This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever read, (No offence), you’re not from the region thought you give yourself the right to dictate our nearby history
I’m an Egyptian Arab Muslim, my neighbor is Palestinian, He’s 78 Years old, he along with his family were expelled from their homes in 1948 by the Israeli gangs, he wept when I brought him the map of Palestine, and he remembered his home, he told me that his only wish that he can one day before he dies return to beloved home, Palestine
The Jews were only holding not more than 8% of Palestine in 1948, which they had bought, this purchase itself is criminal because its intention was to steal Palestine
All the rest 88% was stolen from the Palestinians, they were forcibly drawn out of their homes and left to live in refuges camps
May God Punish Israel for its crimes, may God help the Palestinians in returning to their stolen homes., amen
Buying land is not "stealing".
Secondly, Israel would have remained a smaller entity than today if the neighboring countries had not repeatedly attacked it plus denying access to our holy sites, whereas Muslems have access to theirs.
Thirdly, those Palestinians displaced by the creation of Israel were to be paid for it so they could buy housing and/or land somewhere else, and those funds were to be supplied by the U.S. under agreement with the U.N. partitioning. When the neighboring states attacked, the deal was pulled off the table.
Fourthly, Many Palestinians had flocked to Israel before the separation in order to get jobs created by Jews, and this was going on starting in the late 1800's.
Fifth, Jews
always lived in that region, so for you to claim otherwise is simply false.
Sixth, Jews have been kicked out of some Muslem countries, such as Yemen, plus they are not legally allowed to live in the WB and GS, so don't yell "discrimination!" when Muslems are clearly doing it to us.
Seventh, I personally don't wish any harm on anyone, nor would I ever ask God to punish anyone-- that's God's choice. Instead, I'd rather see people tyrants become much more compassionate and change their ways.
Eighth, I don't "dictate" the history of the area because the actual facts speak for themselves, and I have as much right to my opinion as you do to yours.
Ninth, no offense.
Tenth, salaam.