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predictions for the next 4 years

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Jensa said:
I'd like to see the fanatical religious right eradicated from the face of the earth to make way for a new candidate: Reason.
And I know where that candidate can find a Voice!! I like the way you think, Jensa!!


The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Jensa said:
I'd like to see the fanatical religious right eradicated from the face of the earth to make way for a new candidate: Reason.
You know Jensa, I almost frubaled this, but the more I think about it, I can't. I fully understand your feelings, even though I am not gay. I empathize with you, and support you. But I can't agree with this statement, as you wrote it.
I'd modify it to say:
I'd like to see religious fanaticism eradicated from the face of the earth, to make way for a new candidate: Freedom.
Heck, Jensa, I'm gonna frubal it anyway. I know that you suffer from the religious based bigotry that is homophobia. But I think your mind is stronger than the Falwell's, Robertson's and Rove's of this world. I know it is. Hang in there, you are not alone. As Sunstone put it - This too, shall pass.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I predict that abortions will increase over the next four years as abstinence only sexuality education creates increasing ignorance of contraception.

Not a hard prediction to make, since that's already the trend.


Well-Known Member
Well..just FYI...

An American citizen can`t own beachfront property in the Yucatan.

I tried.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
By the way, Mr. Spinkles and Ceridwen...Congratulations on your candidate winning. I hope for everyone's sake that your faith in him is proven well placed. One of the few consolations of this election is the thought that at least you two are happy. :)

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to do the honorable thing and drink myself insensible while weeping manfully into my beer.
Sunstone-- LOL.

Actually I'm beginning to dread Bush's second term...I have to listen to you people complain like this for four years. Oy vey. ;)

What's interesting for me, is how similar the liberals and conservatives sound when their guy loses in a tough election. I remember when Clinton won his second term, all I heard was "Oh no! He's going to increase abortions! He's an embarassment! A crook! Our nation is going down the drain!" I doubt very much that these current gloom and doom predictions will come to pass....I think our nation will survive, and in fact I think things are going to improve quite a bit.


Four years from now - Condoleza Rice on the Republican ticket. Wouldn't that be ironic? The first woman and the first black Presidential candidate in the same person. It would go right up the Democrats' backend sideways - and it would kill any advantage that Hilary would have with women and African Americans.


Uber all member
Trinitas said:
Four years from now - Condoleza Rice on the Republican ticket. Wouldn't that be ironic? The first woman and the first black Presidential candidate in the same person. It would go right up the Democrats' backend sideways - and it would kill any advantage that Hilary would have with women and African Americans.

On the ticket -
Theodora (Tonie) Nathan 1972
Geraldine A. Ferraro 1984 Democrat
Nancy Lord 1992



pah said:

On the ticket -
Theodora (Tonie) Nathan 1972
Geraldine A. Ferraro 1984 Democrat
Nancy Lord 1992

I wasn't talking about Condi being on the ticket as VP.
Ferraro was the VP candidate;
Nathan was the Libertarian Presidential candidate,
and Lord Johnson was the Libertarian VP candidate.
So, as far as having a point, your only valid one would be Theodora Nathan. However, since she was a Libertarian candidate and only got 1 electoral vote, she really cannot be considered a serious candidate with mainstream America. Condi Rice would be just that, and there is a real possibility of her being on the ticket in the #1 spot 4 years from now. Furthermore, your point fails to contradict the point that she would be the first endorsed black candidate for a major party. I will stress the words "endorsed" and "major party" this time. I get the feeling that you are just trying to be contrary, pah. You're better than that.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Trinitas -
I'll wager 1000 coins that Condoleeza Rice is not the Presidential nominee for the Republican party in 2008. That, my friend, will happen right after the US Constitution is amended to allow foreign born people to hold the office of President - for the benefit of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I subscribe to another forum, where both of these issues are being hotly debated by the staunch Republicans. As you would expect, the extreme minority want either of these things to come to pass, while the vast majority of the Republicans are, shall we say, "miffed" at both of these ideas.

