachers and school staff

But I'm sure they deserve it

Mention? I'm not sure. Depictions of certain heterosexual acts...sure and why not? Do school children need the details of the sexual act outside of a sex education class? Do they still do them classes in school?
Details of sexual acts?

You really do have a problem. Please seek out professional help


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
You don't have to be so serious. It was humorous to me and I shared why. What evidence do you want me to provide you about my experience and are you really interested in seeing me prove my experiences that I found humorous? Not everything has to be or should have to be a proven thing. Just go with the funny sometimes...that's what I say. But, since you said that...
When you use the label "Atheist" it literally involves a reference to God and religious matters involving God/gods.
Now a person who considers themselves an atheist can certainly have opinions about all sorts of things which should be self-evident.
But a person who leads with the label "Atheist" as the qualifier of what we are referencing about the person that is relevant to the current discussion, is by most atheists definition, a person who has no opinions about God/gods and consequently the religions related to such things when they reference such authority.
There, in explaining the nit pickety details of what I found humorous you've rendered it flat and dull. Are you happy now.:neutral: Can't even make a joke without someone ruining it for me...I shall now go and pout with self-pity in the bathroom now.

Ummmm ok. Not sure what any of that has to do with what I asked. Sorry for spoiling your fun, feel free to enjoy yourself.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Ummmm ok. Not sure what any of that has to do with what I asked. Sorry for spoiling your fun, feel free to enjoy yourself.
This may lead into more in-depth discussion for some but you mentioned Atheists and you asked if they are allowed to have opinions.
The short answer is no - Atheists, according to themselves, have no opinions because by definition they are allowed none. Incidentally I disagree with that "opinion".
A person who is also an Atheist is allowed to have opinions but only in so much that their opinions do not relate to them being an Atheist.
Does the connection to what you asked make sense now? What I said was just a little joke. Either you got it or you didn't. No biggy. I hope we all feel free enough on here to enjoy ourselves somewhat. I did have a chuckle over my little joke -even if no one else did. Soooo...success! Yay.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
This may lead into more in-depth discussion for some but you mentioned Atheists and you asked if they are allowed to have opinions.
The short answer is no - Atheists, according to themselves, have no opinions because by definition they are allowed none. Incidentally I disagree with that "opinion".
A person who is also an Atheist is allowed to have opinions but only in so much that their opinions do not relate to them being an Atheist.
Does the connection to what you asked make sense now? What I said was just a little joke. Either you got it or you didn't. No biggy. I hope we all feel free enough on here to enjoy ourselves somewhat. I did have a chuckle over my little joke -even if no one else did. Soooo...success! Yay.

Nope, still don't get it but you've amused yourself so well done for that. I don't think a career in stand up awaits but who knows.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
you mean if he had just been a good gay and spent his his life living in fear of people who choose to hate he woudl have been so much better off.
What do you mean by "good gay"? Follow the laws of the land? What I mean is that if Alan Turing wouldn't have irrationally poked the bear before he was in a better position to do so it may have saved him some tragic circumstances in his life.
Good grief, if you want to win the pot you have to play the cards you've been dealt and play them wisely.
If a person has any hope of getting justice, if justice is at all possible in any form in this world, then it would behoove those seeking to battle for it not to cripple themselves before engaging in that battle. In other words, know when and how to pick your battles.
IF it was the loss of his security clearance as some have suggested and not the loss of his free expression of his sexuality that sent him over the edge he could have kept that clearance while battling for the rights of homosexuals if he would have picked when/how to battle for justice in order to ensure maximum success. Then, yes, he would have been better off in my opinion. Fear of the enemy is a normal healthy thing. Not letting that fear push you into doing stupid stuff is difficult no matter how smart you are but the effort not to let that happen is well worth the expenditure of the energy.
Just like if uppity negros had kept their place then the good police force of Birmingham Alabama wouldn't have had to send attack doges after those nasty black children.
"Uppity negros"? That's not how I communicate and I think you can get your point across without applying that kind of language to communicate with me. What is your point here anyway? That there is injustice in the world? Some of those "good" Birmingham police might have been homosexuals. Then what would you say? That some homosexuals committed atrocities against blacks? Or perhaps your saying that whites committed atrocities against blacks and thus are the only race that have committed atrocities against homosexuals? Oh wait...you want to bring racial issues into the matter so we must consider that nearly all the countries that still criminalize same sex sexual acts have none white governments and most have a very high per capita black population. So, you gonna say blacks generally persecute homosexuals then?
What your doing is describing symptoms not the disease endemic among all genres of peoples.

