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Prayers for my cat

von bek

Well-Known Member
Hello, all.

As some of my friends here know, I have a cat named Foxy whom I love deeply. She and I have been friends for almost 10 years since she moved in with me. She is a kind-hearted cat, affectionate and loving. She is my heart, my best buddy, and my daughter. She is the last face I see at night and the first I see in the morning. I have lived by myself for about 10 years, alone but not lonely because of her.

Today I got some terrible news. Foxy has cancer and it is likely terminal. All I can do at this point is do what I can to maintain her quality of life and make her comfortable.

As a Buddhist, I know that all compounded things are impermanent. I realize that she, like all of us, has been dying since the day she was born. I know that life is dukkha. The Buddha teaches that it is those we love that are the greatest sources of suffering and misery within our lives. This concept is all too real for me at the moment. My craving to continue enjoying her presence, is based upon wrong views consisting of seeing a permanent self both in her and me. Intellectually I accept anatta; but, due to countless births and deaths in samsara, there is a deeply rooted "personality view" that still causes me to latch onto others as if they were enduring entities. This sets me up for future suffering. I know that who I call "Foxy" is a label for a particular collection of the aggregates. When her physical body breaks up, there will be a rebirth in another body. I know that the chain of cause and effect does not cease with the cessation of the physical body. I know the love we shared matters and will still matter in the future as it will condition future arising of consciousness and form.

I beg all of you who read this to take a moment and offer up prayers or good thoughts to my kitty cat. She needs it. Her condition may be terminal but it is still possible she and I could have many more months together. I deeply hope that she will be with me through at least Christmas. And just maybe... maybe even a miracle could restore her body and destroy the cancer within her.


von bek

Well-Known Member
Sorry. Trying to post pictures of Foxy. Not having luck. If you want to see her, check out my profile page.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Sending mettā to you and Foxy. I know what you are going through, so you have my empathy. May the gods make her comfortable and happy, and remain with you for a long time.
Hello, all.

As some of my friends here know, I have a cat named Foxy whom I love deeply. She and I have been friends for almost 10 years since she moved in with me. She is a kind-hearted cat, affectionate and loving. She is my heart, my best buddy, and my daughter. She is the last face I see at night and the first I see in the morning. I have lived by myself for about 10 years, alone but not lonely because of her.

Today I got some terrible news. Foxy has cancer and it is likely terminal. All I can do at this point is do what I can to maintain her quality of life and make her comfortable.

As a Buddhist, I know that all compounded things are impermanent. I realize that she, like all of us, has been dying since the day she was born. I know that life is dukkha. The Buddha teaches that it is those we love that are the greatest sources of suffering and misery within our lives. This concept is all too real for me at the moment. My craving to continue enjoying her presence, is based upon wrong views consisting of seeing a permanent self both in her and me. Intellectually I accept anatta; but, due to countless births and deaths in samsara, there is a deeply rooted "personality view" that still causes me to latch onto others as if they were enduring entities. This sets me up for future suffering. I know that who I call "Foxy" is a label for a particular collection of the aggregates. When her physical body breaks up, there will be a rebirth in another body. I know that the chain of cause and effect does not cease with the cessation of the physical body. I know the love we shared matters and will still matter in the future as it will condition future arising of consciousness and form.

I beg all of you who read this to take a moment and offer up prayers or good thoughts to my kitty cat. She needs it. Her condition may be terminal but it is still possible she and I could have many more months together. I deeply hope that she will be with me through at least Christmas. And just maybe... maybe even a miracle could restore her body and destroy the cancer within her.

Im sorry to hear about your cat.I love cats:) They are wonderful creatures and good friends.It is always sad to hear bad news about our beloved animals.I too have bad news.My puppy died this morning:( It was so sad......


| abhyAvartin |
Hello, all.

As some of my friends here know, I have a cat named Foxy whom I love deeply. She and I have been friends for almost 10 years since she moved in with me. She is a kind-hearted cat, affectionate and loving. She is my heart, my best buddy, and my daughter. She is the last face I see at night and the first I see in the morning. I have lived by myself for about 10 years, alone but not lonely because of her.

Today I got some terrible news. Foxy has cancer and it is likely terminal. All I can do at this point is do what I can to maintain her quality of life and make her comfortable.