Very humorous to watch, from my standpoint. The party of compassionite conservatives seems to be struggling with the very idea of having anything other than an American born male WASP carry the flag. :)


PS - for what it is worth, I would not wish to see a foreign born national be eligible for the office of the President.


The Voice of Reason said:
Trinitas -
PS - for what it is worth, I would not wish to see a foreign born national be eligible for the office of the President.
You may be right about Condi Rice. After all, four years is still a long way off, and a lot can happen between now and then. I was just imagining a hypothetical situation that would be quite ironic. I'm with you on the whole Ahnold thing. I don't know if I'd vote for him or not, but I don't think we should go changing the Constitution to suit the political ambitions of one man. Could you imagine if we DID change the Constitution to allow for foreign born citizens to run for President? Osama would be first in line at the Dept of Immigration & Naturalization! :biglaugh:


high overlord of sod all
What do I think will happen in the next four years? Bush will muck up SO badly that the democrats will get voted in with a huge majority... wait, I thought that was what he was going to do last time!

On second thoughts, Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War.

Maybe all this bible stuff IS right ;)

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Trinitas said:
Could you imagine if we DID change the Constitution to allow for foreign born citizens to run for President? Osama would be first in line at the Dept of Immigration & Naturalization! :biglaugh:
That, my friend, will earn you a few frubals - great reply.



I'm back!
i dont not want to see arnold swarzenegger in the white house. OMG noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
yes, thats how much i feeel about this issue.


Iam afraid we will begin to see militant backlashes, maybe even violent ones, from gays, atheists and other groups who have had it up to here with dictatorial religious right-wing governmental policies.

I am also afraid we will see additional unjustified military actions from George II.


Religious Zionist
Evertime i think of Ahnold being president i just can't help but think of Demolition Man and the Schwarzenegger Library!
:biglaugh: :biglaugh:


Religious Zionist
retrorich said:
I am also afraid we will see additional unjustified military actions from George II.
I'm not too worried about it unless we feel a need to get involved in Iran, which i don't think we will. We went to Iraq because it was the easy win, if we tried to do anything in Iran it would be disasterous!:(


The cake is a lie
Sunstone said:
I kind of worry, Jensa, about you being stuck in a small town in Georgia -- that might become a very uncomfortable environment for you, given your sexual orientation. Best wishes to you.

Uncomfortable is probably the mildest word I could possibly think of for living here. I know a grand total of one person in a school of 1000+ people who is gay and out about it, and she gets told quite often that she's going to hell and doesn't really like girls. I'm out of here as soon as I graduate in may, though, so it's all good. :D Thank you for the well wishes.

TVOR said:
I'd modify it to say:
I'd like to see religious fanaticism eradicated from the face of the earth, to make way for a new candidate: Freedom.

That's most definately a better wording than I originally put down in a fit of anger, and I thoroughly agree with it.

But I think your mind is stronger than the Falwell's, Robertson's and Rove's of this world. I know it is. Hang in there, you are not alone. As Sunstone put it - This too, shall pass.

Getting supportive comments from two people today really means a lot to me (I was in a funk about gay marriage earlier). Thanks, you two. :)

Mr_Spinkles said:
Actually I'm beginning to dread Bush's second term...I have to listen to you people complain like this for four years. Oy vey.

Oh, this is only the beginning. :D Expect much noise from the Democratic party during the next four years...

Irenicas said:
On second thoughts, Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War.

Maybe all this bible stuff IS right

I certainly hope it is! I know I'm sure ready for Bush to float up into the sky and go away forever! :biglaugh:
I feel strongly that because we refused to back down with Saddam, we showed regimes like Iran's that there will actually be consequances for pursuing chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, thus maing war less likely. Like domestic laws, international laws preserve peace only when when we demonstrate we are willing to enforce them.