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New Member
When I was 17 years old I made a drunken prayer to Satan, I asked him for “powers” here on Earth. What I got was 4 Demons. They have been with me since then. They have tried to get me to committee suicide, embarrass myself or hurt other people for over a year now. What follows is a short description of what they are possible of doing to the human spirit, body and mind.
Communication. They speak in my mind twenty four hours a day. They basically exist to attempt to torment and bring pain to somebody so life. Every action I make in my life is met with insult, everything is basically a bad idea. Whether it be drinking or getting a job, every decision is met with self doubt, questioning and anxiety. Simple task become very complicated very quickly. They have four unique personalities, different voices, different temperaments. They are clear as a bell, full with sound effects and a radio receiver. They can emulate car doors shutting, knocks on the door, footsteps walking behind you or songs so clear it sounds like a radio is playing in the next room over. They can emulate their voices as well to sound like anybody you know in your personnel life. You will be nervous, afraid or get wrong ideas about people because they will be talking in your head all day using an actual person voice. By the time a few months go by, you can love, hate or be fearful of a person on the simple fact that you’ve had it conditioned in your head what this person is like, what they think or what they want from you. You can be tricked into thinking they love you when they really hate you or hate you when they really love you. All on the simple fact of hundreds and hundreds of hours of communication with said “person” who is actually said Demon trying to ruin a relationship or embarrass you. A love life is virtually not worth attempting and family and friends are almost best kept at distance. It’s almost not worth, the effort of attempting it. I’ve learned it’s best to set a clear simple path, follow it and try to help anybody around you in order to try and clear myself with God.
Physically. They can cause pain. They can pick a sensitive part on your body. Testicles, a vein, live, heart or an open wound. They will give you the sensation of pressure, as if running a finger over the same spot over and over again. It gains the sensation of rubbing a particular area raw by rubbing a finger tip over it repeatedly. That’s what it feels like on the outside of your body, a bruise that somebody keeps softly poking or an open wound that somebody keeps rubbing their finger across for an extended period of time. Inside your body, it’s more fear than pain. When they say they are causing your heart or liver to malfunction or trying to break your femoral artery open from the inside, it’s a bad mind trip. They say beforehand what they are going to do, then you start feeling a pinching sensation on a vein or a flicking sensation on an organ. They can cut your breath short, make it harder to breathe, at will. They can also give you strength or hide pain, force you to over exert your muscles beyond their capabilities. Cause you to do more injury than good by numbing or hiding an injury or muscle soreness.
Emotionally. They can turn on any emotion like a light switch, at will. They can make you over confident, fearful, embarrassed. They can make you feel pain over somebody you barely know, you can feel sadness close to tears over anything. Anger for no reason at the wrong time can cause you to harm others or make rash decisions. All these emotions are amplified by ten what they should be, you know they are doing it, the emotion is still there, it is not your own, but it is inside of you. They have shown me what hell and the embarrassment of being out of God’s vision feels like and they have shown me the weightless, carefree utter happiness of feeling the sensation of rising to heaven. I’ve learned simply, to try everything in my power to keep my logic ahead of my emotions, stay cold blooded and hidden, but to help any and everybody I can. It’s very difficult to believe you are going to heaven when you feel worthless, confused and afraid. I try to follow moral and ethical codes to keep me grounded and on track instead of following fake emotions.
Electrical. I’m also fairly certain of a larger demon, a beast, the beast. I have a different vision since they have moved into my body. I see a white River, it flows from every single electrical device I see, around people and up into the sky flowing horizontally. I believe it to be part of a larger being, an essence of it, like blood. A make up of electricity, chemicals and the essence of the beast. I believe it flows through almost everything, it gives the beast pretty much full access to and the ability to tamper with almost anything electrical. Government and military ramifications of this would be beyond comprehension.
I’m 35 now. My name is Jamie Martinez. I live with these four Demons every day of my life and probably will until they laugh and heckle me as I’m dying. I’m emotionally stable and my body is in perfect condition, I have faith in God. These, symptoms I feel are all done to a perfectly stable, sound of mind, strong individual. My description of them cannot be more accurate. I hope in some small way to perhaps help people and in some small way to tell my story.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
This sounds like schizophrenia. You need to go to a hospital. Please.