Why do you keep trying to coopt racial issues to prove your point about sexuality? Whatever that point is...I'm not sure at this point. You seem to refuse to correct your confusion about a discussion of sexuality, which is what this is about, verses the people who express particular ones.

There is tragedy in the world. That's not a new revelation. Tragedy happens to and from all groups of people and has throughout history. Your looking at symptoms through a biased lens, not the disease. America has things like what happened at the Birmingham protests of 1964- White on Black violence. It also has things like the fact that whites enslaved but it took whites to ultimately end that enslavement as well and the current endemic black on black violence with an estimated 80 to 90% of cases of blacks being killed by other blacks with 52% of the murder victims being acquainted with their assailant. Africa had the Hutu massacres in 1972 and the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 to mention just two -black on black violence- up to the ethnic cleansing happening now in Darfur and Sudan -black on brown violence. And of course blacks enslaving other blacks today in Africa.
North and South Koreans are in constant conflict. Russians and Ukrainians are committing atrocities against each other. The Chinese and the Japanese have their animosities with the Japanese having committed atrocities against the Chinese and the Chinese running the equivalent of concentration camps to this day. Indians and Pakistanis hate each other and American Indians were abused by all sides regardless of race. Hamas committed horrible crimes against Israelis while Israelis commit horrible crimes against Palestinians. Meanwhile the Israelis Arab neighbors openly pray for all Israelis to be killed while ignoring their own crimes against humanity.
If you wish to sift through history and pick out specific groups of people who have travesties committed against them good luck finding one that hasn't.
Referencing other tragedies in order to justify your own hatred concerning your own groups tragedies is pointless. Even homosexuals have prayed upon other homosexuals. Some studies have shown that homosexuals can be biased against other more effeminate homosexuals.
Hiding from bigots changes nothing.
Never said it would. That's why I'm not hiding my feelings from people like you.
People who hate need to be stood up to, they need to know that discrimination is not acceptable.
That's why I'm standing up to people like you who twist what's been said to suit their own needs. People like you who call others names and attempt to debase their opinions by connecting them to derogatory concepts like racism, that have nothing to do with accurately describing them.
You should stop accusing others of hatred and take a good look at the motivation behind your own.
if they get upset that they are reminded that minorities they choose to hate exist every time they "go into the damn grocery store or turn on the television" that is just to bad and it just points out that they are the ones with the problem.
How many times are you gonna try and connect me to things I haven't said or done here? I haven't chosen to hate any people in this discussion.
The reference to what I'm reminded of is somebodies sexual preference...their sexuality. Not any particular person nor any minority people. If you want to equate sexual preference with the person then that's on you, not me.
The only hate exhibited here is from you, every time you try and paint me as a racist or bigot or persecutor of a people.
The discussion is about sexuality not a people. If you could get out of your own deluded head perhaps you would realize that.
Consider this, if you can, -I'll try and help you get passed your delusion - you keep saying that I'm obsessing about sex but...
Here is a quote of yours for example..."and you repeatedly label LGBT people as just sexual acts." Post 445
LGBTQ++ is an acronym for sexualities...sexual preferences. The acronym describes a characteristic that those people possess.
Lets say I describe a person as a white man. I am describing the racial characteristic of that man. Now lets say I describe the person as a white homosexual. Now I am describing the racial and sexual characteristics of that person. Are you getting it?
Here is a quote of mine 95 posts earlier..."Um...my statements have consistently attempted to distinguish between the humanity of a person and that persons practices. I wasn't the one who suggested equating a persons preferred sexual gratifications with being the primary essence of their personhood. Post 350
And …""This discussion concerns homosexuality not homosexual persons. There is a distinction which we established in our earlier discussions."

