So the bible is your reason, my mistake, i actually thought you had a real argument.
Abstaining from sex is redundant morally, consequences can be omitted via contraception so your argument is useless based on modern standards. Then again, that's a sin too, so i guess this Church of yours needs to re-evaluate its stance to benefit the real world.
Sex is not immoral, its what we do. It makes us feel better and the consequences of our actions can these days be controlled.
OK here we go again and I hope that you can get it this time around, in this thread we are discussing the Pope's directive to christians in respect of the HIV pandemic spread and the use of condoms, this virus is spread mostly by sexual acts, sexual acts on themselves are normal and not a sin at all offcorse, but this discussion is in relation to infected people having sex trusting that a condom will protect them from passing the virus to another person, have you been able to follow up to this point? The Pope and everybody that has even the basic resources of information knows that one in 100 condoms fails to protect, I am sure that this is the highest quality assurance possible , Now to marality, IMO anybody that knows that is infected and have sex even using a condom commits an immorality, because knowing that there is one in a hundred chances of infecting another human being, goes a head and murder that person (there is no cure for AIDS) in the event of the condom's failure of course.