As a Buddhist, I know that all compounded things are impermanent. I realize that she, like all of us, has been dying since the day she was born. I know that life is dukkha. The Buddha teaches that it is those we love that are the greatest sources of suffering and misery within our lives. This concept is all too real for me at the moment. My craving to continue enjoying her presence, is based upon wrong views consisting of seeing a permanent self both in her and me. Intellectually I accept anatta; but, due to countless births and deaths in samsara, there is a deeply rooted "personality view" that still causes me to latch onto others as if they were enduring entities. This sets me up for future suffering. I know that who I call "Foxy" is a label for a particular collection of the aggregates. When her physical body breaks up, there will be a rebirth in another body. I know that the chain of cause and effect does not cease with the cessation of the physical body. I know the love we shared matters and will still matter in the future as it will condition future arising of consciousness and form.

I beg all of you who read this to take a moment and offer up prayers or good thoughts to my kitty cat. She needs it. Her condition may be terminal but it is still possible she and I could have many more months together. I deeply hope that she will be with me through at least Christmas. And just maybe... maybe even a miracle could restore her body and destroy the cancer within her.


You have my deepest sympathies, Von Bek. You most certainly have not only my prayers but also my well-wishes, both of which I know can never truly be enough in regards to glorious Foxy. However, you have me and many others on here in whom you can confide and grieve---if the need be. I, too, deeply hope that she will be with you through Christmas and beyond. :hug:

von bek

Well-Known Member
Thanks to all of you for your compassion.

May you all be happy and free from suffering!


Istha gosthi
Namaskaram Von Bek ji

I am so sorry to hear this sad news , she looks the most special Cat , ...and even though ''all compound things are impermanent'' it is only natural that you should be sad at the thought of her eventual passing , of course yes I will pray for her and pray also that she will stay with you for a while yet and that she does not suffer .

and as you accept that ''the chain of cause and effect does not cease with the demise of the physical body '', then prehaps it is now time for you to help her to live out her last while peacefully , it might be nice if you feel so inclined to sing her mantra it will calm her and bless her mind and she will be enabled to take a most favorable birth . then even when she finaly passes , allthough you will feel sadness you will also feel joy to have been able to help her on her way .

blessings to you and to your dear friend Foxy


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
For Foxy (catnip)....

von bek

Well-Known Member
Namaskaram Von Bek ji

I am so sorry to hear this sad news , she looks the most special Cat , ...and even though ''all compound things are impermanent'' it is only natural that you should be sad at the thought of her eventual passing , of course yes I will pray for her and pray also that she will stay with you for a while yet and that she does not suffer .

and as you accept that ''the chain of cause and effect does not cease with the demise of the physical body '', then prehaps it is now time for you to help her to live out her last while peacefully , it might be nice if you feel so inclined to sing her mantra it will calm her and bless her mind and she will be enabled to take a most favorable birth . then even when she finaly passes , allthough you will feel sadness you will also feel joy to have been able to help her on her way .

blessings to you and to your dear friend Foxy

When I meditate, Foxy always likes to come and lie down next to me, resting her chin on my leg. :) Often, when I begin my pre-mediation chants she will walk over, knowing that I'm about to sit. I hope to dedicate good merit that I have accrued towards her so that she may achieve a happy rebirth. I'm even considering bringing her to my monastery so the monks can perhaps bless her.

Thank you for your kindness, my friend. :namaste

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
My deepest and sincere sympathies to you, von bek and Bible Student. In April, I lost my turtle that I had for about 15 years. It was very hard and I still miss him very much. As you say, life certainly is suffering and we may at least hope that death is a release from that. May she be comforted and experience as little pain and suffering as possible during these hard times. If it is her time, may she go quickly, painlessly and joyfully and may you remember her fondly. If she can be healed, let that be so.


von bek

Well-Known Member
My deepest and sincere sympathies to you, von bek and Bible Student. In April, I lost my turtle that I had for about 15 years. It was very hard and I still miss him very much. As you say, life certainly is suffering and we may at least hope that death is a release from that. May she be comforted and experience as little pain and suffering as possible during these hard times. If it is her time, may she go quickly, painlessly and joyfully and may you remember her fondly. If she can be healed, let that be so.


Thank you! Tried to frubal you, but apparently I have given too many out in the past 24 hours! lol So, please accept a raincheck. :)

I am really sorry to hear about your turtle. They are really cool beings. I remember as a kid growing up in the country, finding turtles wandering through our property. I always wanted to keep one as a pet. But, we had cats and a dog so it was difficult for me to convince my parents that we needed a turtle. (Already had a name picked out, Sir Timothy the Third. Don't ask me why, I was just a kid. There was never a Sir Timothy the First or Second either, just in case you were wondering... :))