And there's more quotes of mine in which I clarify the distinction. Look them up if your interested. Then again, why would you be, it just proves you wrong.
What's sad is you haven't a clue what sexuality is about apparently.
I have to give you props for clarifying something though. I mistakenly confused Juneteenth for Pride month. I can see now why your consistently trying to coopt racism into your arguments about the LGBTQ++ community.
Now here is a good example...you pointing this out about Juneteenth is something I can accept as a good counterpoint. Thank you.
As far as getting professional help I'm thinking that you might want to look into that yourself since your insisting I'm equating people with their sexuality but I've consistently shown you that I'm not. YOU keep bringing the people back into this discussion about sexualities as if the two were the same thing.
they can and do all the time.
Okay, I'll be fair and assume this is true. So tell me, what does the acronym LGBTQ stand for? And by identifying yourself with that label what are you saying?
People who hate however choose to deny any other aspect of their lives except sex as a means to dehumanize people everywhere and create a rather sad justification for their own prejudices.
People can hate other people for all kinds of reasons. Most of which have nothing to do with sex. How does sex dehumanize a person anyway? Your not less than human because you have or don't have sex.
You seem to be pretty freely applying the term prejudice to others without admitting your own.
standing up to those individuals who demonize and dehumanize them by obsessing about sex is certainly pride worthy
How did you come to this conclusion out of me asking what is prideful about sexuality?
It may be prideful to defend yourself against bullies and assault but that's not what I asked. Can you answer the question as asked?
Me saying I personally don't like homosexuality and find its practice distasteful is not a demonization or dehumanization of homosexuals. If you can't figure that one out then your the one obsessing about sex. Why do you think I should like homosexuality or else I'm obsessing about sex?
Me saying that the letters in LGBTQ are testaments to ones sexuality not statements about ones humanity is also not obsessing about sex. Its a factual statement. You want to testify as to your humanity then don't hide behind one of those letters as if that settles the matter. That tells me nothing about your humanity. Are we gonna be real or just lie because it makes us feel better.
If you want to announce to the world that you are a heterosexual, a homosexual, a lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual, and somehow make that a statement about being prideful then YOU are equating your humanity with your sexuality, YOU are then making all aspects of your life sexual and YOU are making your life a sexual obsession not me. I don't know why a sexuality would be prideful. What would be prideful about a sexuality? That doesn't make much sense to me. Might as well say the color purple is a prideful color. Or there's nothing prideful about pink.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Nope, still don't get it but you've amused yourself so well done for that. I don't think a career in stand up awaits but who knows.
Lol...if you still don't get it you probably should have left Atheist out of your post or at least investigate a tad further. But that's all right. As you've said at least I've amused myself. I'm more of a sit down and ponder kind of comedian. Some people might consider me the butt of my own joke. But oh well life continues...perhaps unamused.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
OK so here's what I think about it all, as a 62 year old white woman living in the 21st century in the USA. I am personally tired of thinking about who is sleeping with who. I don't want to be trying to decide which vehicle to buy but thinking about whether or not the GM is sleeping with my salesperson. I don't want to hire someone to do renovations on my home but think about who they are sleeping with. I don't want anyone looking at me that way for that matter.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
OK so here's what I think about it all, as a 62 year old white woman living in the 21st century in the USA. I am personally tired of thinking about who is sleeping with who. I don't want to be trying to decide which vehicle to buy but thinking about whether or not the GM is sleeping with my salesperson. I don't want to hire someone to do renovations on my home but think about who they are sleeping with. I don't want anyone looking at me that way for that matter.
If your tired of that then stop thinking about who specifically is sleeping with who.
Conversations about sexuality are a different matter. If you wish to be an engaged Christian then the issues that arise concerning sexuality are relevant to your understanding of Christianity since Christian scripture makes it relevant. There is a time and place for such discussions though.
You shouldn't be expected to nor should you expect to need to have a conversation concerning the sexuality or sexual practices of everyone you hire, buy from, or say hi to. You don't need to know if your hired help is a homosexual for instance. You only need to know if they are a qualified and respectable person for the help you hired them for.
Unless they feel the need to demonstrate their homosexuality to you. Then you might wanna rethink hiring them.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
If your tired of that then stop thinking about who specifically is sleeping with who.
Conversations about sexuality are a different matter. If you wish to be an engaged Christian then the issues that arise concerning sexuality are relevant to your understanding of Christianity since Christian scripture makes it relevant. There is a time and place for such discussions though.
You shouldn't be expected to nor should you expect to need to have a conversation concerning the sexuality or sexual practices of everyone you hire, buy from, or say hi to. You don't need to know if your hired help is a homosexual for instance. You only need to know if they are a qualified and respectable person for the help you hired them for.
Unless they feel the need to demonstrate their homosexuality to you. Then you might wanna rethink hiring them.
Many people who are gay or promiscuous for whatever reason feel like telling me about it. I don't know why but they do. I don't want to hear it, I really really don't. I don't want to think about who they are sleeping with.

That being said, I do believe I am a Christian, and I want to be engaged, I just don't want to think about who is sleeping with who.


Well-Known Member
Many people who are gay or promiscuous for whatever reason feel like telling me about it. I don't know why but they do. I don't want to hear it, I really really don't. I don't want to think about who they are sleeping with.

That being said, I do believe I am a Christian, and I want to be engaged, I just don't want to think about who is sleeping with who.
Comming out to you is not spelling out who that person is or is not sleeping with.