Seconded, and look who is saying that.. :D

If the leader of a rebellion in heaven (by the Christian narrative) was basically a euphemism for the fight of free will versus God's then saying these beings would be down with your personal spiritual domination is a bit strange. Wouldn't that sort of fly in the face of exactly what they represent (even by that book)? Not to become a demonic apologist or anything, but my experience says this is just not their way.

Second question, why would they bother with you? I always find that the surest sign of madness in that if you do not actively seek them that you presume you are so special that they are going to divert their time to _just you_ making you miserable. For what? Doesn't some sort of being on this level of spiritual existence have anyone better to deal with? Like someone who appreciates their attention? :D

The difference between someone who is mad and not when playing in the demonic realm is simple - (s)he who is mad doesn't question the experience at all. Every malady, tribulation, and misery of their life must undoubtedly be blamed on these demons for no responsibility lay upon themselves or their broken brain.


New Member
I'm 35, I've done a tour in Iraq, I've held two jobs in my life 5 years a piece and I'm a father of one. I'm one of the most boring, laid back, stable people you will ever meet. Now hypothetically, if I made a mistake as a teenager, making a direct heartfelt prayer to Satan, and then now later off in life have found God, what happens to these Demons that were granted to me? The information I have. How hard would it be for me to prove? Almost impossible, but if people would listen, ramifications of what these creatures can do to the human body and soul are just mind boggling. How many people believe they are mentally sick, when this information could give them hope and she'd light that it's not then that's sick.


New Member
My thoughts, they were done with me, I was homeless, jobless, no family, no friends, close to suicide. They came out in the open communicating and causing physical harm to finish me off, my contract so to say. I found God in the process. They haven't left. I've asked them why, they claimed "they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar." I can't completely make sense other than to come up with, they made a mistake playing a game with myself and people around me, they would have had my soul had I committed suicide. It didn't happen, they threaten my family, they run my emotions, body language. Influencing almost everything, to fix a mistake.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm 35, I've done a tour in Iraq, I've held two jobs in my life 5 years a piece and I'm a father of one. I'm one of the most boring, laid back, stable people you will ever meet. Now hypothetically, if I made a mistake as a teenager, making a direct heartfelt prayer to Satan, and then now later off in life have found God, what happens to these Demons that were granted to me? The information I have. How hard would it be for me to prove? Almost impossible, but if people would listen, ramifications of what these creatures can do to the human body and soul are just mind boggling. How many people believe they are mentally sick, when this information could give them hope and she'd light that it's not then that's sick.

As if demons, arguably spiritual beings more advanced than yourself would allow themselves to be kept as your pets. If anything, your lack of spiritual responsibility is the subject of the post not possession. You blamed God for everything that sucks in your life, then you turned to Satan and it still sucks, but maybe... Just maybe... the problem was you? :D

Most negative energy type situations are actually caused by deceased spirits of humans who just can't get enough of ****ing with people. I'm very sensitive to these vibes whether it is from a person, area, or the dead and mostly I experience the demonic as a positive energy - one that demands you to think for yourself and not be a crybaby, nonetheless. I don't expect you to talk my word on that or anything, but I find it interesting that you seem to externalize your problems so frequently. Most cases and claims of demonic possession are bunk, based on the belief that your soul is like some kind of poker chip you can lose in a game rather than the intrinsic part of your being that it is. If you could possibly understand the ACTUAL spiritual cosmology and the oneness that exists you would see that this piece of you can neither be removed, destroyed, or corrupted. It takes countless years of training of course to build that awareness so attempting to convince you of that is probably worthless, BUT... Maybe you should at least question you own beliefs, at least in the sense of establishing personal responsibility.

