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private prisons


Skanky Old Mongrel!
What are "private prisons"? I don't think we've got any here in England.
Yeh....... G4S runs some private prisons in the UK

I served 3 months on a vigilante rap in Leicester Prison in 2002 but it wasn't private.
You served 3 months? Does that mean the sentence was 6 months?
Vigilante rap? What rubbish is that? No such crime in the UK.
And you don't tend to get prison for Breach of Peace or Common Assault.
Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm maybe?
Did you hurt someone?



Anyone been following the Michigan/Aramark sitch?

Jonathan Oosting

LANSING, MI — The Michigan Department of Corrections canceled a $98,000 fine against Aramark Correctional Services months before the Snyder administration announced another $200,000 fine for the private prison food vendor.

An MDOC spokesperson on Thursday told The Detroit Free Press that the original fine, levied in March for various contract violations involving meals and improper contact with inmates, “never was paid.”

The acknowledgement followed the release of an email thread between Gov. Rick Snyder's Chief of Staff Dennis Muchmore and MDOC Director Dan Heyns, who wrote on March 13 that he would “tone down my attack dogs, delay or cancel any fines and give Aramark time to solve the problems.”

The emails, obtained by Progress Michigan through a Freedom of Information Act request, began with Muchmore forwarding a news story about lawmaker concerns with violations by Aramark, which won a three-year $145 million contract with the state in late 2013.

“Do you feel you’ve got this under control?” Muchmore asked, suggesting the “attacks” were initiated by union groups, ostensibly upset that the state privatized a service previously performed in-house.

A subsequent email from Muchmore was redacted by the state, according to Progress Michigan, before Heyns said he would cancel any fines.

“We were concerned about losing control of a joint and told them repeatedly with no improvement,” Heyns wrote. “Our corrective action was too harsh.”

The original fines, detailed in a series of letters from MDOC to Aramark earlier this year, were expected to be paid within 30 days. Up until this week, it was not known that MDOC canceled the fines.

Snyder administration spokesperson Sara Wurfel said the email exchange was “simply a request to ease off escalating the tension and work toward identifying the cause of issues and finding resolution.”

“The contract and food service operations was clearly an issue — problems had been identified on both sides of the relationship and getting that situation fixed, along with safety and security at the state’s correctional institutions, was a top priority,” she said.

Progress Michigan, a liberal advocacy group that released the emails, had a different interpretation. The exchange, the group said, “shows the top levels of Snyder’s administrations pulling strings in the early stages of Aramark’s public blunders” and confirmed fears about prison safety.

"For months, we were led to believe this fine had been levied and that it was part of holding Aramark accountable, and then we find out it hadn’t been levied," said spokesperson Sam Inglot. "It’s a questionable action from this administration."

Snyder last month announced a $200,000 fine against Aramark and said the company would be required to redesign its current training and staffing procedures in coordination with MDOC.

Using that fine money, Snyder this week hired a new independent monitor to act as a liaison between the state and Aramark. Ed Buss, former chief of prisons in Florida and Indiana, will make $160,000 as the Senior Advisor for Contract Oversight.

Buss has extensive experience in corrections, but critics have also questioned his hire. He was reportedly forced out after six months on the job in Florida following contract clashes with Gov. Rick Scott, including concerns that initial health care privatization bids would have benefited a consultant whom Buss had hired.

Michigan Corrections canceled first $98,000 Aramark fine for contract violations | MLive.com

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Fact is we imprison far more people than other countries. If you live in America you have a better chance of going to prison than any other developed nation in the world. However our crime rates are not proportionally lower. (or higher for that matter if we wished to claim that Americans were simply far more violent or something)

And "harsher punishments" isn't actually the answer. There are more effective ways of combating crime and they need to be implemented. A good way to immediately help this would be to get rid of private prisons in general. Make them government facilities with government employees that is publicly owned.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
What are "private prisons"? I don't think we've got any here in England.
I served 3 months on a vigilante rap in Leicester Prison in 2002 but it wasn't private.

"The raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan beneath my battlements"- Lady Macbeth
Wow! Looks like Kentucky's original house of pain.



Shuttlecraft quote: I served 3 months on a vigilante rap in Leicester Prison in 2002..
..You served 3 months? Does that mean the sentence was 6 months?
Vigilante rap? What rubbish is that? No such crime in the UK.
And you don't tend to get prison for Breach of Peace or Common Assault.
Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm maybe?
Did you hurt someone?

