Really, must you be so disagreeable at every turn?
Note: To reply with a "No" would have required some degree of disagreeableness, correct?
No, the Catholic Church is not a business. But the Catholic Church would refer to itself more so as a family.
Ahh! A family? I see. So it's more like
La Cosa Nostra?
It has to be run as a business in some sense in order to achieve its primary mission.
A business must also be run as a business in order to achieve
its primary mission.
Rather than forging a distinction between religion and business, you appear to be offering evidence that supports the notion that religion is in fact a business.
It cannot operate without income either, yes, so true.
Indeed. To do so would border on the miraculous.
But the author of this article attempted to paraphrase the Catechism and explain what is the “mission of the of the Church.”
What is the Mission of the Church?
He said: “The mission of the Church is to win souls for Jesus Christ and to work to build God’s Kingdom on Earth.”
To which someone asked, “What does it mean to ‘build God’s Kingdom on Earth?’”
He replied --- “to build God’s Kingdom” means “to work to create a world that reflects the innate, God-given, dignity and worth of every human being.”
So the church's philanthropy could never be described as disinterested, correct? Which is why the word "altruism" doesn't seem applicable to what churches do.
Once again on the word ‘religion.’ You and yours too often find horrors in one religion and use then to discredit all religions. That is unjust.
I hope you'll agree that religions share some common features?
Islam cannot discredit Catholicism, but the way you use the word religion is, again, unjust. Why not just say mankind is evil towards its many neighbors, Catholism is made up of mankind, therefore Catholicism is evil?
First of all, I don't recall mentioning Islam in this thread. Would you care to cite the point where I did? Otherwise, I'm largely prepared to dismiss this as a digression.
However, since we find ourselves here, allow me to ask what I hope are a few relevant questions:
Q. - Are you arguing that both Catholicism and Islam
aren't religions? Don't they both fall into the category of "religion?"
Q. - Was the 1919
Black Sox Scandal merely a black eye for the White Sox organization ... or was it a black eye for Major League Baseball as a whole?
If it was a black eye for the entire edifice of baseball, then I suppose you're best advised to imagine the various faiths as baseball franchises and stop trying to imply that they aren't all inexorably linked by virtue of them all being religions.
And atheism can be called a religion in the sense that your third definition suggests and ideology as much as any deity.
So in the sense of that definition, Catholicism is like the Cub Scouts or model railroading?
It defines intent and actions on ordering one’s life, no different than all these religions you want to lump together as more or less the same.
Wrong. Atheism is a position regarding a single item: The existence of a god or gods. That's it.
An atheist is free to order their life in any way that they see fit.
What is the difference between Catholicism and Islam? Well, the former represents the one true God and His mission, the other has a different mission and speaks falsehoods about the one true God. Results differ greatly.
I'm going to maintain that
as religions, Christianity and Islam have the exact same mission.
Yes, I well know we Catholics and Presbyterians have a lot of common dogma or doctrine. Your charge is a red herring.
It wasn't a charge. It was a question to your blanket assertion that you would not defend what Presbyterians do or believe. It isn't a red herring to seek clarification.
The point I was making is that what they do differently is also severe. They endorse gay marriage, that is one example. They also claim praying to and honoring the Blessed Mother is a great error.
Where in the Bible are Christians advised to pray to Mary? Where in
The Lord's Prayer does Jesus instruct his disciples to pray to his mother?
That is far greater a transgression than you will ever consider.
When asked how to pray correctly, Jesus
did not indicate that anyone needed to pray to his mother.
Note: I'll be happy to be corrected on this point if you can conjure up some scripture that disproves my assertion that this bit of Catholic doctrine fails to rise above the level of non-canonical fan fiction.
They deny the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist, they reject the sacrament and divine presence in Confession, they deny the reality of purgatory. You think all of this is bears little consequence to God?
Again: Are any of these theological
accoutrements supported by scripture?
The charge of yours that Catholic Church accumulates wealth for wealth’s sake (whether true or not) is NOT THE SAME as another Christian denomination that changes its beliefs for the sake of gathering greater numbers to bring in more donations.
My "charge" that the Catholic Church accumulates obscene amounts of wealth (for whatever reason) was only offered as a response to your assertion that the Catholic Church would never resort to such behavior to attract adherents. I'm going to maintain that all of the glitz and glitter is for exactly that purpose. It's Las Vegas-styled showmanship.
And anyway,
it's quite clearly evident that the Catholic Church has indeed changed its beliefs over the centuries. Conveniently - for the sake of this discussion, at least
- these changes have in fact been in regard to the accumulation of wealth
(Quelle surprise!):
At the fifteenth Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church (The
Council of Vienne, 1311) it was declared that "
if any person obstinately maintained that there was no sin in the practice of demanding interest, he should be punished as a heretic."
Does the Catholic Church still condemn charging interest on loans as a heresy, or has its position on this issue changed with time? Wait. I'll answer that one for you:
"The Holy See itself puts its funds out at interest, and requires ecclesiastical administrators to do the same." ~
Catholic Encyclopedia
Shall we investigate other areas where Catholic Doctrine has
changed evolved?
The Catholic Church will never recognize gay marriage or abortion as ok, much less for the sake of attracting more paying customers.
Don't hold your breath.
As you've already conceded, the Catholic Church
must be run as a business and it cannot function without income.