If you have done nothing spiritual but read the bible and say a few Satanic prayers you have actually done no spiritual work at all. You're a victim to spooky ghosts that don't exist and not attuned enough to evaluate the quality of the information you perceive. The Bible just doesn't cut the mustard for a deep guide to spiritual exploration. The first part of that is to realize your brain is a subjective machine, and that it needs to be trained.

In fact, I'll take it further - if you see "good and evil" rather than "existence in forms" it just shows how little work you've done. I'm not saying that to torment you, but rather to prompt you to do the homework. I'm not letting you off easy. :D


New Member
You don't have to. Truth? I made a prayer when I was young. I'm no Satanist, it was a simple thing that got listened to. I'm not very religious either, I do not read the Bible, I do not go to church. I'm logical, I believe in God because of these things, they hatred, acts of cruelty and cowardice have driven me to him. The information is all true, honestly, my faith isn't the strongest in the world or even close. I'm hoping to get the information out on what these creatures can do, in hopes to help people, in hope that entrance to heaven is merit based. I believe in God, the devil, because of things I have in me. I believe I'm conducting business in trying to educate. That is all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You don't have to. Truth? I made a prayer when I was young. I'm no Satanist, it was a simple thing that got listened to. I'm not very religious either, I do not read the Bible, I do not go to church. I'm logical, I believe in God because of these things, they hatred, acts of cruelty and cowardice have driven me to him. The information is all true, honestly, my faith isn't the strongest in the world or even close. I'm hoping to get the information out on what these creatures can do, in hopes to help people, in hope that entrance to heaven is merit based. I believe in God, the devil, because of things I have in me. I believe I'm conducting business in trying to educate. That is all.

It takes years for some people I know to be directly aware of their connection to spiritual beings, and you did it in one drunken night? Doubtful, more likely you have mild schizoid episodes and drinking took you over the damn brink. From that moment on you've accepted your delusions as real, never questioned them, and further never actually willfully made any effort to verify your information. You presumed, merely on dogma, that the lay of the land is as stated in the Bible rather than doing any of the legwork yourself. Of course, that means I am going to call you out because there is no difference between you and a used car salesman. You think you have a duty to promulgate the lie because that will earn you brownie points in heaven- something you aren't even sure exists for the most selfish of reasons. (Your own "spiritual credit".) You probably don't even think you have the ability to question such things, given that you are a Baptist. (I don't feel all Baptists are so easily swayed, but blind faith is like a #1 Baptist thing...)

You're not educating anyone here on anything but the lies that you tell yourself every day, but I do find it mildly amusing. Especially the part of feeling weak in faith, as if that sells the story more - it doesn't. The only faith you have is blind, and of course that is the weakest kind. It's blind to truth, making sense, questions, or even being honest. How do you know God is real if you can't kick the tires or shake the box?

