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Praying for others


Premium Member

Intercessory Prayer is the act of praying on the behalf of others. The Bible has many instances of prophets who interceded in prayer for others. For you and me today there is One Mediator/intercessor who is pleading our case before God, 1 Timothy 2:5. If you love to pray, there are many people that could use your prayers, please consider becoming an Intercessor.
Intercessory prayer is more than just mentioning someone else as you pray, although that is good also. But to focus on something or someone specifically, and to pray about that in your daily pray time for a 21 day pray period.

God Bless,
Ron and Carol


Fool for Wisdom
Jeus taught the Lords Prayer, only asking that God's will be done. Intercession seems to imply that 'my will', be done. So what's up.......????!!!!


Jeus taught the Lords Prayer, only asking that God's will be done. Intercession seems to imply that 'my will', be done. So what's up.......????!!!!

The Lord's Prayer has more into it than that "...as we forgive those who trespass against us." This forgiving takes place in our prayers. It can mean all the difference to the person being forgiven.

There was once a nasty little Roman man whose pleasure in life was betting on which of his vicious dogs would reach the Christian children in the Roman Coliseum first. You know, they did this to the early Christians, in Rome's effort to stamp them out. This was depicted in a TV mini series called, A.D., back in the late 70's. So this was the pathetic and retched life of this one Roman man. He had many dogs. They were all vicious and they killed a lot of children. He was especially happy when he won money.

What was this man's destiny? The remaining Christians met in secrecy. There were catacombs under the city. And of course they knew which children had died in the Coliseum and who was their mother. One day, a Christain prayed with all her heart, asking her Saviour Jesus Christ to completely forgive the man with the dogs. She thought about the treasures waiting for her in heaven. She then asked God to give them to the man.

2000 years later, that man is alive. He lives his life trying to be kind. He feels love in his heart for God and the Saints. There is Godly purpose in his heart. He doesn't know exactly, by name, who that woman was, but God blessed him with a memory of his despicable actions that took place in ancient Rome. Perhaps, he thinks, the actual mother of one of the children...or a grandmother...or even a group of Christians. In his heart he believes it was the mother of one of the children, that his dogs killed. What counts the most is that the most incredible prayers of forgiveness were offered up to save him, at a time when all that nasty little Roman man wanted was a faster dog.


Jeus taught the Lords Prayer, only asking that God's will be done. Intercession seems to imply that 'my will', be done. So what's up.......????!!!!

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (Jas 5:16).

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.(1 Jon 3:7)

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;(Rom 3:21)

Gods righteousness standard for humans to live by is Jesus Christ. What sets true followers of Christ apart from those who are still trying to get it figured out is relation to self. Christ was selfless and therefore without sin. Those who hear with their ears and understand with there hearts become converted. They do righteousness and are righteous even as he is righteous by picking up their cross and denying their selves daily.

Paul was righteous. Paul continually prayed for others that they would have a better knowledge of who Christ is.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.(Matt 5:6)

Get righteous, get to praying.

Good Call ronandcarol