Depends Upon My Mood..
If you are having sex specifically for money you are a prostitute period.I dont care if its for one individual paying you or a "producer" paying you.If the only way you get paid for services rendered is you perform a sexaul act you are a prostitute.
If I offered my neighbors $ 500 dollars to come to my house and have sex on my den floor for my viewing and they accepted and took the money they would be prostituting.
If you get paid to have sex you are a prostitute PERIOD ..that doesnt mean that you also arent an "actress" or "an actor" during the process of prostiting..Most are I would believe.But absent the sex you arent getting paid for any acting abililities.
You are getting paid to have sex.Not "act like " your are having sex.
If I offered my neighbors $ 500 dollars to come to my house and have sex on my den floor for my viewing and they accepted and took the money they would be prostituting.
If you get paid to have sex you are a prostitute PERIOD ..that doesnt mean that you also arent an "actress" or "an actor" during the process of prostiting..Most are I would believe.But absent the sex you arent getting paid for any acting abililities.
You are getting paid to have sex.Not "act like " your are having sex.