Super Universe

Defender of God
When I was 17 years old I made a drunken prayer to Satan, I asked him for “powers” here on Earth. What I got was 4 Demons. They have been with me since then. They have tried to get me to committee suicide, embarrass myself or hurt other people for over a year now. What follows is a short description of what they are possible of doing to the human spirit, body and mind.
Communication. They speak in my mind twenty four hours a day. They basically exist to attempt to torment and bring pain to somebody so life. Every action I make in my life is met with insult, everything is basically a bad idea. Whether it be drinking or getting a job, every decision is met with self doubt, questioning and anxiety. Simple task become very complicated very quickly. They have four unique personalities, different voices, different temperaments. They are clear as a bell, full with sound effects and a radio receiver. They can emulate car doors shutting, knocks on the door, footsteps walking behind you or songs so clear it sounds like a radio is playing in the next room over. They can emulate their voices as well to sound like anybody you know in your personnel life. You will be nervous, afraid or get wrong ideas about people because they will be talking in your head all day using an actual person voice. By the time a few months go by, you can love, hate or be fearful of a person on the simple fact that you’ve had it conditioned in your head what this person is like, what they think or what they want from you. You can be tricked into thinking they love you when they really hate you or hate you when they really love you. All on the simple fact of hundreds and hundreds of hours of communication with said “person” who is actually said Demon trying to ruin a relationship or embarrass you. A love life is virtually not worth attempting and family and friends are almost best kept at distance. It’s almost not worth, the effort of attempting it. I’ve learned it’s best to set a clear simple path, follow it and try to help anybody around you in order to try and clear myself with God.
Physically. They can cause pain. They can pick a sensitive part on your body. Testicles, a vein, live, heart or an open wound. They will give you the sensation of pressure, as if running a finger over the same spot over and over again. It gains the sensation of rubbing a particular area raw by rubbing a finger tip over it repeatedly. That’s what it feels like on the outside of your body, a bruise that somebody keeps softly poking or an open wound that somebody keeps rubbing their finger across for an extended period of time. Inside your body, it’s more fear than pain. When they say they are causing your heart or liver to malfunction or trying to break your femoral artery open from the inside, it’s a bad mind trip. They say beforehand what they are going to do, then you start feeling a pinching sensation on a vein or a flicking sensation on an organ. They can cut your breath short, make it harder to breathe, at will. They can also give you strength or hide pain, force you to over exert your muscles beyond their capabilities. Cause you to do more injury than good by numbing or hiding an injury or muscle soreness.
Emotionally. They can turn on any emotion like a light switch, at will. They can make you over confident, fearful, embarrassed. They can make you feel pain over somebody you barely know, you can feel sadness close to tears over anything. Anger for no reason at the wrong time can cause you to harm others or make rash decisions. All these emotions are amplified by ten what they should be, you know they are doing it, the emotion is still there, it is not your own, but it is inside of you. They have shown me what hell and the embarrassment of being out of God’s vision feels like and they have shown me the weightless, carefree utter happiness of feeling the sensation of rising to heaven. I’ve learned simply, to try everything in my power to keep my logic ahead of my emotions, stay cold blooded and hidden, but to help any and everybody I can. It’s very difficult to believe you are going to heaven when you feel worthless, confused and afraid. I try to follow moral and ethical codes to keep me grounded and on track instead of following fake emotions.
Electrical. I’m also fairly certain of a larger demon, a beast, the beast. I have a different vision since they have moved into my body. I see a white River, it flows from every single electrical device I see, around people and up into the sky flowing horizontally. I believe it to be part of a larger being, an essence of it, like blood. A make up of electricity, chemicals and the essence of the beast. I believe it flows through almost everything, it gives the beast pretty much full access to and the ability to tamper with almost anything electrical. Government and military ramifications of this would be beyond comprehension.
I’m 35 now. My name is Jamie Martinez. I live with these four Demons every day of my life and probably will until they laugh and heckle me as I’m dying. I’m emotionally stable and my body is in perfect condition, I have faith in God. These, symptoms I feel are all done to a perfectly stable, sound of mind, strong individual. My description of them cannot be more accurate. I hope in some small way to perhaps help people and in some small way to tell my story.

They are not demons. They are personalities. They are essentially people, or, more probably, beings from another planet who have channeling abilities. They can be humans from another time. They like having power over God's children. They like control, they like telling primitive humans that they are God or whatever and causing you to do things that you would not normally do.

There are some anti-psychotic drugs that might help but they have side effects. The VA can help.

You can attempt to shut them out by seeing a priest, the Catholics have experienced priests who MIGHT be able to help but not always.

This is happening for two reasons, one, you have the ability, and two, you asked for it which opened yourself up to it.

If you are being harmed physically then that is a poltergeist that you created. You have psychic abilities that you are not controlling or directing in a productive way. It's like having an energy weapon and you don't know it's on so it builds up in you. You need to see a real medium but finding a real one is difficult because there are so many fake ones. I would recommend getting on a medium chat forum and asking who is the best medium. If someone wants money, don't trust them. A real medium should do it for free.

Do not give them your real name to any online medium and please remove it from this forum. People will find you and take advantage of you.

Please don't pledge to Satan or demons anymore. It can get worse.