I was a victim of the pol-correct times mate, there'd just been black riots in some northern English cities, so when I kept tipping off the police about the black drug-dealing that I could see from my window they did absolutely nothing in case it triggered a riot.
Then the dealers claimed that I was "harassing" them by watching them through my binoculars, so the coppers swung smoothly into action and arrested ME, and I got 3 months jail, you couldn't make it up!
The charge was something like "Harassment and Intimidation", but I prefer to think of myself as a daredevil 'vigilante'..:)
I was a model prisoner ("The Angel of D Block") and was released after a month with an electronic tag round my ankle like a cocker spaniel.
In fact I didn't know I was due for release, I was laying on my bunk engrossed with reading "Geronimo:Apache Warrior" when a guard opened the cell door and said "Why haven't you got your things together? Don't you want to leave us?"
So out I went into the big wide world, drat I never did get to finish the book..

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I presume you didn't mind the white drug dealing?

I didn't see any whiteys doing it, I only saw the black dealers across the street doing it.
At first I minded my own business as a constant stream of junkies knocked their door and did doorstep deals, but when I noticed kids from the nearby school hanging around the drug house that's when I decided to tip off the Leicester police, but they did absolutely nothing like I said. I even tipped off the headmistress but she did nothing either.
Next I deliberately let the dealers see me watching them with my binoculars from my window, hoping that'd scare them, but it didn't, they simply carried on and sometimes waved a machete at me, telling me "You wanna watch it mate!".
And like I said, they complained to the coppers that I was "harassing" them, so I was arrested and jailed, you couldn't make it up.
When I was released the local gutless lefty council told me they were commencing eviction proceedings against me on the grounds of my "anti-social" sentence, so I decided to move to Plymouth.
The day I left, the dealing was still going on as usual..


Veteran Member
...when I noticed kids from the nearby school hanging around the drug house that's when I decided to tip off the Leicester police, but they did absolutely nothing like I said. I even tipped off the headmistress but she did nothing either...
Sounds exactly like Rotherham and a thousand other places. Nobody cares about vulnerable children even when they are paid to do so.

Shuttlecraft said:
And like I said, they complained to the coppers that I was "harassing" them, so I was arrested and jailed, you couldn't make it up.
What was the charge?


Why? It's not as though government run prisons have been exemplary. They've been
rife with corruption, assault (by both prisoners & staff) & incompetence. (A friend
worked at a local federal prison in Milan, & tells me stories.) If a privately run prison
can meet standards at a lower cost, then this would be useful. Where private prisons
have problems, they'd have the same sources as government operations, eg, lack of
proper oversight, lack of funding.

Caution (just in case): Orange Is The New Black is just a fictional TV show. But if TV
is to be trusted in demonizing privately run jails, then consider the government run
ones in Sons Of Anarchy.

If you'd read anything about the subject before coming up with an opinion, you'd know that every independent audit of private prisons has found conditions to be even worse, and the savings to be negligible, if any.


Sounds exactly like Rotherham and a thousand other places. Nobody cares about vulnerable children even when they are paid to do so.
What was the charge?

I think the charge was something like "Intimidation and Harassment" but it was 12 years ago and I can't remember exactly. I keep meaning to contact my solicitor to find out.
As for the recent Rotherham child abuse by Pakistani men, that's another example of how the police and councils are afraid to tackle anybody with a black skin, even now!

PS- when my case came to court, the black drug gang boss "Machete Bernie" never turned up at first, presumably because he wanted to drop the charges, but the police sent a car to persuade him to come and gave him a lift to the court, you couldn't make it up!
As I half-jokingly said to my solicitor, "it was probably a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce, and a red carpet unrolled at the courthouse"..:)
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What some don't seem to stop and think about is the fact that if a private company invests money, they expect a return back. Meaning: something has to be cut in order to achieve that. Also, since these firms make money on housing inmates, they're not exactly going to be inclined to want to parole them.

And then there's the lobbying issue whereas there's going to be the strong temptation-- oh, let me say probability-- that they'll lobby to have longer sentences, less paroles, and more automatic minimum sentencing.

We have a for-profit health-care system, and we see how expensive that is even without having universal coverage, and now we're to privatize our prison systems?

You are correct. Private prison investors lobby very aggressively for longer, harsher sentences, mandatory minimums, etc. Their profits depend upon it.


I am appalled by the private prison industry. I the private prisons should be shut down! What can we do to bring the private prison industry down?

Legalize or decriminalize drugs and stop incarcerating undocumented migrants and they will all go out of business. Boom.